Breakfast was cold cereal with banana. Alden and I played Rummy-Q and we each won a game. I went to my recliner for a while, then to check the computer things. Was on SKYPE and had a long talk with Isaiah.
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Rain today
Some rain off and on all day and evening. Breakfast was fruit and toast. Checked computer things and games and puzzles. Reading book (God Has Not Forgotten You) by David Jeremiah. This evening Alden and I went to Jimmy's for dinner, Alden took me on a tour to see Christmas lights. Gina had a ladies get together at the house.
Friday, December 29, 2023
Seems cold
Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Checked my computer things. McKenna came to help me with my shower. Lunch was 1/2 of a cup of noodles. Alden and I played Hand and foot and he was the winner. Had a short nap. Evening meal was very small piece of stake, broccoli and potato and ice cream.
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Paying bills
Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Paying State tax from house sale. Reading books and bible. Lunch was chili and crackers. Afternoon nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was chicken, mashed potato, gravy, sweet potato and green salad, desert was a bisque with honey.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Alden and I played Rummy-Q, he won 2 games and I won 1 game. Did some reading. Lunch was two eggs over easy on toast. Had a nap and computer games. Evening meal was the white chili made with chicken.
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Reading of "Why The Nativity?" I am a slow reader as I try to visualize what I read. Then I went to the computer to check things and I saw double on the computer, so I have to rest between reading. But I thank God that I have the ability to read at this stage of my life. Evening meal was the white chili made with chicken.
Monday, December 25, 2023
Christmas Day
Breakfast was cold cereal with banana and hot water. Bible reading and computer things. Lunch was two eggs over easy on toast. Had a nap and talked to Albert and he is still driving the big fancy buses. Evening meal was the white chili made with chicken. Here is the picture of what was in my gift bag from Christmas Eve.
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Christmas Eve
Breakfast was cold cereal with banana and hot water. Played hand and foot with Alden and Alden was the winner. Checked for computer things. Lunch was white chili made with chicken, vary good. Bible reading and nap then SKYPE with Alan and dinner was mashed potatoes with gravy, brussels sprouts, mushrooms and a desert. Later on we were all presented with a gift bag.
Saturday, December 23, 2023
Breakfast was cold cereal with banana. Played Rummy-Q with Alden, he won two games and I won one game. Bible reading then lunch was chili and crackers. Folded my washing and my drawer is too full so I pulled some out to give to Good Will. When I moved here I brought too many shirts and gave away some that I should have kept. Evening meal was the white chili which is made with chicken, not ground beef it is good. The girls went out and Alden is entertaining Emma.
Friday, December 22, 2023
Rain today
Changed my bed sheets. Breakfast was cold cereal with banana and hot water. McKenna came to help with my shower. Computer things and bible reading. Lunch was two eggs over easy on wheat toast. Afternoon was a nap. Evening Keith came to visit, we had red chili and white chili with bread fixed the vegies and sour cream it is soo good. Also McKenna made fudge, I had a v
ery small piece.
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Cooler day
Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and hot water. Alden installing things for Paige. I did my bible reading. Lunch was cracker and cheese snacks. Checking computer things, games and puzzles. Nap and evening meal was tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich. Doing Sudoku games on the computer.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Puzzle is done
Breakfast was cold cereal with toast. Alden was doing what grandpas do, like holding Emma. I went to my room and did my bible reading and finish my puzzle, I will post a picture. Lunch was pasta hot dish. Afternoon was computer things and puzzles and games on computer. Had a nap and evening meal was scrambled eggs and a very small piece of pie.
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
I wished Ethel HAPPY BIRTHDAY for 96 years. Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and hot water. Alden and I played Hand & Foot and Alden was the winner. Lunch was Keish, I worked on the puzzle. Did computer things. Evening meal was hot dish which McKenna made. Also my cell will not charge, it is just black after I plug it in for a couple hours.
