Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Here again

Today has been a slow day, no sun until late afternoon. This morning Ethel went to Scripps medical to have surgery for cancer on her right hand. I decided to soak my feet in warm water which felt great. Yesterday we went to Rummy-Q neither Ethel or I won. O well we had a good time with the ladies. This is Memorial week end so here is a picture with our flags.

Friday, May 25, 2018


This morning we checked the TV again and it still showed Technicolor again so we called Spectrum again and she walked us through some things and still no TV. She ordered for a technician to come at 5:00 pm. To our amazement we turned the TV on at 5:30 pm and it was fixed before the technician arrived. Well he told us at night sometimes Spectrum does updates and didn't turn it on after wards. So now if the box shows the time of day it should be working. He gave us other tips also. Today I made a potato salad and did a load of washing, cleaned my bathroom. Now we have finished our spring house cleaning I think. Oh the windows still needs to be cleaned.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

TV not working

Today the weather has been a little chilly with a cold wind. At 9:30 am we went to Cost-Co and got gas and groceries. After putting away the groceries we had a good hot dish and corn on the cob. Then we went to the club to play hand and foot, there was only Mary, Ethel and myself. I made biscuits for strawberry short cake and soup. When we tried to se the news the TV was out of order. We called Spectrum several times and they said they were working on it. Seems funny as our neighbors TV was working. I ordered a globe and here it is.  

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Great weather

We are having great weather in the 70"s some clouds, this is my kind of weather. Today we went to the 8:30 am church service at 10:00 am we attended the class led by a converted Jew he was converted in 1987. The topic was about his life before his conversion. His scripture was in 1st Samuel. After the class we went to the Chinese restaurant for lunch. As long as we were in the area of Wal-Mart we decided to do our shopping. I purchased replacement bulbs for the recessed lights. Now I will wait for some tall person to install the one in the kitchen.
Yesterday we went to the wedding of Elizabeth the choir director. In the evening we watched the wedding of Harry from England, quite a long ceremony but interesting.