Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Car wash
I had a good sleep and I got up at 6:00 am and went to my chair for prayer. I made oat meal with raisins and sliced banana and of course Lovely's coffee. Then we went out to dry clean the car as we are not allowed to wash cars in 7-Oaks. Then we took our mail down to the mail box as yesterday the mail man left our mail on Tom's table and didn't pick up our outgoing mail. We played Rummy-Q and big surprise I finally won. We had a slice of pumpkin pie for our snack and a bowl of soup for supper.
Today we went to Cost-Co and we got gas it has been one and a half months since we got gas and the gas Gage was a little below one half full. We bought a pumpkin pie and a fruit cake along with other things. I guess Lovely got some pumpkin pies from Cost-Co also, they are really good pies. Alden just called while I am writing this he was waiting for Josh at football practice.
Monday, October 29, 2018
Over slept
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Great Church Service
Today there was the Processional of Bagpipe and the pastor with the Irish uniform. The orchestra was on the program which is always a treat. Then we went to the 10:00 am Bible study in Hebrews to encourage others. Of course there is the table with coffee, tea and donuts to warm yourself before the class. Then we went to Denny's for brunch. I spent the afternoon mostly reading and checking the internet.
Saturday, October 27, 2018
God Is Good
I thank God for another day. Another day for reading and prayer. We made some stew today with left over for later. Tonight we had yogurt with blueberries. Ethel did the washing today. We played Rummy-Q and I seem to be the GREAT LOOSER as of the last couple weeks, but that is OK as I say it is just a game and someone has to loose.

Friday, October 26, 2018
Thank God for another day
After breakfast we went to ceramics but we didn't stay very long. The weather is great mostly in the 70's. For lunch we had chicken strips from Cost-Co, mixed vegetables and 1/2 baked potato. This afternoon I finished my mouse desert from Prime Time. We played some Rummy-Q. For dinner Ethel grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.

