Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Say Good by 2019
This was a beautiful day. Just the same usual meals. This afternoon Hsing came over for a visit as she missed us at church last Sunday. She also gave us some Christmas candy. The day was spent cleaning cabinets and reading. I will be heading for bed before the NEW YEAR comes.

Monday, December 30, 2019
Ceramics today
This morning it was cold out side. For breakfast it was cold cereal. At 9:00 am I went to ceramics and later on Karol and Dianne showed up. I worked on a candy dish and a squirrel. For lunch we had left overs and two fig cookies. I did my Bible reading and computer stuff. Our afternoon snack was a Hawaiian candy. Our evening meal was a half English muffin with ham, cheese and egg. Then there was the news and game shows and another piece of Hawaiian candy.

Sunday, December 29, 2019
Church at Home
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Busy Day
For breakfast we had a waffle with blueberries. I did the washing as Ethel is still not up to doing it. At noon Ethel's grandson Sam and five others came and we went to IHOP for lunch. We returned home and visited until about 3:00 pm when they left. We had left overs for our evening meal. Then we watched the news and Lawrence Weld show, and our game shows

Friday, December 27, 2019
Oh! I missed yesterday
I guess I was so glad to talk to Alan on SKYPE that I forgot to do a blog. Breakfast was cold cereal with one half banana. I spent the whole day selvaging paper files. For lunch I made a pot of chicken curry, three containers went in the freezer. We had soup and crackers for evening meal. We watched the news and had popcorn while watching the game shows.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Merry Christmas
This morning I got up at 5:00 am and had my shower then I went to my recliner to sleep but I could not sleep so I did some reading then I had my pills with yogurt. I was at the computer it seemed like Alan was trying to SKYPE but I had trouble because he was doing it at school. Now I will be aware of that and try both SKYPE lines. We decided to watch "The Christmas Train" as Alden was not going to pick us up until about noon. The weather was great. We exchanged gifts and had a great dinner and Alden brought us home about 4:00 pm.Alden stayed here for a while and had Lovely's milk tea with some chocolate bars. Here are some pictures.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
More rain
Yes this morning we had some rain then the sun came out and dried things up. We had cold cereal with banana for breakfast. I did some cleaning of my files and shredding paper for Annie's farm. For lunch it was sweet potatoes, chicken strips and peas. This afternoon we watched the movie "Northern Lights of Christmas". When I lived in Wisconsin I viewed the Northern Lights. The evening meal was tomato soup and cheese taco. Then evening news and game shows.

Monday, December 23, 2019
Rain today
It was raining when I got up. I made oatmeal with raisins and half banana for breakfast. At 10:00 am Elaine from church took Ethel to her Doctor appointment. She had to get a x-ray also so it was about 12:15 when she got back. She said she had no energy. I made candied sweet potatoes, salmon and mixed vegetables for lunch. I did reading, computer games and a nap this afternoon. Alden called to see if I want to join them this evening for Chili. I decided to stay home as it was raining off and on. Tonight we had soup and watched the news, wheel a fortune and jeopardy we had popcorn also.

Sunday, December 22, 2019
Church Day
This morning I went to the 8:30 am service. For lunch I had the vegetable soup from Gale. It was a relaxing afternoon putting puzzles together and playing Mahjong on the computer. Afternoon snack was ice cream cone. Evening meal was soup from Maria with crackers and fig cookies. This evening we watched a movie "A Christmas Love Story" and snacking on pop corn. Alden called to check in on us.

