Yes I was doing some checking and I made a outline of everything. I had to go to Vacations to Go to get the map of the cruise so I printed it out. they still didn't have the arrival and departure times of the different stops. I am still undecided if we should go with 5 or 6 cabins for 14 people. I will discuss it with Alan when he comes. As of now he is at Josh's football game in Santee.
Friday, August 31, 2018
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Details of the 2019 cruise
I have been making a outline of the cruise which we are thinking of the east coast from Boston up to Canada. We have not checked on Air fares yet. So far there will be 14 of us. This afternoon we went to our card games again. Alan is down with Alden's for a couple days, playing tennis, gulf, Padre's, and Joshua's foot ball game. He will be leaving for Taiwan next week.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Olive Garden
Today was a very slow day, after the usual breakfast I did some reading and computer work. Alan went to play tennis. This afternoon Ethel and I played Rummy-Q and she beat me good. O well it keeps us on our toes to use our brain. At 4:15 pm we went to dinner at the Olive Garden. The food was very good and we have left overs for tomorrow. We decided to come home and have our ice cream cone for desert but we didn't feel like that would be a good idea after all.
Monday, August 27, 2018
Not much to say
After breakfast we went to ceramics and I went on the treadmill for 10 mi. We made sandwiches for lunch and had 1/2 a advacado. At 1:00 o'clock we went to the club for hand and foot. There were six of us so we played partners. My team consisted of Mary and Marianna and we won all the way. At about 5:30 pm we went to "In and Out" for our dinner.
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Ethel, Alan and I went to church pastor Bryan preached on "Rivers of Living Waters" . Two ladies demonstrated the motions of a great hymn "How Great Thou Art". It was very beautiful.
We went to Denny's for brunch. Alan went to play basketball with his friend. I received a call from Alden for an appointment with the lawyer which is scheduled for next Saturday. Ethel and I played Rummy-Q while Alan went to the pool. We had chili, crackers and Ice cream cones for dinner. The chili was from a can from Cost-Co which is very tasty. Try it.
We went to Denny's for brunch. Alan went to play basketball with his friend. I received a call from Alden for an appointment with the lawyer which is scheduled for next Saturday. Ethel and I played Rummy-Q while Alan went to the pool. We had chili, crackers and Ice cream cones for dinner. The chili was from a can from Cost-Co which is very tasty. Try it.
Saturday, August 25, 2018
A Great Day
This morning I did the washing. After breakfast I did some reading and working on the computer. Then I called Mary and she walked over here and we played Rummy-Q. After we finished the game I took Mary home. Later on Alan came home and we had dinner. After dinner we were watching the Chargers football. Then I had a great time talking with Alan.
Friday, August 24, 2018
A very slow day
This morning I didn't get up until 8:15 am, it was so great to sleep as the weather is cooling down. I ate one half of my cereal and coffee and we went to the club for ceramics. I am working on a turtle with different colors on the shell. After ceramics I finished my breakfast at about 10:50 am. I checked my e-mail and there were some messages from Lovely about the cruise for 2019. We still have to decide on which cruise as there are several options. Alan came home from playing tennis and he had a box of donuts. So we had to try a donut. We all had some of the left overs. Alan went to Alden's to watch Josh play football in Santee.
Thursday, August 23, 2018
At 11:00 am Alan, Ethel and I drove down to the Presbyterian resale shop to deliver some items and we looked but did not buy anything. Then we went to a restaurant for lunch. When we got home we all took a few minute nap then Ethel and I went to the club for Hand and Foot. There was four of us so we played partners which were Ethel and Marianna against Lois and myself. Our team was the winner. We missed Mary as she didn't leave a message which is very unusual. After we got home none of us felt like eating dinner as we had a big meal for lunch, But we did eat a BBQ rib and some green jello. Alan called and said he was going to the pool and didn't want to eat.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Beginners Luck
This morning after breakfast Ethel and I went to Wal-Mart for a few groceries. I made the green jello and did some reading. I asked Ethel if she would like to play Rummy-Q so we got the game out and then Alan joined us. Here is the scores and I call it Beginners Luck. I told Alan we should have stopped after four games.
Alan Ethel Bea
0 50 14
0 19 9
1 0 5
6 10 0
44 38 0
Then we had spare ribs, baked potato and green salad.
Alan Ethel Bea
0 50 14
0 19 9
1 0 5
6 10 0
44 38 0
Then we had spare ribs, baked potato and green salad.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Report from Taiwan
We received the message that Lovely,Isaiah, Abby and Regina arrived safely in Taiwan. Than we received a message that Isaiah and Vicky were in a accident while on the scooter. Vicky was taken to the hospital to under go a operation on her leg and will have to have a cast. We are all praying that things will go well. Today Alan was teaching me some things on the I-phone. I hope I will learn it. But it seems interesting and I will try.
