Thursday, February 29, 2024

Last of Feb. 2024

 Breakfast was cold cereal with banana and coffee. I did my computer things, then at noon I was getting a sore throat and runny nose. Lunch was soup and grapes. Afternoon was time to relax, then Alden and I played Rummy-Q but he is coming down with runny nose also. I pray that we will get a good night sleep. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Feeling better

 Breakfast was cream of wheat with raisins, banana and coffee. Time in my recliner and Gina put my compression socks on. Checked computer things and did puzzles and games on computer. Lunch was tuna sandwich and grapes. Checked things to get rid of, some for Alden's school like crayons and pencils. Alden brought my evening meal to my room which was cream of mushroom soup and crackers with peanutbutter as Emma and McKenna were not feeling well.


Tuesday, February 27, 2024


Breakfast was cold cereal with banana and coffee. I tried to rest more today as last night I had the worst sciatic back pain, I put pain medicine on it and took more Tylenol. I feel better today but will have to be careful how I move so it doesn't go out again. Tonight Alden rubbed my back and knee with (Diclofenac Sodium Topical Gel)

Monday, February 26, 2024

Slow day

 Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins, banana and coffee. Check computer things and Bible reading. Lunch was 1/2 cup of noodles and crackers. Afternoon was nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was beans, rice, broccoli, biscuit with honey and two cookies.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

We got to skype

That was great that we got to skype this evening at 7:00pm, it is so nice to be able to talk to Alan. He will be coming to US in July about time for his birthday. Alan got to school late for his class so he is making one hour up. For my breakfast Alden made eggs and toast with orange marmalade and coffee. I did my bible reading and computer things and I had a afternoon nap. I finished my yogurt tonight. 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Trying to skype

 Breakfast was cold cereal, banana and coffee. Did bible reading, computer check and games and puzzles. Lunch was a sandwich and chips. Alden and I played Rummy-Q, each winning a game. Afternoon nap and evening meal was two eggs over easy on toast and yogurt for dessert. At about 7:00pm I received a sound to skype but Alan's skype said he is not online. I am wondering what is going on. I know Alan will find out why we can not skype.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Trying to SKYPE

 I was up at 7:00am and striped my bedding and remade my bed. McKenna came and cut my hair and helped with a shower. I rested for a few minutes. Lunch was 1/2 sandwich and chips which McKenna made. I ordered sweatpants from Walmart, did some computer things. Evening meal was soup and two cookies. Alden and I played "Hand and Foot" and I was the winner, but it was a close game. Alan called to Skype but I had to shut down the computer and then he was not available. Then I did bible reading.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Nights are some warmer

 Breakfast was cold cereal and coffee. Then I went to my recliner for a few minutes. I checked my computer and did my bible reading. Lunch was soup and crackers. Afternoon was more bible reading as I am reading the book of Job and it is a long book. I did some computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was soup and beans and two cookies. I think I will go to bed early as I feel tired so Alden took off my compression socks already.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Nothing new

 Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins, banana and coffee. Then it was bible reading. McKenna came and made soup for lunch. Had a short nap, checking for computer things and going through my paper work, some to toss. Evening meal was a hamburger and baked beans and cookies for desert. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

More rain

 Breakfast was cold cereal with banana and coffee. Bible reading, computer things and games and puzzles. Lunch was vegetable soup with grilled cheese sandwich. Had a nap. Evening meal was soup and crackers with peanutbutter and cookies for desert. 

Monday, February 19, 2024

This is Monday

 Breakfast was two eggs over easy on toast and coffee. Bible reading was next then computer things and games and puzzles. Lunch was a sandwich with hot water to drink. Today I am looking over all the coffee packets which Lovely has sent and it looks like I have enough for 9 months at one a day plus what is in Gina's and Alden's kitchen. Tonight Alden and I played what we call the "Brain Game" which is Rummy-Q. We each won a game so we are even for tonight. Alden had a 4 day weekend off. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

This is Sunday

 Breakfast was cold cereal, banana and coffee. Did my bible reading and notes on line. Church service with Robert Jefferies. Lunch was chicken pot pie. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was green salad, pizza and yogurt. 

