Friday, January 31, 2020
Time with Alden
For breakfast it was egg, spam and cheese with english muffin. Alden came about 10:00 am. Alden pulled the couch out to check if we need the board under the pillows as it kept sliding out. He ended up just putting it in his car to take to his place. Then Alden vacuumed behind the couch and the living room and the living room windows. He also cleaned the patio with the blower. For lunch we went to Claim Jumpers. Alden checked some things on the computer while I did my Bible reading and I rested some. We checked the TV as to how the impeachment was going, it looks like it was acquitted, so I guess it is all over that is great and I hope the dummies don't start something else. I pray for our country.

Thursday, January 30, 2020
A Busy Day
After my shower I decided to redo things on my bed. I took off a heavy blanket and replaced it with a light blanket which I had to cut and sew to fit my bed. After cutting it there was a real mess so I had to vacuum and put in the dryer to get the fuzz out. For lunch we had left overs from Mama Cellas. Then we went to play cards and we had seven people so we had to play two separate tables. The evening meal was the remainder of Mama Cellas. Then there was news and game shows.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Beautiful Day
For breakfast I had raisin bran and one half banana and Lovely's coffee. For lunch we went to Mama Cellas with Elaine and Jack. Of course we had to stop by the donut shop. So our afternoon snack was a maple bar. The afternoon was spent reading and Acts 9 Sauls conversion and Acts 16 Timothy joins Paul and Silas. The evening meal was spam, broccoli and corn. Evening spent watching news and game shows.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Not much today
Breakfast was cream of wheat with raisins and banana. I watched some of the impeachment trial. For lunch I made a corn hot dish, meat balls and baked sweet potatoes. The Bible reading was in Acts. The evening meal was soup and crackers and two fig cookies. Evening was spent watching News and game shows.

Monday, January 27, 2020
A Great Day
For breakfast I made oat meal with raisins and banana. We went to ceramics and I worked on a squirrel. For lunch we had spaghetti and meat balls. This afternoon we went to the club to play cards. There was six of us and my team were great losers. The evening meal was potato salad and spam sandwich. Then there was news and game shows.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
A Great Day
First I opened the blinds and noticed that it had been raining. Then we were ready to go to Church and couldn't fin the keys after looking every where but hear they were in my purse. Then we got to the stop and go light and sat there for five minutes before it turned green, I couldn't back up as there was a car behind. Well we arrived at church and had a great service and Bible study. We went home and I made french toast and spam. Then we watched a movie "Christmas in the Air" We intended to go to the concert at church at 4:00 pm but we completely forgot about it.

Saturday, January 25, 2020
Wash day
This morning I did the washing. I changed the bedding. We had grape nuts with banana for breakfast. I viewed the Republican side of the Trump impeachment, very interesting. I hope it will be over soon. For lunch I made tuna sandwiches and potato salad. I did my reading in the gospel of John and I typed my notes which are on the computer. We had soup and crackers for evening meal. Alden called as they had a seminar at church and he felt it would be great to call me and let me know how he really loves me as his mother. We watched the Laurence Welk program tonight.

Friday, January 24, 2020
This is Friday
This morning for breakfast was cream of wheat with raisins and banana. Chad came over to pick up things to take to Florida as he will be going for security and Maria will be going with him. I made spaghetti and meat balls for lunch and we also had the last of the fruit cake as I sent some with Chad to take. The afternoon was spent reading and a nap. The evening meal was potato salad and grilled sandwiches. Then there was the news and the game shows.

Thursday, January 23, 2020
Beautiful Day
This morning I made oatmeal with raisins and a banana for breakfast. My Bible study and entering notes on the computer. Then I made a potato salad. We had left overs from IHOP for lunch. This afternoon we went to the club to play cards. There was five of us Karol was the big winner.. This evening we had sweet potatoes and left over hot dish and chocolate cookies. Then there was watching the news and game shows.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Busy Day
This morning Alden came to help. We went to Cost Co , Ethel stayed in the car while Alden and I did the shopping. Then we went to Wal Mart to shop. I had to wait in line to return things. Ethel picked up the vegies. Alden had a front door key made. Then Alden and I got the remainder of things and while standing in line my back went out so a lady got a chair for me to sit. Then Alden checked out while I went to sit at McDonald's. We got home and put everything away then we went to IHOP for lunch Alden went to Big 5 for shoes. Then we went home and Alden and I took a nap. It looks like I can not be on my feet so long anymore. Thank God that Alden is retired to help.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Yes this morning we had rain. For breakfast we had cold cereal and I always have Lovely's coffee for breakfast with my morning medication. I did my Bible study and notes Luke 16 through Luke 18. For lunch it was chicken pot pie. Afternoon was spent computer stuff and a nap. Evening meal I made a pasta dish with white sauce, peas, cheese and ground beef. We finished the little bit of ice cream which Alden left in the ref. Yesterday I completed a candy ceramic candy dish which matches the cookie jar which I made. here is the picture.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Was cold again
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Ethel's great grandson
For breakfast I fixed eggs and cheese on English muffin. Ethel did the washing today. Jacob wife and daughter came at 11:00 am to visit. Then we went to Soup Plantation for lunch. They left at about 2:00 pm to go to Chad's in Chula Vista. We watched Lawrence Welk show and wheel a fortune.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Yes this is Friday
Thursday, January 16, 2020
A great day
Breakfast was oat meal with raisins and one half banana. The morning was spent reading and computer stuff. Lunch was left overs and some chicken which I fried with olive oil. Ethel had a doctors apt so she took Mary and myself to the club for cards. There was six of us so we played partners. Rosalee was going to bring Mary and me home but I had the same problem that I had in Washington DC. I could not get my leg up in her car so Maryanna brought me home. Very embarrassing.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Arranging things
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Time with Alden and Gina
For breakfast we had cold cereal and banana. Alden and Gina came at 11:00 am and they gave Ethel two bouquets of flowers and they took us to Olive Garden for lunch. We had a great time with them. Gina helped me with some things on the computer. I was waiting for some emails to come through and Gina found them for me.