Monday, August 20, 2018
I missed a couple days
Saturday was the Alagata picnic what a great time. Thanks to Alden for the ride, a car full of eight of us. We arrived at the park in Long Beach at 1:00 pm and Isaiah and Abby came running to meet us as we were parking. So nice to see all the family. Looking forward to next year. Sunday was church and Lunch at Denny's. After Alan seeing his family off to Taiwan he arrived here this morning at about 1:00 am. Ethel and I went to Ceramics then we had lunch with Alan and at 1:00 pm we went to play Hand and Foot. It seems so great now the temperature is more normal.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Another Day
Today started out with breakfast of cold cereal, 1/2 banana and coffee with medication. We went to ceramics this morning. I made sandwiches with chicken, eggs and cheese served with dill pickles. This afternoon we played Rummy-Q and all of this week I was the looser. We had a ice cream cone this afternoon. Tonight we had cottage cheese and pineapple with crackers.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Great Day
This morning we left at 9:45 am to pick up Dorothy to go to Church for Prime Time. We picked a table and Karol, Charley, Jan, Dorothy, Ethel and myself were at our table. The program was "The Andrew Sisters". They had great harmony and put on a great show. Pastor Mofed who just returned form a trip to Egypt talked about his trip and prayed for the meal. The food was delicious as usual consisted of chicken or ham sandwiches, pasta salad, watermelon and chips, desert was ice cream, brownie, strawberry with whipped cream.
At 2:00 pm we went to the club for "Hand and Foot. There was five of us again so we could not play partners. Then for this evening we had Yogurt and one half banana.

At 2:00 pm we went to the club for "Hand and Foot. There was five of us again so we could not play partners. Then for this evening we had Yogurt and one half banana.
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Check hearing aids
Today we went and had our hearing aids checked at Connect Hearing. We made soup with the chicken bones and a lot of vegetables. Of course the same of Rummy-Q and now I can't seem to win. Then we watch the News, Wheel a Fortune and Jeopardy.
The computer would not let me show Rummy-Q so this is the best I can do.
1 1 2 3 4
The computer would not let me show Rummy-Q so this is the best I can do.
1 1 2 3 4
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
This morning after breakfast we went to Cost-Co and filled up the car with gas then went to shop at Cost-Co. Since Lovely suggested for me to buy Ice cream cones I decided I would get two boxes of them as they were on special $3.50 off for each box. Also the Dark Almond Bark was $3.00 off so I purchased two of those also. We haven't had the rotisserie chicken for a while so that was another purchase. This afternoon we played Rummy-Q and Ethel was the winner.
Monday, August 13, 2018
Problem with ants
Last night I was writing my blog when all the sudden a swarm of ants appeared on my desk they were coming from under my printer so I was unable to finish my blog for yesterday so the date shows 8/13/2018.
Today we had cold cereal with banana and coffee with our medication for breakfast. We went to ceramics and there was only Karol , Ethel and myself. I worked on a few things but we left early. this afternoon we went to the club for "Hand and Foot" again we could not play partners as there was only five of us. Rosalee came back from her vacation and she was the Big winner. Tonight I fixed a green salad and cottage cheese and I made another fruit salad this time I used strawberry yogurt for the
dressing. This is a good salad for hot weather.
Today we had cold cereal with banana and coffee with our medication for breakfast. We went to ceramics and there was only Karol , Ethel and myself. I worked on a few things but we left early. this afternoon we went to the club for "Hand and Foot" again we could not play partners as there was only five of us. Rosalee came back from her vacation and she was the Big winner. Tonight I fixed a green salad and cottage cheese and I made another fruit salad this time I used strawberry yogurt for the
dressing. This is a good salad for hot weather.
Weather better
I had a yogurt and coffee with my medication. We went to Church then we went to Denny's. We noticed ants on the wall above the sink in the kitchen so we sprayed with Home Defence. I did reading and we played Rummy-Q and Ethel was the BIG winner. Between Rummy-Q and puzzles on the computer we try to keep our mind working.
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Too much the same thing
Today was my turn to do the washing. I changed my bedding. We had yogurt for breakfast. I made a fruit salad with banana, peach and pineapple and I used peach yogurt for the dressing and it was very tasty. We also had potato salad and sandwich with cheese and lunch meat. We played Rummy-Q again.
Friday, August 10, 2018
Little sleep
Last night I was awake most of the night. Leg and back pain and too hot. I told Ethel now that it is so hot lets just leave all windows closed and just leave the AC on at about 79 degrees. For breakfast we had cream of wheat and banana and coffee. Lunch potato salad lunch meat and crackers. Dinner soup
with vegies and crackers. We played Rummy-Q again.
with vegies and crackers. We played Rummy-Q again.
