Friday, December 31, 2021

This house is a mess

 Yes even Alden called and said "don't do anything we will take care of everything"  Yes but I don't want to move things I know is of no use. Well this is the last day of 2021. I don't wait up for the NEW YEAR. Breakfast was cold cereal. Lunch was baked sweet potato, peas and chicken. And evening meal was chili and crackers. In between times it was sorting out things which I will no longer need .By the way if Annie comes and she would like materials I will save for her as I don't do sewing anymore. 

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Warmer today

 Yes it is warmer and no rain. Breakfast was cold cereal. Yes when I moved here my remark was this is my last move. Never thinking I would be disabled. Well God had other plans for me. But I am looking forward to this move.  I am still trying to get things in order. One more day and Ethel will be gone and it will be a New Year. Lunch was chicken pot pie the last one in the freezer. Alden is so busy so they didn't get a chance to come up here. Evening meal was left overs of whatever. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Yes more rain

 Breakfast was cold cereal. Alden and Gina are to come tomorrow. I sorted out two junk drawers in the kitchen. Also I removed my ceramic fish from the bathroom wall but I have to have Alden remove the hangers. Lunch was fish, baked beans and sweet potato. Marianna came to play cards. We had pumpkin pie with whipped cream. No evening meal except two small pieces of salami. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Some rain today

I made oatmeal and raisins for breakfast. Well in the process of downsizing we found two more packages of Lovely's coffee. Still trying to get things ready for moving. After breakfast I did a good cleaning of my shower including sanitizing. Lunch was more left overs. I had a short nap. and paying bills. Evening meal was soup, crackers and two fig cookies. And yes we had a few showers.


Monday, December 27, 2021

Sewer back-up

 Breakfast was cold cereal. Ethel's turn to wash. Breakfast was cold cereal. It was a nice day, sun out lunch was pasta salad and rolls. Short nap and snack time was pumpkin pie  I discovered that the sewer was backed-up so I called Alden and he said to call the plumber, I call and the charge would be $250.00 to start depending what they had to do so I said I would call later then at about 6:00 pm Tom's wife came and said they have the plumber and it is now 8:35 pm and the sewer is OK but we will clean up tomorrow. And it is raining.


Sunday, December 26, 2021

Church Day

Breakfast was waffle with blueberries and whipped cream. Viewed three church services. Lunch was lasagna and  pasta salad.  I played computer games and reading. Evening meal was deviled eggs and pumpkin pie with whipped cream.


Saturday, December 25, 2021


 Some rain today. Breakfast was cold cereal and a tangerine. I finished making the deviled eggs with Alden's help. Alden set up the table as he came about 11:00 am. The menu was Lasagna, Pasta salad, deviled eggs, rolls, pumpkin pie with whipped cream and coffee. They did all the serving and clean up. We never got to SKYPE with Isaiah but Paige got on line with Isaiah just before they left. We all got to SKYPE with Alan It is so nice to have the SKYPE.


Thursday, December 23, 2021

Odd things today

Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Check email and Blogs. Fix gifts for neighbors. Lunch was chicken, and mixed vegies. Then Dianne called to tell us she was coming to get some ceramics,  She called again and said we weren't home. But we were home all day. Then Marianna was to come to play cards and we waited for her, she never showed up, so Ethel and I played cards, then Marianna called and said she fell asleep. Then we had chocolate pudding. I did some puzzles and we had soup and fig cookies for evening meal.