Thursday, October 25, 2018
A great day
This is a great day I got out of bed and I didn't have much pain. For breakfast I made oat meal with raisins and 1/2 banana and of course a cup of Lovely's coffee m-so-good. At 10:00 am we went to the church for Prime Time. The dress code was for Halloween. There was a better attendance today. The entertainment was Musical Games which was kind of like bingo and if you filled in the your card a certain way you could pick out a prize. The menu was meat loaf, baked potato, green salad and Chocolate mouse for desert. At 2:00 pm we went to play cards there was four of us.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Report to Spectrum
Today at about 10:00 am the TV and the Wifi went down again. We waited until about 1:00 pm and the TV came up but still no Wifi so I called Spectrum to see if they turned it off and they said they will check so I went back to the computer and less than a minute I checked and the Wifi was on so they wanted to check why it was off and they said that I need to purchase a new Wifi so I told them I don't think so and this happened just last Monday two days ago and it was off almost all day. So I am thinking when I called they just turned it on and they just blamed it on my Wifi. So I told them if they don't improve my service I will get a different service. So I will see what they will do may be they will charge me more again for another year. I hate to fight with these people but this is not right.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Doctor Appointment
This morning I got up at 6:00 am and fixed breakfast and we left the house at 8:00 am. We went to the 99 cent store to purchase things to put in two shoe boxes for for needy children. Then we went to Wells Fargo Bank and from there we went to Wal Mart to shop. Then it was time to drive home and unload the car so I could go to my Dr. appointment. Trying to find out what is causing my pain. I was sent to get a X-ray of my right knee and leg. The Dr. said I could use as many as six Tylenol 500 mg a day as needed. If I don't have relief in four weeks I am to call her and will schedule to have a shot in my knee. After I arrived home we had lunch and then I took a nap in my chair. I really relaxed for the first time in several days.
Monday, October 22, 2018
What a Day
Last night I left my computer on so the computer can do backups which is scheduled for Sunday nights. When I went to the computer this morning I couldn't do anything. Then I checked and the Wyfi was not connected, Ethel could not get anything either so we unplugged the WyFi and reset it. Still nothing. I did all the things suggested by the Wyfi icon and still nothing. Then we went to ceramics and still nothing. I sent Alan a message and checked and it didn't send. So we went to cards and I told Ethel I will call Spectrum when we get home. We got home and everything worked good.
Sunday, October 21, 2018
I had a very bad night up and down in my bed and my chair all night as my right leg was so painful and I might have slept one hour all night.We went to Church and Bible study. Then we went to Denny's for brunch. When we got home I took one Acetaminophen 500 mg and went to my chair and I had some relief from the pain in my right leg. Then at 3:30 pm I took another pain pill and we went to the church for a concert which is named Pacific Sound Brass Quintet. They were great some of the selections they played was Amazing Grace and How Great Thou Art. This evening Alden called and they are doing great. Paige is working for a insurance co. I think it is Allstate so she is working full time. Josh's football team is now 8 wins to 1 loss. Next week they play a team that has no losses.
Andrew is working quite a few hours and he likes his job. Paige and Hailey are house sitting.
Andrew is working quite a few hours and he likes his job. Paige and Hailey are house sitting.
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Weather change
We don't know what the weather will be one day it is cool and then next week we are to get weather in the 88 degrees. Today I washed clothes as this is my week to wash clothes and change my bed sheets. I am still suffering with the pain in my right leg and hip. Doing exercise and rubbing with eucalyptus oil. I did the reboot of the TV tonight it takes about five minutes to do it. Spectrum said I should do it every month but I forgot to do it last month. It is a good thing I made a note how to reboot the TV as I would forget how to do it each month.
Friday, October 19, 2018
Another friday
There is not much going on today. It was colder this morning so I hated to get out of bed so I turned the heater on tonight at about 64 degrees. So I made hot cereal for breakfast. We went to the ceramics and mailed our voting papers. I sent some messages to Alden's about a condo that is up for sale. They are asking $395,000 to $415,000. It is the same model as mine and is upgraded.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Cooler weather
The weather is cooler at night so I put another blanket on my bed. I have been rubbing my leg with Eucalyptus Oil and I will see if that will help the pain. Also I did the Stop pain a couple times which contains Glucosamine & MSM. Today we went to Prime Time, the entertainment was Mark Mayville he played the guitar. Some of the couples did ball room dances I took one picture but I was to far away. We went to Hand and Foot cards. The man that sat at our table had a Iphone and when he said he didn't know you could download his pictures to the computer so Ethel told him Bea should write out how to do it so I just finished doing that.
Next time I will get closer as I always remember when Regina and George used to dance.
Next time I will get closer as I always remember when Regina and George used to dance.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Today's activities
For breakfast I made oatmeal with raisins as it was cooler this morning. There is not much going on today some reading and I made a fruit cocktail cake and Ethel made the topping. I am still dealing with the pain in my right leg but doing exercise for it and rubbing my leg with ointment.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018
I have been having a hard time to sleep as my right knee has been painful. I think I will try and use that "Stop Pain" on it tonight. I sure don't know what happened as my left leg was the bad one and now my left leg is OK and my right leg is the problem. Today I went down to the club for the tread mill. After I finished I met Rosalie and we sat and talked. All the ladies came in for Rummy-Q and they want me to come back to Rummy-Q as I haven't attended for a while. This afternoon Ethel and I played some Rummy-Q in the sun room and I am not winning for a while. I am glad I finished filling in my Voting.
Monday, October 15, 2018
O I guess I missed a day or 2
Well last night after filling out my voting I checked my email and Hailey sent me a message that she wants to come to clean our house today after she takes Josh to school so she arrived hear at about 10:00 am so we put her to work. She did all the vacuum while I made sandwiches of cheese and lunch meat, dill pickles, and celery sticks. After Hailey moped the tile floor we had our lunch in the sun room. After lunch Hailey used the carpet sweeper on the patio. She was finished and left at about 12:00 noon with $100.00 in her hand. At 1:00 pm we went to the club for cards and there were 5 of us so we could not play partners. Ethel had to leave cards early to get her hearing aid repaired. Marianna brought me home. Today I had a painful right knee so I used ointment and a knee brace. I pray that it will get healed.
Friday, October 12, 2018
Computers I don't know
Well here goes for my problem. I don't know when that Icon showed on my desk top. But thank God for finding the problem. Today I received my voting papers and there is two long sheets of propositions and things to vote for. Many things are worded so it is very hard to understand what to vote for. Ethel has not received hers yet as I think they mail out in alphabet order. Ethel washed clothes today as we are to get rain tomorrow and we don't want to track in and out if it rains.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018
A slow Day
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Good Day
We had breakfast and left the house at about 7:30 to go to Wal-Mart to shop. I like to go early before the crowd comes then I can get home and relax. Ethel made lunch which was salmon, baked potatoes and mixed vegetable. I made a fruit salad of banana, apple, resins, and nuts with yogurt for a snack. We played some shuffleboard and rummy-Q. We had soup and crackers and the fruit salad for dinner.

