Friday, October 30, 2015


Yesterday Ethel and I went to Prime Time at Church. We were hesitating to go as we thought it would be about politics. The Mayor of Poway, Steve Vaus gave his testimony which was very interesting and touching which made tears come to my eyes. Steve told about how his father was into real bad things until he attended a Billy Graham service and was converted which turned his life around. Oh what a story which I wish everyone could hear. It makes me think Steve Vaus should get into politics and run for president of the USA to help change this country around the way it was in the beginning "IN GOD WE TRUST". They served a great lunch of Pork chops with mushroom sauce, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, jello salad, ice cream, cookies, cup cakes and drinks. We had a doggie bag for dinner.
In the afternoon we went to meet with the ladies for "hand and foot".
Today we went to ceramics this morning and came home and had Chicken Pot pies for lunch. This afternoon we played a few games of Dutch Shuffleboard and Rummy-Q.
For dinner tonight we had Sweet Potatoes, chicken with sweet sauce and pineapple.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Feeling under the weather

This morning we had pancakes with blueberries which was very good. At 8:30 we went to ceramics and had a good time with the ladies just talking and some painting. We had a green salad and turkey sandwich for lunch. It was so nice outside we decided to have lunch outside, then the garden man came along with the noisy mower so we finished our lunch inside. Than Ethel went outside to pull some weeds and I started to clean the sun room, I started with the window ledges which were really dirty then cleaning the walls from the dead ants and vacuum and moving furniture etc. I finally decided to stop so what happened was I got that BAD syatic pain so I could hardly move., had to use the cane again and Ethel finished the vacuum. I rested a while in my chair and had some relief. But I still have to move very slowly.
I pray that I will be able to take the car to Toyota to get the break light fixed and go to Wal-Mart. I received the cell phone today the (Huawei Vision 2 4GB) which I am going to return as it seems too complicated for me and I will try the (Doro Phone Easy 626) which is more like the one I have. Since I have a time with all these new gadgets I will stick to the old type.
Well that was our day. 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Feeling better

We are feeling better and will be going to Church tomorrow as we have not gone to Church since before our Alaska Cruise. Yesterday Alden and Josh came over and I went with them to watch Josh play Flag Football. The weather was great, after the game when we got on the freeway it started to rain. We went to Costco for gas and things for dinner, like Chicken, potato salad and blueberry muffins. While sitting at the table Alden spotted a army of ants from the sun room all the way to our snacks as they really liked some cookies which we had to trash. Alden did some checking on the left break light which kept going out. I think he found the problem as the bulb kept getting loose. Will have to keep a eye on it.
Today I did washing and this afternoon we went to Ellen and Gerry's to play hand and foot.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Home again

Ethel and I arrived home Oct. 2 from our Alaska Cruise.
At Juneau Alaska we enjoyed the Glaciers but are disappointed to see that they are fading away.
At Skagway Alaska we took the "White Pass Scenic Railway" train ride up the mountains and it was very amazing to see how the track was built in the side of the mountains and through tunnels and over bridges, this was about a 2 hour ride up the mountains and when we arrived at the top of the mountain they unhitched the locomotive and hitched it to the back end to go down the mountain as there was only one track to go on. The seats in the train cars were built to reverse to go down the mountain. There was a gas heater in each car and the heater in our car was running out of oil so we had to move to another car as it was quite cold.
At Ketchikan It was raining we took the tour of "Saxman Native Village & Lumber show" it was hard to walk through the paths as they were uneven and slippery so we had to really watch our step then they took us to the town to shop before the lumberjack show. We decided to go back to the ship as it was raining and we didn't want to shop.
At Butchart Gardens & Victoria Highlights the tour was very nice and the gardens were beautiful. Victoria is beautiful and the gardens were beautiful.
Ethel was not feeling well while at the Butchart Gardens and from then on for the rest of the cruise she was really under the weather.
When exiting the ship in San Diego everything was delayed and there was NO call for color exit. We were marched all around the ship even through the dinning rooms. Alden had to pick us up and when we finally got off the ship we called Alden to meet us in the center as he was waiting somewhere for us.