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Rain will be coming

 Yes it looks like the rain is coming. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Bible reading and prayer time. Computer things. Resting with heat pad on leg. Lunch was fish, sweet potato and corn. Still working on down sizing. Yesterday Alden informed me that I will have the Master bedroom as the bathroom has the shower without the tub. I don't know how I rate that. Now with rain and snow coming it looks like Ethel will be here longer. Evening meal was cottage cheese and toast. Then news and wheel a fortune.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Still cold

 Yes it is still in the 30's in the morning. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana.  After making my bed I went to my recliner and put the heating pad on my left leg and I really went to sleep until Alden called and said he will come this afternoon to sign a paper. I did my bible reading and prayer time. Lunch was chicken, greens and baked potato. Afternoon was computer things and afternoon snack was Craisins. Alden came at 4:00. Had a good time updating what is going on. Evening meal was chicken noodle soup and a muffin which our neighbor brought for us.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Today Is Wash Day

 It was my turn for washing. I made oat meal with raisins and ate breakfast before starting the washing as it was too cold outside. There was frost on the grass this morning. We had chili for lunch. Hailey and Matt came to do a few chores and get a few groceries. This afternoon I put the heating pad on my left leg and hip and I had a good afternoon nap. Evening meal was cottage cheese and toast. Then news and Wheel a Fortune. 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Cold again at 37 deg.

Yes it has been cold but I just keep the inside temp. at about 69 deg. We will see what the SDGE bill is. We viewed three Sermons this morning. We decided not to go to Denny's for lunch for Ethel's 94 th Birthday because we didn't want to get out in the cold so we had Chicken Pot Pies at home. Isaiah SKYPED with me for about 1/2 hour. So nice to have time with Isaiah. I received Annie's report on my Condo so I will leave it up to Alan and Alden to make the decision. There is a few things which I don't quite understand  Alan said he will SKYPE me to more explain.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

It's cold

Yes 37 this morning again. Looks like we are going to have rain for Christmas. I was looking at Christmas lights on the internet in San Diego. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Checking on my Escrow papers for my Condo. Lunch was fish, rice and greens. I did some reading and tried to take a nap. Evening meal was grilled cheese sandwich. Checking the weather reports and News.


Friday, December 17, 2021

SKYPE with Alan

 This morning it was very foggy just like it had been raining. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Checked the computer. There is not much to sort out now. Just checking what will be for Christmas dinner as I will be having dinner for twelve people. May be this will be my last hosting a Holliday meal. Lunch was left over Chinese food. Snack was craisins. Tried to take a nap but my mind was too active. Evening meal was waffle with blueberries and whipped cream. Alan called to SKYPE which lasted about one hour.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Cold in the morning

I just leave the thermostat the same day and night at about 69. Today I went through my medication and tossed the ones outdated. Mckenna came at about 1:30 to help with things and get a few groceries,  It is so nice to have the girls come to help. We waited for Mckenna to come for lunch and had Chinees food for lunch, it was real good with rice and a mango for desert. Evening meal was peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Then news and game shows.


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Still working on things

This morning it was cold I think it was 37 deg. Breakfast was cold cereal banana & prune juice. I worked on DVD's. Lunch was soup and crackers. Marianna came to play cards. Evening meal was grilled ham and cheese sandwich. Then it was news and wheel-a-fortune.


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Rain & more pain

 A few days before the rain I have more pain. Yes we got a lot of rain today and we need it.  I am still finding so much that I have been saving and never use. It is a good time to go through every thing. Lunch was fish, peas and a tortilla. Reading had a nap and evening meal was soup and crackers.

Monday, December 13, 2021

More shredding after I sell

 It was cold this morning so I made oat meal with raisins and mango for breakfast. Ethel did the washing. I finished going through my papers. Lunch was chicken, broccoli and rice. Reading the Decision magazine. Snack was craisins. Computer games.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Can you believe this

What a mess. I got into to papers of income tax starting 1960 with signatures Social Security #s, names and addresses. Also a pile of 7-Oaks papers. Well this will keep me busy but I am sure going to get rid of this mess. This morning we viewed three messages Ethel slept through most of it. Lunch was chicken pot pie. Snack time was mango and evening meal was chicken sandwich. Back to my mess of papers. To much to put through the shredder.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Wow down to 37 this morning.

