Yesterday we went to Gerry & Ellen's for lunch and time to play "Hand & Foot". Ray and Gerry did a great job of serving. There were nine of us and we had a great time. Even Ethel, Pat and I had a bad time to win our game but it was still fun.
This morning we went to ceramics, only 4 of us and Tess will be leaving for her vacation on the train to Texas.
At 1:00 pm Time Warner came to pick up the hardware for the T.V. as I cancelled the Time Warner T.V. service. The reason the service was getting to cost so much even after I called several times to see if I could get a better rate and they would not budge, so I had DISH service installed at about 1/2 the price. I still have the internet and phone service under Time Warner. After I cancelled Time Warner T.V. service they called and sent priority mail to me to come back to Time Warner.