Saturday, December 21, 2019
Wash day
Friday, December 20, 2019
Alden went home
It was so nice to have Alden here but he needs to be with his family also. For meals we have so much food on hand, so we are trying to make use of it. I only had two pictures of our sight seeing last night and these were taken at Lorrie and Lea's house which is Gina's cousin.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Christmas lights
This was the first full day for Ethel here. At noon Chad and Maria came and fixed dinner for us for Ethel's 92 Birthday. They left about 3:00 pm and we all took a nap. Alden and I went down to Alden's to go to see Christmas lights. We were all going to see lights in Alden's van but could not get it started so they drove two cars. The first stop was at Lee and Lora then over to Santee. So Alden and I just arrived at my home about 10:15 pm.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Mama Cellas
Alden is still here. This morning I did my Bible reading and the outline on the compute. We went to Mama Cellas for lunch at about 11:30 and it was packed but Ethel and I brought home left overs. This afternoon we watched the movie "The Perfect Christmas present".For evening meal we had a real good soup which our neighbor brought over it had a lot of vegetables.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Ethel home
I had a good sleep last night without much pain. The night before I didn't sleep much as I was up at 4:30 and got dressed and went to my recliner and then I really went to sleep for three hours. Today I have been doing a lot of visiting with Alden. I did my Bible reading and I went over things on the computer and Alden did some of my computer games with me. Then we watched at Hallmark movie. I think Alden taped about 20 Christmas movies and now I am getting to know how to view them but I need to practice it every so often. Chad brought Ethel home from the hospital at about 7:00 pm.

Monday, December 16, 2019
Christmas movie
This morning after breakfast I visited with Alden and did my Bible reading. I went to ceramics. Alden trimmed the oleanders. We had ham, baked potato and mixed vegetables. for lunch. I went to the club to play cards. For evening meal I had pea soup which Maria made. Alden came home about 6:45 pm and he had a Samoan tuna sandwich. We watched a Christmas movie which Alden taped and he was teaching me how to play and clear the commercials.

Sunday, December 15, 2019
Alden's skype
This morning I had yogurt with my pills. I Went to Church. When I came home Alden called and said he would pick me up to take me to his house and have pizza and spend the afternoon. While there i finished reading the Decision the we got on skype with Alan and Lovely. Alden is staying here with me.

Saturday, December 14, 2019
This morning for breakfast I had cold cereal and banana. I changed Ethel's bed sheets and washed clothes. All the daily household chores Bible reading and I watched a Hallmark Christmas program. For lunch I had a egg with a piece of ham and potato. For evening meal I had chili and crackers. After Wheel a Fortune I finished fixing Ethel's bed and then Alan and I were on SKYP. So nice to talk to Alan. Today Jon called and said there are some issues with Ethel at the hospital so she will be there for a few days.

Friday, December 13, 2019
Very quiet
This morning after breakfast Chad arrived to take Ethel to the hospital for her pacemaker. They left at 9:30 am then at 2:00 pm Chad called and they still hadn't done the procedure and that Ethel will be in the hospital maybe until Saturday afternoon. I did my Bible and Decision reading and input things on the computer. I had chili for lunch and cheese tacos for evening and also a ice cream cone.

Thursday, December 12, 2019
I miss Alden
This morning for breakfast I made oat meal with raisins and one half banana. I wrapped the last Christmas gift. I did reading and computer stuff. For lunch I finished my Black Angus left overs. This afternoon I picked up Mary to go to the club to play cards, there was five of us, I was doing real bad until the last game I got lucky and I was the top winner in the end. For evening meal we had soup and two fig cookies. Alden called to check in on us. This is the first full day that he has not been here since Ethel's fall, I sure miss him.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Ceramics party
This morning Alden came to help with things. At 10:30 Patty came to take me to Black Angus for the ceramics Christmas party. There was about 15 that attended. Diana brought me home. Shortly after I got home Alden took off to pick up Josh from school. Alden will call in the morning to see if I need him to come to help.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Busy day
This morning I started washing at 7:00 am as last Saturday was Ethel's turn to wash so it has been almost two week since I washed last. Then we had breakfast and washing between times. At about 9:30 am Alden and I went to Cost-Co for gas then we went to the bank and to Wal-Mart to shop. Alden put all the groceries away while I finished the laundry. We had soup for lunch and a tuna sandwich for evening meal and Ethel also had soup. I told Alden to go home as I can handle everything. So Alden left this afternoon after he did some reading had a nap in Dad's chair in the sun room.