Yes it was cold this morning. Breakfast was daily medication and Lovely's coffee then Paige came about 9:30 to take me for breakfast at Denny's. So nice to have time with Paige. We were looking at things like furniture to down size, but so hard when you don't know where you are going. I invited the family to have Christmas at my house and I will need one of the girls to help set it up as the Table leaves are real heavy for me to lift.  I think there will be 10 of us. Usually we go to Alden's for Christmas. Ethel will be leaving Dec. 27. Evening meal was chick sandwiches with two fig cookies. Not much on TV tonight.


Friday, December 10, 2021

More downsizing

 Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. More getting things ready for moving. I never realized that was so much stuff which I don't use anymore. Lunch was chili. Snack time was jello.  Then there was more things to check. Evening meal was Shrimp, cream of mushroom soup and broccoli. Next was news and wheel of fortune.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Time with McKenna and Andrew

 We had rain today. Breakfast was oat meal with banana. I did more down sizing. McKenna and Andrew picked up our groceries from Cost Co. They arrived here about 10:30 am. They took us down to the Post Office to mail some packages. Then we went to Denny's for lunch. They left and Chad called to let us know that he was going to come and bring some chicken soup. He checked to see if he could move Ethel in his truck, so he thinks it would work. So they plan on moving Ethel the week between Christmas and New Year. Evening meal was chicken soup. Then news and wheel a fortune.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Looked like rain

Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Yes it looked like rain but we didn't get rain. Lunch was sweet potato mixed with cream of mushroom soup and milk, ham, cheese and broccoli. Marianna came over to play cards. We had the left over from lunch and two fig cookies for evening meal. McKenna called for the grocery list for Cost Co as she will be coming tomorrow. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Cold weather

 Yes it seems like winter is here. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Bible reading and prayer time. Computer things and games. Lunch was sweet potato, broccoli and chicken. Snack time was jello with pineapple and whipped cream. Had a nap. Evening meal was grilled cheese sandwich. Then it was news and game shows. We had a few sprinkles.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Hailey came today to help

This morning I got up early to start the washing. Breakfast was cold cereal. WE had a sandwich for lunch. I was dishing up the jello with whipped cream and Hailey came to help. She helped me make my bed and she cleaned the carpet in the patio and went to Albertsons for a few groceries. No house yet and Uncle Jim wants them out Dec. 31.


Sunday, December 5, 2021

Three gospel messages

Yes this is Sunday, last night I really had pain. It must be as the forecast is rain. Up at 5:00 am to take a shower and go to my recliner. Breakfast was cold cereal. Check the computer. Then it was three great messages. Lunch was cream of mushroom soup with peas and some ham. I made jello with pineapple. Games on computer and check for houses. Evening meal was poached egg on toast.


Saturday, December 4, 2021

Up early again

Up at 6:00 am as I have pain while in bed. Get dressed and relax in my recliner. I made oat meal with raisins and banana for breakfast. Check blogs and emails. There has been no word on house hunting for two days. Today Alden sent me a message that they will be house hunting tomorrow Sunday. I keep praying that they will find something good. Lunch was chicken with mac. and cheese and beans. Bible reading and prayer time. Computer things and evening meal was taquitos and shrimp. Then we watched a Christmas movie.


Friday, December 3, 2021

Not much today

 Up at 5:30 am  Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. To my room for a few min. in my recliner. Then it was time to check email and blogs. Next was Bible reading and prayer time. Lunch was fish, peas and mac. & cheese. Snack time was chocolate bark. Check for houses and computer games. Evening meal was pizza. Then news and game shows.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

McKenna came to help

This morning for breakfast I made oat meal with raisins and banana. McKenna called early and said she would like to come this morning as this afternoon they will be house hunting again. Makenna went to the bank for me and she mailed a letter for me which I put out several times but the mailman came after dark and we brought it back in the house. We were going over some of the houses they will see today. McKenna also put up the few Christmas decorations that I have. Lunch was chicken, mac. & cheese and baked beans. Our snack time was chocolate pudding with whipped cream. I haven't gotten a report from them for today. This is such job as the houses go on sale and are sold right away. People are over biding also. I just keep praying.