Monday, December 18, 2023
Another day
Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Alden and I played Rummy-Q and he won two games and I won one game. Did my bible reading. Lunch was cracker and cheese snacks. Afternoon I worked on the puzzle and had a nap. Evening meal was pasta hotdish and salad.
Sunday, December 17, 2023
This is Sunday
Breakfast was two eggs over easy and wheat toast and hot water. Alden and I played hand and foot and he was the winner. Lunch was soup and grilled cheese sandwich. Afternoon was checking computer things and a nap. Evening meal was cup of noodles and hot water. Then it was bible reading.
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Working on puzzle
Breakfast was olmate with green tea. Time in recliner and working on the puzzle. Lunch was snacks of cheese, lunch meat & crackers. Checking my bank book. Nap time and evening meal was chicken, vegies, cottage cheese and ice cream.
Friday, December 15, 2023
My cell is dead
Breakfast was cold cereal with banana and coffee. McKenna came over this morning and she cut my hair and helped me with a bath. It was lucky yesterday I put 10 pictures from my cell to my computer and I was wondering why I had to try several times to do it, then today my cell gave me a message that the battery only has 20percent and tonight it is dead. Well if Annie has another cell that I could have for taking pictures maybe Alan could bring when he comes. It was good that I had downloaded all my pictures to my computer. This afternoon I spent time putting the puzzle together, it is 500 pieces.
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Breakfast was cold cereal with banana and coffee. Went to my recliner for a short time. Did bible reading. Lunch was snacks of cracker, cheese, lunch meat etc. Afternoon was computer things & puzzels, games and working on the real puzzle. Hear is a picture of my set up in my room.
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Set up area to put puzzles
Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and coffee. Getting things ready to do puzzles in my room. Bible reading and McKenna made eggs over easy on wheat bread for my lunch. Computer things, games and puzzles. Got clothes ready to be washed. Had a nap. Evening meal was biscuits and gravy made by Alden and I know Ethel would really like as he put plenty meat in the gravy.
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Changing things
Breakfast was cold cereal and coffee. Time bible reading and relaxing in recliner. Lunch was two eggs over easy on toast. Computer things, puzzles and games. Rearrange things in drawers ready to set up in my room so I can put puzzles together which I received from Christmas. It has been cold lately and hard to keep my feet warm. I think I will leave my socks on at night. Alden has been teaching he will be off for the Holidays.
Monday, December 11, 2023
Reading much
Breakfast was cold cereal with coffee. Went to my recliner and did reading and exercise. Lunch was a verity of cheese, crackers and fruit. Afternoon was checking computer things. More reading and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was pasta, cottage cheese and chicken, also pie and ice cream.
Sunday, December 10, 2023
A busy Sunday
Up early and got ready for the day. Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Did my bible reading. Made a few Christmas cards. Check computer things and a few puzzles and games on the computer. Alden and Gina took me to the outdoor festival which was at the church yard. We went to pick up some Greek food for our evening meal.
Saturday, December 9, 2023
Shoulder is better
Breakfast was eggs and toast. Alden and I played rummy-Q, he won 2 games, and I won 1 game. I checked my computer things and bible reading. Lunch was sandwich. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was soup and grilled cheese sandwich. Alden and I played Hand and Foot and I was the winner. I have been doing exercise for my shoulder as instruction from Alden.
Friday, December 8, 2023
A beautiful day
Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Went to my recliner for a short time. Checked my computer things. Did some reading and computer puzzles and games. Lunch was a sandwich with hot water. Then it was bible reading. Alden went over some exercise with me for my left arm and checking my medications. Evening meal was rice and mixed vegetables.
Thursday, December 7, 2023
66 years
This is Dec. 7th and it has been 66 years since I became Mrs. Beatrice Alagata. I thank God for my family and I always can go to God for help when needed. Today I did my bible reading. I rested much as I wanted to sleep Alden said maybe from my medication.
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Feeling better
Breakfast was scrambled egg and toast and hot tea. Did bible reading and check computer. Lunch was pasta. Afternoon was reading Christmas Decision and a nap. And yes I am feeling better. Evening meal was pasta, broccoli and pumpkin desert.
