Friday, June 12, 2015


This morning we went to our ceramics at 8:30 am to 11:00 am. We came back to out home and McKenna and Josh arrived in a few minutes. We had a little time together here at the the house then we went over to "The Soup Plantation" for lunch. After having a great lunch we went back to the house and spent some time with McKenna and Josh. At 1:30 Mckenna and Josh left to go back Ethel and I had to go to the Club for a Travel Meeting and they showed a movie on Ireland . At break time we had our snack of coffee, tea and cookies. We had to leave then to go to our appointment for our hearing aids. So we didn't get a chance to see the last part of the Ireland movie. We both purchased PHONAK hearing aids. We arrived at home about 4:30 pm. For dinner we had cottage cheese with pineapple and crackers. Watched the News and game shows and here I am doing a Blog with a couple pictures. It was so nice to spend some time with the kids. Well hear are a couple pictures.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Its June 2015

As I have been getting up early every morning as after being in bed for several hours I have pain in my hip and leg. Then is my time for me to go to my chair for prayer and Bible reading. This morning I went to the laundry room to do a load of washing, then we had breakfast and I did another load of washing as I haven't done my washing for 22 days. It seems nice to get everything washed up.

 This afternoon we went to the club to play hand and foot but we played Mexican train instead  Ethel and I didn't care much for that game.

Yesterday we went to Cost Co and got one of those BBQ chicken so we have had that for 2 days so I guess we will have chicken sandwiches, chicken salad & chicken and dumplings for the next few days. What a great buy as it goes so far for the two of us and it is so good.