Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I made French Tost for breakfast then we decided to go shopping at Wal-Mart and 99 cent store. This afternoon we went to Rummy-Q at the club. Neither Ethel or I did very good. O well we had fun. Lovely said she has to replace a light which was broken that was so old. Lovely try GOOD WILL do you remember when Dad broke one of ours and you found a replacement at GOOD WILL. Alden called tonight and said he did NOT put cocking on the down spout as he thought it was solid enough but I guess the rain was so hard that the weight popped it. We had SDGE check the fireplace and it turned out great but he said we might not want to use it much as it will cause the Gas bill to go up. But I like to use it once in a while.

Monday, February 23, 2015

We got Rain

Yes last night and this morning we got rain. When I got up at 6:45 am the sun was shining that about 7:15 am it rained hard. The down spout of the gutter that Alan & Alden installed came apart. Here are 2 pictures.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Rain tonight

We went to church then we went to Denny's for lunch. I checked on a townhome for sale in 7-Oaks which went into escrow yesterday it was selling for $299,000 to $349,000 located at 16684 Orilla Drive. I need to check what it sold for.
When Alan took Ethel and I for a ride we checked the house in I.B. which we rented. The field in front is now a parking lot
This is the house we rented. It looks so different.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Meeting with Jenny

Our usual ceramics morning. We had left overs from the wedding for lunch. Ethel & I went to Albertson's for some spare ribs for tomorrow. We had a little relaxing time while Alan went to the pool. At about 3:00 pm Alan took us up to see the house up in 7-Oaks North. We drove back to our Condo to show them where we live and Jenny was so pleased in it that she is very interested in buying one to be near her daughter. If we see one for sale we will let Lovely know. Here are a few pictures of this days adventure. We had dinner at Olive Garden.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Past Valentines Day

Yesterday was the Hearts day and our neighbor came over with some chocolate covered strawberries, then we went to our friends to play "hand & foot" so they served us chocolate covered strawberries, and also cookies. Today we went to Church and pastor Bruce announced that he will be retiring in Sept. we are very sorry to see him leave. So we pray that we will get another good pastor. After Church we went to CoCo's for brunch and purchased 3 pies to take to Alden's for dinner tonight. Alden Bar-B-Qued chicken which was super and they had a great dinner, this was the last time for Alan to get together with them as he will be leaving to go back to Taiwan. I am so sorry to see him leave again.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Here is the Story

This morning I told Alan all about the dishwasher, no power, don't see a plug-in under the sink for the dishwasher etc. Alan came home last night and saw all the things all over the kitchen from under the sink and expected to do a plumbing job today. Well Alan went to the kitchen to check and in a minute he came to me and said the dishwasher is working. All we had to do in push a little harder on the door and presto it works. Any how we had a good laugh over that, I guess that is what keeps us alive with all of our Bo-Bo s. At this time I will tell another story. When Alan came back from L.A. he went to the laundry room to put his clothes in the washer, then I went to put them in the dryer and I said to myself "I guess Lovely went to Good Will and purchased pink under ware for Alan" I didn't tell anyone, the next day here was that pink under ware on the chair in the dining room and Ethel said where did that come from and Alan said it was in his washing. Come to find out the last time Ethel did the laundry she left the pink under ware in the washer. Well that was the other laugh on us.
Today we went to Prime Time at Church, Alan went with us. Then we went to play Hand & Foot.
Lovely I like your comments on my Blog yesterday and Yes the T.V. is on the Lazy Susan in the picture, the fire place looks great, and the dish washer works. and I love the desk.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Alan the Helper

I am so happy to have Alan here to help with some things. Also it is so nice to have him around. This morning he went to play tennis across the street then he went to the pool and prepared to go down to Alden's this evening to go to a S.D.S.U. basketball game with Josh and Alden. Alan assembled a desk which we purchased at Wal-Mart, then he set up all the computer and printer and everything in working order. We went to San Marcos to a fireplace store to buy a screen for the fireplace and we also purchased the material to use the gas fireplace so Alan installed that. Then there were other little things we had him do. I went to Albertson's to purchase dishwasher soap as we wanted to try the dishwasher as we haven't used it yet and we had it all loaded and tried to turn it on and there was no power to it, we checked under the sink and didn't even see a power cord or plug, well we left everything out from under the sink to see if Alan discovers anything. We unload the dishwasher and washed them by hand. Well I don't like dishwashers anyhow. So here are a few pictures to show Alan's hard work. Also I should mention we ordered a Lazy Susan  from Amazon for the T.V. it really turned out great so we can view the T.V. from the dining room or anywhere in the living room.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Project done

Yesterday we went to Albertson's to purchase a few items. Alan had gone to play tennis early in the morning and Alden was to come about 3:00 pm but he called about 12:00 noon and said he would be here in about a hour, I just finished talking to Alden when Alan show up so we had a quick lunch of lazzunga and waited for Alden & Josh so we could go to Home Depot to purchase the parts to install the gutter on the front patio.

Well they installed the gutter, I will insert a few pictures. We made stew, deviled eggs, veggies and dip, and biscuits for dinner after the job was finished. Then we watched a Movie until about 9:00 pm. Here are a few pictures.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Amazon Orders

Alan helped me to order things on Amazon. We ordered a television Swivel turntable so we will be able to watch the news from the dinning room table. Than we ordered a Fireplace screen with a valance Kit. The orders are scheduled to arrive on Tuesday Feb. 10. This morning we went to ceramics and I started painting Sasha. I finished a small plate which has to be fired this week end. To night we made broccoli and potato soup. I am still reading the stories of Jesus Miracles. Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Another Day

We had oatmeal with raisins  for breakfast then we went to Home Depot and to Scripps as Ethel had a appointment. For some reason she really broke out with a rash and we don't know what caused it. Then we went to Cost Co. I did quite a bit of walking and my back and leg seem to be getting much better. I thank God for that. For dinner we finished the left overs from Claim Jumpers. We played a couple games of Rummy-Q then it was such a beautiful day so we went out and worked in the yard. Our friend Mary stopped by to visit for a few minutes.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Check out medical

Today I  had received a call from Scripps that  they are having a problem getting records about my cancer which was in 2009 so I have been checking through my records and I think I might have what they want. I guess by the time I found all of my records when I called back no one was in the office. It seems to be mixed up as we went from Scripps to Kaiser for 3 years. I pray that they will get it all together. Then Ethel and I went to pick up some thing from Sprouts for Ethel and then to Cost-Co for gas as it has been about 6 weeks since we got gas and the gas bill was $21.17. Then we went to a FREE Dinner for Neuroppathy at Claim Jumper's. O what a great dinner of course we had a doggie bag to bring home. 
Yesterday we finished putting another puzzle together, which I will post on this Blog and also I will post a picture of Isaiah's dish and Regina's tea pot and cups.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Supper Sunday

This morning we went to Church, the pastor Bruce spoke on SIN which we all are guilty of and Jesus came to forgive us.  After church we went to Denny's and we had biscuits and gravy with scrambled eggs and hash browns, it was too much so we have left overs in the frig. After we arrived home we worked on a puzzle then we watched the Supper Bowl 49 Seattle & NE. It was a good game 28 N.E. and 24 Seattle. Ethel wanted Seattle to win but I knew N.E. was the better team. While watching the game I popped some pizza in the oven for snacks while watching the game. So I guess the left over from Denny's will be for tomorrow. I will get Regina's surprise tomorrow from the ceramics.