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
God is Great
Breakfast was cold cereal, banana and green tea. Relax in my recliner. Check for computer things. Lunch was left overs. Play hand and foot with Gina and Gina was the winner. Reading the Christmas Decision. Evening meal was pasta and salad.
Monday, December 4, 2023
A Great day
Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Checking on medical for 2024 as things are changing, looks like I will change doctors. Lunch was two eggs over easy on toast. Reading and nap time. Some computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was pizza and pasta.
Sunday, December 3, 2023
feeling better
Breakfast was scrambled eggs and toast with hot tea. Went to my room to my recliner to read Decision. Had a nap and lunch was chicken noodle soup with crackers. Afternoon was reading and nap. Some computer things and bible reading. Evening meal was "In and Out" burger and a small portion of ice cream. Alden applied the medicine on my arm several times today, it seems to feel better.
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Dr. visit
Breakfast was 2 eggs over easy on toast and green tea. Went to my room to relax and get ready for my Dr. visit. This was to check my shoulder from my fall. Had Ex-rays there were fractures. Also got medication as I had Bronchitis and check what Med. the Dr. will be under next year as I want to keep the same Dr. Alden was teaching today but gets off early so he met Gina and I at the Dr. office. Then we stopped at Dennys to eat on our way home.
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Some rain
This morning we had some rain. Breakfast was cold cereal and hot tea. Had a short time in my recliner. Checked computer things. Lunch was chicken noodle soup, crackers with peanutbutter. Went to my recliner to read the Decision. Then had a nap and computer puzzles. Evening meal was stew, mac. & cheese and muffin.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Busy day
Up early to get ready to have a shower and get my bed made etc. Went to the kitchen for breakfast which was cold cereal, banana and hot water with lemon and honey. I folded napkins to fit in the napkin holder. Went to my room for bible reading. Lunch was two eggs and a slice of toast. Folded washing and put away. I did Decision reading and a nap. Received Regina's Rx which Alan can pick up. Did computer things. Received letter from Social Security about some money which I should receive next year.
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
House seems empty
Breakfast was cold cereal with banana and coffee. Went to my room to read my bible. Lunch was Chick-fa-La. which McKenna brought. Afternoon was reading Decision and nap. Evening meal was scrambled eggs and a slice of whole wheat bread with a cup of lemon & honey water. Alden and I played Rummy-Q and he was the winner.
Monday, November 27, 2023
Hailey's left at noon today
Breakfast was cold cereal banana and coffee. Went to my room and did bible reading. Lunch was scrambled eggs and tea. Went to my recliner and did reading the Decision and had a nap. Evening meal was left overs.
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Another day
Yesterday was the night we exchanged gifts. Today breakfast was eggs and toast with jelly and coffee. Time on my recliner. Checked computer things. Bible reading and lunch was more leftovers. Afternoon was nap time. Hailey and Matt are getting ready to leave tomorrow morning to drive back to Philadelphia and Alden is getting ready to go back to teach for a couple weeks until Christmas vacation.
Friday, November 24, 2023
Black Friday
The day for shopping but I never shop that day. Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Wow there is so much left overs. No cooking for a couple days. This morning I did bible reading. This morning can you believe there were 3 pumpkin pies on the counter but I know they will be gone shortly. Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, green beans, brownies, pies, and what else. Well you know what our meals were today and will be for another day. Anybody would think it was Grampa Haniseli Alagata supervising the food.
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Happy Thanksgiving
Breakfast was scrambled eggs and a muffin with jelly. I was in my room most of the day as they were busy preparing food for the dinner which was about 3:00pm. There were 18 adults so it was a house full. I am just getting over a cold so I didn't want to be with people too much. Tonight I was on Skype with Alan.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Ready for Thanksgiving
Breakfast was fruit and biscuit with jelly. Time in my room as I am coming down with a cold. Taking a extra vitamin C. I did some reading and computer things. Lunch was cream of chicken soup and hot tea. Afternoon was a long nap. Evening meal was same as lunch and crackers with peanutbutter.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Time with family
Breakfast was scrambled eggs and muffin with jelly. Went to my room and did bible reading. Lunch was cream of chicken soup with apple juice. Computer things and a nap. Evening meal was same as lunch.
