Thursday, May 18, 2017

After Mother's Day

May 14 2017 was Mother's Day and Ethel and I went to the 8:30 am service and we were accepted in as New Members. After service we went to Denny's for breakfast then came home and rested a little. Then we went to Cost-Co for gas and it was closed for repairs. After that we went down to Alden's and had lunch with them. Alden was the cook and O what a great meal. They presented us with some beautiful flowers and Gina took our picture but something happened that the computer did not accept the picture. We returned home before dark as I don't like to be out after dark.
Then Monday we went to Ceramics and  Hand & Foot.
Tuesday we went to Rummy Que.
Wednesday I went for my Mammogram and we went to Home Depot to pick up a flapper for Ethel's bathroom. At about 3:00 pm the door bell rang and what do you know was standing at the door, it was Albert. He had tried to send me a Mother's Day e-mail but it didn't go through so he had a bus run up here at the R.B. hotel so he stopped in and I gave him his copy of "My Story". We had a nice little talk as it has been so long since we saw each other. He is doing great and been doing traveling.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Ethel's surgery

This is a day I was wishing Alan was here. I had a hard night to sleep as I knew I had to drive Ethel to the SCRIPPS clinic in La Jola for surgery on her hand.
We loaded my walker and cane in the car as we didn't know what the situation would be like. So we left at 9:30 am. Ethel was to check in at 10:30 so we arrived at the clinic at10:25. Due to the fact that we got lost and had to get directions at a service station.
Ethel was taken into the operation room at 12:00 and at 12:15 pm the doctor came to me and said he was finished, everything went well. I picked her up and we headed for home and had soup for lunch at about 2:00 pm.
Mother's day Ethel and I will be joining the RBCPC church, then we will be driving down to Alden's for Mother's Day celebration.