Thursday, February 28, 2019

Prime Time

We went to Prime Time at our church. The entertainment was a man who was great on the keyboard he and a lady sang and their voices blended together so well the ladies voice was just like Julie Andrews. The meal was catered from Phils Barbecue which was chicken and ribs, potato salad, beans, green salad. The desert was  chocolate chip cookies and ice cream with camel and chocolate topping. The afternoon was spent playing "Hand and Foot " there was Mary, Marianna, Ethel and myself

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Shopping day

After breakfast we went to the 99 cent store then to Wells Fargo then Wal-Mart. After putting the groceries away we relaxed then for lunch we had Marie Callenders chicken pot pies. This afternoon we played Rummy-Q. For dinner I made sandwiches and yogurt with blueberries. I made a appointment for a consultation with a specialist for macular degeneration which is discovered in my right eye.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A slow day

Not much going on today. For breakfast I made french toast and topped it with blueberries. For lunch I made stir fry with chicken and rice. This evening we just had left over stir fry and sweet potatoes.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Pain this morning

For one month I get a real bad right shoulder pain when I lay on my right side. So I sleep in my chair for a few hours. This morning I tried sleeping one hour on my right side and the pain came back. After stretching my right arm up for about 30 minutes the pain want away. I went to the tread mill this morning. This afternoon we played Rummy-Q just Mary Ethel and myself.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

A great Sunday

This morning we went to church, then we went to the Bible study class by Bob the scripture was James 1:19-27. Practice godliness in speaking and listening, be doers and not just hearers of the Word, ministering to those in need. After the class we came home and warmed up left overs for lunch for dinner I made grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Left overs today

This morning it was 34 degrees but the sun came out and it got up to about 58 today. At least we didn't have to shovel snow. Ethel did the washing. We did so much baking yesterday so we didn't have to do cooking just put in the microwave. We bought a gallon of milk so tonight we had hot chocolate with marshmallows that was a treat with this cold weather.

Friday, February 22, 2019

This is Friday

This morning it was 33 degrees when I got up. After breakfast I made date bars. For lunch we had a green salad. This evening we made scalloped potatoes, baked salmon and roasted mixed vegetables. These were all baked in the oven to help warm up the house.  We had a date bar for desert. We played Rummy-Q out of the total of six games Ethel beat me by one point.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Rain and sun

This morning we went to Prime Time the church lost their cook so now people are filling in to cook but they are doing a good job. We stopped at Albertson's for a few groceries. At 2:00 pm I picked up Mary and we went to the club to play cards. There was five of us and Rosalee was the big winner, she picked up the pile every time around and she ended up with many books. All day long the rain came and then the sun. We even had hail.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Alden came to help

This morning Alden came to install a new lock on the shed. He also dug out a plant in the back yard. I made a green salad and spaghetti and meat balls for lunch. For evening meal we had cream of mushroom soup with asparagus. This afternoon we played Hand and Foot at the club.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

A cooler day

This morning we went to church pastor Mofid was the speaker the subject was "To store up treasures in heaven" to share Christ to others and pray for them. I have the read off of this sermon with different scriptures. Matthew 6:19-22.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Wash day

Yes the sun was out and no rain today.I did the washing. I had a problem to get the key out of the door lock of the shed, but I finally got it out and now we can't lock the door. I called Alden to see if he could install another lock so he will come Sunday or Monday to fix it. Yes I was not feeling well yesterday and I forgot to Blog.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Rain Rain Rain

Today we really got the rain. We waited for a little relief of rain then we took off for Prime Time. After Prime Time was over we had to wait to go to the car as it was just pouring down. It was a surprise to see so many people to attend. One of the dear ladies birthday was today and she turned 99. She just got her drivers license renewed for another five years. She was the one who greeted people at the church door.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Home day

Today was a home day just not much but reading and of course Rummy-Q. O and there is always preparing meals. Thanks for the food that is easy to prepare. I don't have to chop the wood and build a fire and pick the vegetables from the garden, and go to the forest and pick blueberries. It is so easy now days. Thank God for everything.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

SKYPE with Alan

Yes we were on SKYPE tonight, so nice to see Alan. We talked about the East coast cruise and tours of Washington DC. I am glad Regina is feeling better.
This morning we went to Wal-Mart and it was cold in the 30's. We will get more rain this week.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Checking to see if I can do my income tax

I don't know if I can do the income tax as It has been about ten years since I did it, and I am not that smart any more. O well I will take a look at it then I will make a decision.. This morning I dropped Ethel at ceramics while I went to Dr. Rick, my next appointment will be in three weeks. I am still having pain in the back of my right shoulder.  I went to the exercise room and picked up Ethel. We went to cards this afternoon and the wind was chilly.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

It is like winter

Yes it is cooler and the heater has been running a lot. We went to church and to Bob's bible study class. We went to Denny's and we shared a omelet with fried potatoes. There is not much going on today just reading and relaxing.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Party for 90 and over

This morning we went to get our glasses adjusted. This evening Diane picked us up to go to the club for a age 90 and over party. There was a good crowd and they served snacks cake and ice cream. There were several people from church that attended the party.

Friday, February 8, 2019

It's Friday

Yes it is Friday and we went to the club and I did some exercise while Ethel did her ceramics. Patty gave me some crocheting instructions but they are not what I would like so I will return them. We went to pick up our glasses and I informed them that I have not heard from my doctor about a appointment to a specialist for emacua degeneration in my right eye. Yesterday I was informed that Hailey passed her final test which is great news.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Spring Prime Time

Today is the first spring session of prime time. We have been without a chef for the church since November of 2018 so the food was catered from a Chinese restaurant the food was good but I was some of the last ones in line so my food was not as plentiful, but that was OK. they had ice cream with toppings and cookies for desert. Our friend Karol, her daughter and granddaughter were there.
Karol's husband Charlie passed away last night. Karol said she is going to join us for Sunday service. The pastor came to our table and invited Karol to worship with us. So I pray for Karol as she doesn't attend any church. Karol has been doing different activities at our church and she is very interested.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Sunny Day

It has been cool but no rain. Ethel finally got to do the washing today.  My shoulder pain was better, Ii only took one pain pill today. Today was fixing meals, reading, crocheting and Rummy-Q.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Little rain today

This morning while driving to Cost-Co I had to use the wipers. We got gas and didn't have to wait in line then I drove over to Cost-Co and waited until it opened. I did some reading and crocheting then at 1:00 pm we went to have our hearing aids checked. This evening we watched the "State Of The Union" speech from president Trump.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Some rain again

Yes we had rain again. We didn't go to ceramics or tread mill but we went at 1:00 pm to play hand and foot.  Ethel and Mary were way ahead until the last game Rosalee and I over took them big time. When we finished it was pouring down rain. Lucky I parked in front of the club.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sun is shining

Yes the sun was out but as I was driving to Church I had to use the wipers. The message was the key to living is discovered through giving. Bob's class was about How To Pray and what to expect, pray to understand the gospel when I read.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Rain Rain Rain

Yes we sure got the rain today. Today was Ethel's day to wash clothes so I told her to wait on washing as I didn't want to track the water in the house.. I did some reading and crocheting and we played Rummy-Q.

Friday, February 1, 2019

A slow day

This morning we had oat meal with resins for breakfast. We went to the club and Ethel did ceramics while I went to the exercise room to the tread mill. We had chicken pot pies for lunch and tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. We also played Rummy-Q.