Monday, December 9, 2019
Busy day
This morning I went to ceramics and I finished the funny one and worked on my maple leaf candy dish. I came home and copied all of Ethel's medical to send to Jon. Then Alden sent all the paperwork to Jon using Alden's email. He still has to send her SCAN information which I copied. Alden made tuna (from Samoa) sandwiches for lunch,so good. Then I went to play cards. When I came home I cooked sweet potatoes, salmon and mixed vegetables for night meal. After Alden and I finished the dishes we watched a Hallmark Christmas movie. Well here is a picture of the funny Christmas for Alden's dogs. Guess what it is for.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Rain today
This morning Alden and I went to church then we went to Denny's for brunch. Ethel is still flat in bed from pain. She uses the walker to go to her chair to eat for less then five minutes, then she is back in bed. Alden is a big help to take care of her. Alden and I went to church for the 4:00 pm concert and when we came out of the church it was raining. When we got home we fixed left overs that were in the frig.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Alden is here
Friday, December 6, 2019
rain again
This morning I went to ceramics. I am working on a candy dish with the same colors as the cookie jar. When I arrived home Ethel was ready to go to the hospital, so I got her there at 12:00 noon. Then I came home and I called Alden and he told me to call Chad. Then Chad and Maria came to the hospital and they brought Ethel home. They picked her up at about 5:00 pm. They discovered that she had a fracture and they wanted to take her to SCRIPPS in LaJola. She declined and signed papers to just go home. Alden just now called and he is coming over tonight to stay in case he is needed.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The sun came out
It rained early this morning. When I got up Ethel called and said she fell last night and her back was really hurting she wanted the walker. So she has been in her chair and bed all day. So now I am taking care of two invalids. Myself and Ethel. This afternoon I went to play cards, there was Mary, Karol, Naomi and myself. Alden called today after his trip to Samoa. I didn't get to do my Bible reading today.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019
A rainy day
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Christmas Shop
For breakfast we had cold cereal. At 8:30 we went to Cost-Co for the last Christmas shopping. I finished wrapping gifts except for the funny one which I am working on. I still have Christmas paper and ribbons left over from years ago. May be next year I might clear it out. This afternoon I received a message from the ceramics to pick up the items wanted from the donations so we went to the club to pick up some items to work on. This is a picture with all Christmas gifts now.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Beautiful day
This morning up at 5:00 am when it was still dark. Made my bed and relaxed in my chair. Had cold cerial for breakfast. Went to ceramics and worked on a funny thing. Will be seen Christmas Day. I made salmon, baked potato and peas with two fig cookies for lunch. At 1:00 pm we went to the club to play cards. For evening meal I made poached eggs on toast. The evening was watching news and game shows.

Sunday, December 1, 2019
December 2019
Yes already and this year is coming to an end. We had yogurt this morning and then we went to the 8:30 am church service. We went to Denny's and can you believe there was even two disabled parking spaces. We had waffle with scrambled egg and bacon. Will finish the half waffle for tomorrow. This afternoon I did reading, played games on the computer and took a nap. I am glad Alan got me started with a computer. What would I do now that I am retired.

Saturday, November 30, 2019
Wash Day
Today is my turn to do the washing. Breakfast was cold cereal, lunch was pasta, cooked greens with white sauce, cottage cheese with pineapple. Evening meal was vegetable soup with crackers. I just received a "message" from Fred Lucero our Chula Vista neighbor. I wanted to send it to you but I don't know how to send it from Messenger. It is how to recognize a stroke.
Friday, November 29, 2019
This morning there was a slight amount of rain. We had corn flakes for breakfast. I did more Bible reading. For lunch we had Thanksgiving leftovers. We had pumpkin pie for afternoon snack. This afternoon I put bows on Christmas packages as I need to use ribbon which I have had for years even since I was in Minneapolis.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
This morning we had yogurt for breakfast. It was overcast then the sun came out and about 10:45 am it poured down. Page arrived at 11:40 am to pick us up to go to Alden's for dinner. We sure missed him and Josh also Hailey as she was working at Bali Hi until 6:00 pm. Gina and the helpers did great with the dinner. I only took two pictures. After dinner every one relaxed as it was raining all afternoon. Paige brought us home so we arrived home about 5:00 pm and we ate the left overs which Gina fixed for us. Thanks to Gina.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Some rain
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Getting colder
Monday, November 25, 2019
Alden & Josh off to Samoa
This morning we had oat meal and one half banana for breakfast. We went to ceramics. For lunch I had my left over waffle with blueberries. We went to the club for cards. There was five of us. For evening meal we had pasta with spinach topped with white sauce and two fig cookies. Then we had a nutrition bar.