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Just another day

 After my shower it was breakfast which was cold cereal and banana. Then to check the blogs and email also check bank account. Reading the Decision. Lunch was more Chinese leftover food. Marianna came to play hand and foot. Evening meal was poached eggs on toast. Next was news but there were no game shows.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Still not much news

 Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Going through things to cut back. Ethel has been doing a lot of cutting back, I never realized how much she has here. She has been having a bad back ach. Lunch was left over Chinese food and I added broccoli to it. Then it was Bible reading and prayer time. I made chocolate pudding with whipped cream which was for our snack time Evening meal was soup and crackers. Then it was news and game shows. Alden called and he has been teaching this week and he gave me a report on Ant Jean seems quit well but uncle Jim has taken several falls. Alden, Gina and McKenna will be viewing more homes, some one put a offer on the Gay Rio Dr. house which I really liked.


Monday, November 29, 2021

This is Sunday & Monday

Sunday breakfast was cold cereal and I had to mix dry milk as we were out of milk. We viewed the three services and lunch was chicken pot pie. Afternoon was Bible reading and prayer time. Then there was a short nap. I did computer games. Monday breakfast was cold cereal. Doing more downsizing Hailey came to help she did the washing which included changing Ethel's bedding. She took out the trash and recycle. I made Chinese lunch with rice. Hailey took Ethel to the post office and Albertsons to get a few groceries. Then she finished folding the clothes and she left, then I rested a bit and fixed taquitos with dip for evening meal. then it was news and game shows.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Time with Sam and Julie

 It was in the 40's this morning. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Working on cutting back on things not needed. Lunch was left over Thanksgiving food. Sam and Julie came about 3:00 pm. They took things which Ethel gave them. It was the doll house, sewing machine and table for sewing machine and a few other things. They left about 6:30 pm. We had some soup for evening meal.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Thanks for all

 This morning breakfast was cold cereal and banana. I checked on Ethel several times as she went right to bed last night when we got home and was still in bed at 8:30 this morning. She had a back ack yesterday. I am still checking things to get ready to sell. Praying that Andrew will get the good word about his job which should be Dec. 1st. Lunch was left over from yesterday. I had a nap and checking for house for sale. Evening meal was cottage cheese with pineapple, a slice of cheese and pumpkin pie. Then it was news and Wheel a Fortune.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving Day

 Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Hailey came to take Ethel and I to Alden's for the day. We had a great dinner then a time for rest. Next was pumpkin pie. Next there was eight of us playing hand and foot which four teams with two to a team. I had never played it that way before but it was great. Alden brought us home.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Still sorting

 Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Yes still going through things. Also checking for "House for Sale" There is not much out there. The one I liked I think sold and McKenna liked it also because it had the granny on it which would be good for her and Andrew. It is hard to know what to toss. I still have to go my clothes and I think that is the hardest, but I don't go places much anymore. Lunch was Gina's chili and carrots and broccoli. There was Bible reading and prayer time. Evening meal was cottage cheese and peaches and two fig cookies, then news and game shows.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Getting ready to move

Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Just working on getting rid of things, O what a job. Lunch was Chili which Gina made and O so good. Still working on cleaning things out. I was checking on houses for sale and the only ones I could check were already sold. Chocolate bark was for snack time. Evening meal was cottage cheese and peaches. Then it was news and game shows.