Monday, January 13, 2020
A cool day
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Relxaing day
This morning started out with the cool temperature of 40 degrees. We attended the 8:30 service and then the 10:00 Bible study which is Genesis 24 and 25, the faith of Abraham. We went to Denny's for brunch. The afternoon was spent reading and relaxing. The evening meal was a grilled cheese sandwich, cottage cheese and some dried fruit.

Saturday, January 11, 2020
Wash Day
This morning it was cold in high 30's so I put my warm jacket on to take the laundry out. When I do the laundry I change my bed sheets. So that means re making my bed also. It was cold cereal and banana for breakfast. Lunch was green salad and chicken with gravy. Then there was two fig cookies. he afternoon was spent reading and a few games on the computer. Evening meal was chop suey and cottage cheese. Then I viewed the Laurence Weld show.

Friday, January 10, 2020
Alden came
This morning we went to ceramics but we did not stay as they were doing some changes, Alden came at 11:00 am and he started to make the chop suey as I directed him how to make it. He ended up with a large container to take home. We had some for lunch. Then Alden dry cleaned my car and checked the tires which were low so we went down to Poway road to put air in the tires. Then we went to Wal-Mart and Alden picked out some clothes for his Birthday and I got a few groceries. Then we went home and for the evening meal we went to Denny's. Alden left about 7:00 pm to go home.

Thursday, January 9, 2020
Rain today
For breakfast we had cold cereal. Reading the Decision magazine this morning. For lunch I made green bean casserole, potato with gravy and chicken breast. We went to the club to play cards, the wind was blowing and real cold. When we finished cards it was raining so as soon as I got home I had to change my wet clothes and I put my night gown on .Evening meal was green bean casserole and sweet potato. Then there was news and game shows. Alden called and he is coming tomorrow to spend time with us and he wants me to show him how to make the Samoan chop suey.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020
This morning it was in the high thirties. I made oatmeal with raisins for breakfast. I viewed Trumps talk aft the killing of Iran's top terrorist leader. I did reading and computer things. For lunch we had chicken pot pies and evening meal was soup and crackers. We viewed the news, and game shows. Also the special Jeopardy and James is the top one now.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Thank God
Monday, January 6, 2020
Warm day
This morning I made oat meal with raisins and banana for breakfast. At 9:00 am we went to ceramics. For lunch I made tuna fish sandwiches and mac. and cheese. We played cards at the club. For evening meal it was soup and green jello. Then we watched the news and game shows.

Sunday, January 5, 2020
The first Sunday of 2020
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Wash dayn
Breakfast was cream of wheat with raisins and one half banana. It has been about four weeks since Ethel did the wash. I took the first load out this morning and Ethel finished the wash which means she changed her bedding and folded the clothes. Since we decided not to do the puzzles we removed the chairs, table etc. from the living room. For lunch we finished the Panda House left overs. I did my Bible reading. Today we received the Christmas & New Year card from Taiwan. Very nice Thanks to the Alan Alagata family.

Friday, January 3, 2020
Thank God for another day
Breakfast was cold cereal. We went to get our hair cut. For lunch it was salmon, sweet potato and peas. This afternoon Jon came and he went to purchase a chair for Ethel's shower. He also picked up dinner from Panda House, it was so good. I started to do a 1,000 piece puzzle which Sam and Guile gave me for Christmas but decided to take to the club as it is too hard on my back and hip to put together. It is much better to do the games on the computer.

Thursday, January 2, 2020
This morning I was up early as usual at 6:00 am. I had cold cereal and getting all Christmas thing ready to store. Also tossing many things and getting things for Alden to help with. Alden took Josh to get his driving test the appointment was for 11:00 am and he called at 12:15 pm and said they were still standing in line. Then they were on their way up here. We took off to go to the bank and Wall-Mart we divided my grocery list in two and rushed to purchase them. Then back home to do all the things and off they were to go back to take care of the dogs. Josh passed his test and he was the driver to shop.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Year 2020
This morning was a beautiful sunny morning. I got up at 7:00 am and had cream of wheat for breakfast then I viewed the rose parade. For lunch we had chicken pot pie. My Bible reading starts the Gospel Luke and I did my computer notes also. For afternoon snack was a slice of fruit cake. the evening meal was soup and crackers. Then it was the news and game shows. Alden called and he will come tomorrow.
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