Monday, November 20, 2023
Big family
Breakfast was scrambled eggs with biscuit and orange marmalade. I did all my daily things and trimmed my hair as we can not get to the regular hair dresser. Hailey's family came this evening. I am ready for a nap. This is a picture of my hair cut.
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Feeling better
Breakfast was biscuits and gravy with coffee. Visit with Gina's friend then I went to my recliner for a short time. Then check the computer things. My shoulder is better today. Evening meal was tomato soup and crackers with peanutbutter. McKenna and Paige are putting ornaments on the tree. Gina just came in with my washing for me to put away. She also brought my reindeer which I had for many years to put in my room for the season.
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Busy Day
Changed bed sheets, breakfast was cold cereal and coffee. Computer things including change printer ink. Check for medical for next year. Lunch was a cup of noodles which I ate 1/2 of it. Then I went outside to watch Alden put Christmas lights up and I trimmed some potted plants then I was to edge of cement I I went down in the mud and winched my left shoulder. Alden brought my dinner to my room and he and I ate here in my room and went over my medical for next year, he is now in the jacuzzi.
Thursday, November 16, 2023
More rain
Breakfast was oatmeal with banana and coffee. Went to my room and did my bible reading. Lunch was leftovers. I received my last gift to be wrapped for Christmas. Afternoon was computer games and a nap. Evening meal was hot dish, toast, cottage cheese with fruit, small slice of pie with ice cream.


Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Rain off and on all day. Breakfast was cold cereal, banana and coffee. Then bible reading lunch was left over from Jimmy's. Checked computer and computer puzzles and games. Played hand and foot with Ginna and she was the winner, McKenna was the cook for the evening meal which was hot dish, green salad and toast and small piece of pie. Today was Josh's 22 birthday but he worked and I haven't seen him today.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Great weather
Breakfast was cold cereal, banana and coffee. Checked computer and sewed the hem in some pants and that was a big job as the material was jersey and very hard to cut and sew as it would stretch. Of course, I had to sew it by hand. Gina, Alden and I went to Jimmy's for dinner then came home and had a small piece of pie. Alden will be teaching the rest of this week then he will have a week off and we will have a house full of company next week. Today I sat outside in the front yard for at least a hour.
Monday, November 13, 2023
Ready for Christmas
Our Christmas will be on Thanksgiving Day as Matt has to get back home for his new job. Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. I went to my room and I got gifts ready. Lunch was left overs. Bible reading then Gina and I played "hand & foot" I was the winner. I set up my little Christmas tree in my room. Evening meal was hot dish, potato salad and pie.
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Nick & wife
Breakfast was 2 eggs over easy on toast and coffee. Went to my room and reorganize things so I can put up my little Christmas tree. Lunch was hotdish with peas and corn. Afternoon was bible reading and a short nap. Nick is the guy who did most of the garage remodel. There was ten of us for dinner tonight.
Saturday, November 11, 2023
This day
Breakfast was cream of wheat with raisins, banana and coffee. Alden and I played 3 games of Rummy-Q and I lost all 3 games. I went to my room to fold and put away 3 weeks of washed clothes. Lunch was cottage cheese, corn and peas. Afternoon was bible reading and a short nap. Evening meal was pasta with white sauce, corn and peas, ice cream and fresh chocolate chip cookie.
Friday, November 10, 2023
Went shopping
Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins, banana and coffee. Checked computer things. Alden was working on cars then he put the wheelchair in the car so he Gina and could go to Wal Mart for shopping. I have not been out anywhere for a long time and it seemed great to get out. After shopping we stopped at Taco Bell to take home for dinner.