Friday, March 7, 2025

Friday Mar. 7, 2025

We had rain and wind last night. I was up later this morning as I was dreaming that I was shopping for a bed cover for Alan and Lovelys bed and I wanted to get a color that went with their bedroom, but I never found the right one in my dream, Then I got dressed and went for my breakfast and made my bed latter. My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and hot water for taking my daily pills. Gina put my socks on then I went to my room and made my bed and rested in my recliner. I did my bible reading and checked my computer for what was new. Lunch was two eggs over easy on toast. Afternoon was a nap and computer things like games and puzzles. Evening meal was 1/2 In-N-Out burger, and a few french fries and 2 fig cookies.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Thursday Mar. 6, 2025

 Here goes a repeat of up early, get dressed and make bed, and shall we add time in the recliner. Then time for breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and banana. McKenna came to prepare my breakfast and put my socks on. I went to my room and checked the computer for anything new and remarks of my last night blog. I did bible reading and computer games and puzzles. Lunch was two eggs over easy on toast, prepared by McKenna. There was a report that a school had to close in San Diego from the weather. I had a afternoon nap and evening meal was leftovers and two cookies. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Wednesday Mar. 5, 2025

As I said before my days are about the same every day, but here it is again. Up early, get dressed, make my bed, then rest in my recliner until about 9:25am, then I go the kitchen for my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and banana and hot water for taking my daily pills. Then today McKenna put my socks on. I went to my room to have a short time in my recliner. Then I checked my computer for new things and any remarks on last night's blog. I did some bible reading and played games and did some puzzles. Lunch was Marie Callanders chicken pot pie. Afternoon was a nap and computer things. After evening meal which was leftovers Alden went over his day at school.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tuesday Mar. 4, 2025

My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Gina put my socks on, then I went to my room and went to the recliner. Then I did some repairing of a pillow. I went to rest in my recliner and I over slept until 2:30 so that was way past my lunch time which was a grilled cheese sandwich then and some fruit. Afternoon was computer time and bible reading. Evening dinner and pain of my left knee so Alden did some rubbing stuff on it and I covered my knee with a lot of blankets which made it feel better.


Monday, March 3, 2025

Monday Mar. 3,2025

My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana, also a cup of hot water for taking my daily pills. Gina put my socks on, then I went to my room for a short time in my recliner. Then I did by bible reading and checking my computer for what is new and for games and puzzles. My lunch was a toasted cheese sandwich with fresh fruit. Afternoon was a nap and computer things. Evening meal was green beans, rice and chicken. I am looking forward for the time when Lovely and Abby comes, about three weeks. Emma sneaks her way to show up in my room.


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday Mar. 2, 2025

 Up early to get dressed and make my bed, then time in my recliner until 9:25am which was the time to go for my breakfast. This being Sunday and Alden did not go to work today so he made my oatmeal with raisins and banana, cup of hot water to take my daily pills. I had bad back pain so Alden made sure I was taking pain pills. McKenna came to help with my shower. Alden and I played Rummy-Q and He won two games and I won one game. My lunch was slices of cheese, lunch meat, crackers and fresh fruit. Afternoon was a nap and folded and put away my laundry. Evening was a burrito, fruit and a cookie. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Saturday Mar. 1, 2025

 My blogs are not very interesting as it is the same all the time. What can I say when all I do is sleep, eat and some reading and computer things. That is my daily routine. I am so lucky to have other people do things for me. Thank God for this life and for the forgiveness of all my sins which are many.