Saturday, February 17, 2024


 Breakfast was waffle with blueberries, syrup and whipped cream and coffee. Alden and I played Hand &Foot, I was doing good then Alden beat me by 50 points in the last round. Alden put my washing in the washer and when finished he loaded it on my bed for me to fold and put away. I had a short nap and evening meal was chicken pot pie and a little of my yogurt. 

good then Alden beat me by 50 points in the last round. Alden put my washing in the washer and when finished he loaded it on my bed for me to fold and put away. I had a short nap and evening meal was chicken pot pie and a little of my yogurt. 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Alan is on his way

Breakfast was cold cereal, banana and coffee. Time to my recliner then bible reading and computer time. Lunch was chicken pot pie. Afternoon was nap time, I had time talking with Alan and Alan helped me with my socks morning and night. Also Alan picked up things from WalMart for me. It was so nice to spend time with Alan. He checked things on my computer.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Alan is leaving dinner

 Breakfast was cold cereal, banana and coffee. Time in my room bible reading, then computer things. Alan is checking everything and he updated my cell so it is easier for me to load pictures on the computer from my cell phone. I will say Alan is the computer man. There was six of us plus Emma that went to New Century Buffet for the last dinner before Alan leaves to go to L.A. then to Taiwan, I will miss him. Thank God for the time with Alan.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Cold night

 Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins, banana and coffee. Went to my recliner for the morning as I did not sleep well last night. Lunch was 1/2 egg salad sandwich grapes and hot water. Afternoon was bible reading and computer things, also nap. Evening meal was pasta, cottage cheese with pineapple. This afternoon Alan checked my computer back-up while I rested in my recliner. 

Monday, February 12, 2024

Alan will be leaving

 Breakfast was left over pancake, bacon and fries. Time at my computer games and puzzles. Alan is busy getting ready for leaving and I will miss him but I know Lovely will need him even he will be back to teaching. Alan puts my socks on and helps with my meals, he checks things on my computer. He is such a great help, also he took me to church using the wheelchair.


Sunday, February 11, 2024

Church day

 This morning Alan and I left at 8:00am to go to Shadow Mountain church, we got a park at the walkway so Alan was able to wheel me in the church easy, we got there to view the choir practice. David Jeramiah was the speaker. Then we went to Jimmys for breakfast, on our way home we viewed snow on the mountains. When home I had a nap then went to watch the Super Bowl, had some snacks and back to my room. It looks like it will be quite cold tonight looking for frost in some areas. 

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Alan is here

 Breakfast was two eggs over easy on toast. Bible reading. Chick computer then lunch which was egg salad sandwich. Afternoon was a nap then Alan arrived and I did computer games while Alan had a rest time, then evening meal was chili dogs then Alan tells us about his trip to Brazel. I am happy that he got to take this trip.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Rain & sun

 Breakfast was cold cereal and coffee. Had my shower with McKenna's help. Bible reading and computer things. Lunch was egg salad sandwich. Had a nap Alan tried to Skype but I couldn't get the skype to work, so he called to let us know that he will be here Saturday afternoon. Evening meal was tomato soup and tortillas and pumpkin bread. Yes we did get rain today.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Not much rain

 Breakfast was cold cereal and coffee. Bible reading time and check computer. Lunch was egg salad sandwich. Afternoon was nap time and computer games. Evening meal was beans, corn and pumpkin bread. Played two Rummy-Q games and we each won a game. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Some rain

Breakfast was cold cereal and coffee. Then to my room for bible reading and check emails. Lunch was two eggs over easy and a slice of pumpkin bread. Afternoon was nap and computer games. Went for my first Dr. appointment with a new doctor. Lots of paperwork to fill out and Alden did most of it. We stopped off at the yogurt place and evening meal was chili bergers. Desert was a little of the yogurt and the rest went to the freezer. I miss Alan but he will be here soon.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Rain & Sun

 Breakfast was cold cereal, banana and coffee. Then it was bible reading time. Lunch was 1/2 sandwich with vegies, lunch meat and cheese. Afternoon was nap and computer things, games and puzzles. The day started to rain then afternoon the sun came out. Played Hand and Foot with Alden and he was the winner. The pictures are of the back yard today.

Monday, February 5, 2024

This day

 Breakfast was cream of wheat with raisins and banana and coffee. Bible reading and prayer time. Lunch was 1/2 sandwich which contained vegies, lunch meat, pickles. Afternoon was nap and computer games. I have been treating my left eye for a stye by putting hot compress on it at least 4 times a day. It will take a week to heal, it started last Saturday and is feeling better today but not completely healed.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

This is Sunday

 Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and coffee. Had my time with bible reading. Lunch was pizza. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was pasta, beans, corn and hot water to drink. 

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Busy family

 Breakfast was egg with vegies and coffee. Computer things and games and puzzles. Lunch was noodle soup and crackers. Bible reading and a nap. Folding clothes and put away. Evening meal was pizza. Overcast most of the day but no rain.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Not much rain today

 Breakfast was cold cereal, banana and coffee. Went to my room for bible reading. Lunch was cup of noodles. Afternoon was computer things and a nap. Evening meal was pasta, green salad and a brownie for dessert. Alden and I played Rummy-Q, he won 2 games and I won 1 game. 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

RAIN today

 Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and coffee. Bible reading and computer things such as games and puzzles. Lunch was cup of noodles soup. Had a nap as it rained almost all day. Evening meal was lasagna,  green salad and ice cream. No word from Alan, he must be busy with things in Brazil.