Sunday, November 24, 2019
This morning we went to church it is so nice when the orchestra plays. Was nice to see Dorothy as she has been ill for several weeks. We attended Bob's bible study class which is the last one this year. Then we went to Denny's and I had 1/2 waffle, scrambles egg and bacon. For evening we had a cheese tortilla and a slice of mangle.

Saturday, November 23, 2019
What a Day
For breakfast I made omelet as I had two left over egg whites. Then Alden planed to come today but he couldn't as he took Gina to emergency at 7:30 last night and was in the hospital until about 3:00 am so is sending the four kids over to pick up the money to take to Samoa. We were eating out lunch when they came. Then at 1:30 Chad and Maria came, we snacked on mango and cookies. Then our hand and foot lady came over. Usually Saturday is a very slow day except for washing clothes. For night it was soup. But I did get to do two days of Bible reading.

Friday, November 22, 2019
Great Day
I love this weather, sun out and cool. Breakfast was cream of wheat with raisins and banana. We went to ceramics for a short time. We went to Wells Fargo to get small bills for Samoa. For lunch we had chili with crackers. Afternoon snack was cookies from prime time. Evening meal I made eggs benedict, I used a computer recipe, it was good but involved too much to make. As I like to cook simple things now. Daisy from Samoa just sent some pictures and I spotted one of Candace when she was in Samoa. Here it is.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Some rain
That is right some rain, not much today. Hot oat meal with raisins and banana for breakfast. At 10:00 am we went to Prime Time, the entertainment was "Blue Zane" which consisted four men playing drums, saxophone, guitar and piano. The lunch was turkey, dressing, mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberries, roll and apple pie with whipped cream and a cookie. This is the last Prime Time this year. There was bout 80 in attendance. At 2:00 pm we went to the club to play "Hand and Foot". We had soup for evening meal. This is the table setting for Prime Time.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Rain again
Breakfast was cold cereal with banana. It was a day to stay in the house as it was raining off and on and a cool wind. A day for reading. Thanks to Alan for the answer of my question. Lunch was sweet potatoes, peas and chicken strips. Evening meal was soup and crackers. It seems like the only thing we do is eat so is that what retirement is? But it seems like we keep busy.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019
This morning we had a waffle with blueberries for breakfast. Then we waited for Alden to come. He got here at 10:00 am and after I showed him the list of things to do Alden took us to Wal-Mart to shop. After we each gathered our things we were standing in line to pay and my back gave out so I had to go and sit down while Alden and Ethel checked out our groceries. Then we went home to put everything away. At 1:00 m we went to Claim Jumpers for lunch, Ethel and I shared fish tacos and Alden had the salad bar and soup. When we were going to go home it was really pouring down rain. Then we all took a nap while it was raining. We watched the news and Alden took off to go home hopping the traffic would let up. Pictures of our lunch. And yes it was GOOD.
Monday, November 18, 2019
This morning we went to ceramics. For lunch we had chicken pot pies and while eating Tom came and said the water was off so we checked everything so Tom called the association and they sent a plumber out but they could not find a leak. We went to the club to play cards there was six of us and my team really lost the worst ever. O well it is just a game. When we came home I made mac. & cheese and salmon for our night meal.
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