Monday, March 28, 2016

Day after Easter 2016

Easter Sunday we attended the 8:30 am service. It was a beautiful service, pastor Dr. Neal Nybo gave the message about the Easter story. The Sanctuary Orchestra and the Choir preformed great music.
The Church was packed which is usual for Easter.
After the service we went home for a little rest and about 11:30 am we went to "Out Back" for a 12:00 reservation. The food was great but way too much for us to eat so of course we had to ask for a container to go which we finished Sunday night. Of course we had Shrimp which we both like.
This morning we went to our ceramics class. There was a lady from China who has just moved into 7-Oaks and she wants to join the ceramics class to associate and learn the English language better. She speaks the Mandarin language.
At noon today we will be going over to Diane's for pot luck lunch. Going to be good.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

St. Patrick's Day

We had a great day at Prime Time Fashion Show from the RBCPC Resale Shops. Oh what beautiful outfits. There were 24 tables with 6 per table, mostly ladies. We had 7 of our friends at our table

I was so thrilled when I spotted one of our friends which we have missed for about 1 & 1/2 years. Her name is Dorothy and she informed me that her husband Mac passed away and she has not gotten out much. She was so glad that I invited her to our table. Then there was other ladies from our ceramics group at our table.

Lois gave a great talk on St Patrick how he started a great mission in Ireland. Followed with prayer.

Then there was a Ham Buffet following.

Both Ethel and I purchased a jacket from the Resale Shop.