Monday, October 8, 2018
More Today
Well there isn't much to say except we went to ceramics and I did some time on the tread mill. They are trying to find a place for our ceramics Christmas Party. Talking of Black Angus but I don't really want to drive up there. I would rather go to Olive Garden which is easier to drive to. Then we went to Cards this afternoon and there were four of us. Couldn't believe how Rosalie and myself won all five games against Ethel and Mary.

Sunday, October 7, 2018
Church today
I was up early this morning at 5 am as my hip was too painful to stay in bed. After I took my shower and got moving around I felt better. Also praying and bible reading. We went to the 8:30 service and mingled with people in the patio at church until the 10:00 Bible study which was in Hebrews 2:5-18. Jesus releases the fear of death. Next we went to Soup Plantation. We had a relaxation and reading and a few games of Rummy-Q in the afternoon..

Saturday, October 6, 2018
7-Oaks Fair
After breakfast we went to the club house to get ready for the 7-Oaks fall Fair. Ethel and I were scheduled for the 8:00 to 10:00 shift for the ceramics table. There were quite a few tables with different items to sell. We didn't sell much but we got quite a few people who were interested in joining the ceramics club. We will see if they follow up on it. Also today was the day that Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed for the Supreme Court.
Friday, October 5, 2018
Cooling down
Yes the temperature is in the seventies during the daytime. I did the washing this morning and Alden called at about 9:00 am and said he and Jeff will not be able to come for lunch as Josh is sick and he has to take care of Josh, he seems to be coming down with a bad cold I hope it isn't the flu. This afternoon we played Rummy-Q and I played a couple games of shuffle board. At 4:00 pm Ethel and I went down to the club to set things up for the Fall Fair as we have to take care of the ceramics table from 8:00 am to 10:00 am tomorrow. We will be selling ceramic items, just to clear out some things.

Thursday, October 4, 2018
Prime Time
This morning we had oat meal with raisins and my Lovely Coffee. We went to Prime Time the entertainment was (Comedy) the lunch was Parmesan Chicken and Pasta with green salad and rolls. The desert was a bread pudding with ice cream of course coffee, tea lemon aid, ice tea or water. We had enough for dinner also. At 2:00 pm Mary walked down here and went with us to the club to play cards, only three of us. I watched Wheel of Fortune and checked on the computer about tours of the
White House next summer.
White House next summer.
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
No rain yet
Not much going on today. We trimmed the hydrangea as many leaves were dry. We got the shuffle board out to play but Ethel was to shaky to play after the first game. I played 4 games and I had two games of over 100 points. I called Alden tonight and he had just picked up Jeff from the airport. I asked what is he going to do and Alden said "He is up in the Air" so what does that mean? Gina and Hailey are still in Kansas.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Stay at home day
Well it does seem nice to just stay at home. This morning I made potato salad and made some brownies. For lunch we had fish sticks, left over mac and cheese and veges and brownies. For dinner we had potato salad and baked beans. Snack was dates and a small milky way bar. Tonight there was no game shows only politics so I did more reading.

Monday, October 1, 2018
Weather change
This morning we went for ceramics. And yes this afternoon we opened the door to go to play cards and the humidity hit us. They had rain in ElcaJon yesterday with lightening. We might get some rain Wednesday which will be great it is so needed. I picked Mary up to go to the club for cards and there
was just Ethel, Mary and myself. I spent time reading the Decision magazine.
was just Ethel, Mary and myself. I spent time reading the Decision magazine.

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