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Well it is still hot
Yes still HOT. This morning we had cold cereal again but we missed the banana. At 8:40 am we went to Wells Fargo as we missed the bank last trip. Then we went to Wal-Mart. The list was very small this time only $30.36 wo that is a first. This afternoon we went to play Hand and Foot, there was five of us so we were unable to play partners. Mary was the big winner. This evening we had potato salad and lunch meat with crackers. We are not feeling like cooking as it is so warm and maybe we are lazy.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Another day
We had cold cereal and coffee and medication. Ethel is not drinking the coffee as she has been having heart burn. I made a potato salad. We had sweet potato, veggies and fish sticks for lunch. Our afternoon snack was bread pudding with ice cream. We played rummy-Q and our total score was tied. For dinner we had potato salad, spam and peas. While watching the news which showed so many fires in California. The weather report said the heat will be going down a few degrees for the next week.
Monday, August 6, 2018
Thank God for another day
Here is another day that God has provided and I thank God for this day. Even the temperature was almost 100 degrees today. We are very comfortable using the AC for a couple hours. We went to our ceramics this morning and at 1:00 pm we went to the club to play Hand and Foot for a couple hours.Only four of us. Ethel and Lois played against Marianna and myself we were the winners. I spent some time reading a Decision magazine which Marianna gave me. The name is "Ruth Bell Graham 1920 to 2007. She was a great Godly women. Born in China to medical missionaries and even went to school in Pyongyang North Korea. Ruth Graham attended Wheaton College where she met Billy Graham.
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Church today
I had coffee,yogurt and my medication. We went to church and the pastors message was from the book of Ruth about Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth. After church we went to Denny's and had lunch with Hsing. We had to use the AC for a few hours. We played Rummy-Q and I was the winner.
Saturday, August 4, 2018
At 10:00 am Ethel and I went to the church for a Sanctuary Organ Tour. I couldn't believe all that is installed in this church for the PIPE ORGAN. We took a tour through the church and observed all the parts which are installed. It is not just the pipes you see in the rear of the auditorium, We toured up and down stairs and all around the Church. A good place to get lost. We ended up in the Sanctuary and a young boy who is taking organ lessons was playing the organ. This is a picture of him playing. After the tour I wished I had taken pictures of all the installation. This is the largest Organ in San Diego.
Friday, August 3, 2018
Not much today
We had raisin brand, 1/2 banana and coffee for breakfast. Then we went to ceramics only Diane Ethel and myself were there. Ethel took my flag and heart dish down from the library and put her Indian scene up. We were trying to get a time to get together with Mary Clark as she will be moving august 7 to Indiana with her son. For lunch we had peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We played six games of Rummy-Q. I won the total score. For dinner I fixed baked potato, peas and carrots and spam. We finished the bread pudding.
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Still hot
The temperature is still in the above 90's and the forecast is over 90's for the next week. This morning I made oat meal with resins and 1/2 banana and coffee for breakfast. We had too much bread so I made bread pudding but I used the small oven and it got overcooked but still good, not like Home Town bread pudding. I made my ear rings and crimped the beads that I strung yesterday. We had pasta with spinach for lunch. This afternoon we went to the club for cards, there was five of us so we could not play partners. I was the big winner, for three games I had wild card canasta's. We had a green salad for dinner and bread pudding. There was games on TV so we couldn't watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy.
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
What happened
I don't know what happened today but everything went wrong. The plan was to go to 99 cent store at 8:00 am then to Wal-Mart then to Wells Fargo bank. Well at 99 cent store I checked my wallet for my Visa card and I noticed that I didn't have my Driver License so I told Ethel to drive. I checked all of my purse for my License and could not find it. I decided to go home and check the safe and everything in the house. Then if I didn't find it How could I get a duplicate. After shopping at Wal-Mart we were in line to check out and it dawned on me the last time I used my Driver License was for my Free Birthday dinner at Denny's and Ethel had it to show the cashier for my dinner. While in line at Wal-Mart I said to Ethel do you have my License and sure she had it. Then I went to the car with the groceries and waited for Ethel for the key to open the car, she got delayed in Wal-Mart so I was ready to go back to find her. Well when we were ready to leave I forgot all about going to the Bank until we were on our way home. Then Ethel purchased some bottled water and when we got it home the water was leaking all over.
In the afternoon I was restringing some beads which a lady discarded and I forgot to crimp the ends.
I will make the ear rings tomorrow..
At 2:30 pm we went to play Rummy-Q at Lois house so we could teach Rosalie the game.
In the afternoon I was restringing some beads which a lady discarded and I forgot to crimp the ends.
I will make the ear rings tomorrow..
At 2:30 pm we went to play Rummy-Q at Lois house so we could teach Rosalie the game.
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