Monday, November 22, 2021

Time with McKenna

Breakfast was cold cereal. I did more cutting of papers from the Chula Vista  houses, Almost all papers had Haniseli and Beatrice signatures or names on them. Well it is done which should have been done years ago. McKenna came with bananas and vitamins from Cost Co.  She also brought Chili which Gina made last night which we had for lunch, it was sooooo-good. McKenna washed two loads of clothes and changed my bedding sheets. She also did other jobs around the house and we played hand and foot. Evening meal was taquitos and two fig cookies.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

A different Sunday

 Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. I went to get our church services and the TV was frozen, I couldn't get anything. Well I went back to my room to go through more things so I got to the box of paperwork of building three houses and I decided why do I keep all this so I started cutting up checks, and papers with dad and my signatures well this is what I did all day. Lunch was chicken pot pie. Then Ethel brought me some chocolate bark while I was still cutting papers. Evening meal was some left over that Alden left in the frig. Alan SKYPED a couple min. as we were expecting to hear from Alden's about viewing houses, but no message. Then I decided to check the TV and after playing with it I finally got our three church services.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Busy day

Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Got all my paperwork back in order from last night. Lunch was fish, broccoli, and sweet potato. Had a nap while waiting for Alden and Gina to come as they needed more paperwork. After getting the paperwork we played hand and foot, Gina and I were the winner over Alden and Ethel. Then we went to Denny's for our evening meal. Just visited until 8:00 when they left.


Friday, November 19, 2021

Paperwork for Alden

 Last night I had the best sleep of 6 1/2 hours until the pain hit me. I went to the rest room then slept another 2 hours. Up this morning and had cold cereal and banana for breakfast. Still going through things. Lunch was fish, broccoli and sweet potato. Bible reading and prayer time and a short nap. Alden came and we went over things and Alan showed up on the SKYPE while Alden was getting paperwork out on my computer. Tomorrow they will be touring several houses, I pray that they will be able to get a house as the deadline to be out of Aunt Jean's is Jan. 1.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Busy day

Up at 6:00 am, Breakfast was oat meal with raisins. Check e-mails and tidy up my room. I put together Christmas presents which I made the first part of this year and yes I made one for Alan and one for Albert also. Well they will get theirs next Summer I guess. Lunch was left over Lasagna. Bible reading and prayer time. Snack time was a combination of chocolate bark, pudding and fruit. Still going through things that has accumulated. Evening meal was a tuna sandwich (when I say sandwich it is always one half sandwich) and two fig cookies. Then news and game shows.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

A busy day

 Up at 6:00 am Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Checked my emails and Blogs. Gina called and said she was coming with Hailey as Hailey was to cut Ethel's and my hair and Gina was going over things with me that they need for buying the house. Gina told me Ant Jean and Uncle Jim need to get in the house the 17 of Jan. So every thing is on rush. I pray that they will be able to get the right house. So I don't know where Christmas will be this year. I was lucky that I slept good last night as other people involved are not sleeping well. We did the Lasagna which was in the freezer for our lunch. Then Marianna came about 2:30 to play cards and Gina and I were the winners. Evening meal was more Lasagna and some fruit which Hailey picked up when she bought our milk and bananas.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Still cleaning house

Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Going through things to give to Gina like Christmas paper, candles, etc. Lunch was fish, broccoli and sweet potato. Working on things that needs to be tossed. evening meal was taquitos and dip. then it was news and game shows. Alan called to SKYPE. 

Monday, November 15, 2021

House cleaning

 Ethel's turn to wash clothes. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Check computer things. Lunch was left over spaghetti and meat balls. Hailey and Matt came over to do the house cleaning. Hailey did the vacuum and Mat mopped the floor. We played hand and foot. Hailey and Matt were the winners. Evening meal was peanutbutter sandwich and lemon pudding. News and game shows.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

New plans

I had a shower then it was breakfast which was cold cereal and banana. We viewed three sermons. Alden came to pick me up at 11:00 am to take me to his house. We had hot dogs with chili. We talked about new plans so we SKYPED with Alan and Lovely to let them know our thoughts. I feel like this is what needs to be done. As I would like to be close to Alden's so I can be more free of so many responsibilities. Also my health is getting worse. We decided this is a good time to make a change as Alden's needs to move at this time. We played a game of hand and foot. Then we had toasted ham and cheese sandwich. Alden brought me home and he informed Ethel about the decision, so she could make plans. She knew that this should be done.