Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday Jan. 31,2025

 Breakfast was oatmeal as usual. I pray that I will sleep better tonight. I am trying to get rid of this cough and sore throat. Alan is getting things together to put in a box for his travel to Taiwan. I will hate to see him leave again. He was so good to make sure I had my meals and socks on and off. I am glad he worked on my computer; He was also teaching me all the NEW

things and it is hard for me to learn all these things as my mine does not work very well. Also it was great as he took me places. I know I am a problem as I am so crippled but he has patience with me. 

Jan. 31 morning

 New pictures.

Here they are.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Thursday Jan. 30,2025

Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins, banana and coffee. Then I went to my room and had a little rest, and I removed all the stickers from the things which I purchased yesterday and checked that things were the right size. Lunch was left over from Marie Callender's. Afternoon was a nap and computer things. Evening meal was chicken, corn and a slice of potato and Lemon Marange pie. Alan set up a new mouse for my computer with no cable lines, it uses a battery. I wrote my last Gift checks today.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wednesday Jan. 29, 2025

This was a busy, busy day. Breakfast was oatmeal as usual and check computer things then Alan and I went to Marie Callanders for lunch O what good food plus we brought home two pies lemon and banana pies and our leftovers from lunch. We went home and rested for a few minutes then off again to Wal Mart which Alan didn't take the walker so it was very hard as he had to push me in the wheelchair and push a basket for groceries. So he left me in the wheelchair while he shopped, so I could not shop me being in the wheelchair. I like using the walker then I can shop and just sit whenever I want to. Well maybe next time I will make sure he brings the walker. They had a lot of specials at WalMart.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tuesday Jan. 28, 2025

 Up early and to the kitchen for my oatmeal with raisins and banana and a cup of hot water to take my daily pills. Alan is hopping around as he got a injury when golfing. But he was in the kitchen washing dishes and he prepared my breakfast. He spent time in the jacuzzi today. I hope he will be OK as we plan tomorrow on going to Walmart for a few things and go to Marie Callender's for lunch. Tonight Alan and Alden went to a game. I pray that Annie is doing OK.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday Jan. 27, 2025

Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and coffee with my daily pills. I went to my room and rested in my recliner then checking my computer. Alan and Alden went golfing today. I did reading and my lunch was a sandwich and a cup of hot water. I did games and puzzles on the computer. Evening meal was a hotdog and vegies. Alan, Alden and I played Rummy-Q Alden won two games and Alan won one game and I did not win any games. I have a hard time to win this game, but I like to play anyhow. I might win once in a blue moon.


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sunday Jan. 26, 2025

 Up early as usual and breakfast was a waffle made by Alden, I had blueberries, syrup and whipped cream on mine it was OSOGOOD. Well we got rain today and Alan has been in doors all day. He has been trying to teach me so many things on my computer and it is hard for me to get it all. Lunch was soup and crackers and evening meal was a Sloppy Joe. I will make this short so Alan can get to the computer.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Saturday Jan. 25,2025

A real light sprinkle tonight. My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and coffee. I went to my room to get things ready for my shower, which McKenna helped me. After my shower I rested in my recliner then I checked my computer for updates and I did some puzzles and games. Lunch was two scrambled eggs with toast. Afternoon was a nap and computer things. I went to church tonight, when we came home I had a hotdog with chili and grapes.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Friday morning Jan. 24, 2025

 This is just to update as Alan has been using my computer, so I was unable to Blog. I am doing OK and things are being different for a short time so just be with me. I pray that things are going well in Taiwan.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Tuesday Jan. 21, 2025

When I went to the kitchen for my breakfast this morning, there was a bowl of cold cereal set out for me so that is what I had for breakfast this morning and I had a packet of coffee made with hot water which I had with my daily pills. Gina came to put my socks on, then I went to my room to check the computer for what is new and check my email. I did some reading of the life story of Frank Dennis. My lunch was fish left over from Tom Hams. Afternoon was a nap and computer things and evening meal was with the family of chicken and vegetables topped off with a chocolate cookie.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday Jan. 20,2025

 After getting dressed I made my bed and rested in my recliner until 9:30am then I went to have my breakfast of oatmeal with raisins and a cup of hot water with my daily pills. I went to my room to check my computer for news and whatever there is as this is the day Trump gets to be our president !11 Huray!!, Alan and I went to Tom Hams for lunch to meet with Albert. Today is also Alden's Birthday and 63 years ago today it was raining and Dad and I had to use the umbrella when he took me to the hospital. A year later it was raining and I remembered where we left the umbrella and we went back to the hospital and they still had it.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sunday Jan. 19, 2025

Early Alan asked me if I want to go to Shadow Mountain church but I didn't feel like going with him. Alan put my socks on.  At 9:30am I went to the kitchen for my breakfast of oatmeal with raisins and a cup of hot water with a packet of coffee. Then I went to my room for a short time in my recliner, then it was time to check for news on the computer and games and puzzles. Lunch was a bowl of soup which Alan fixed for me. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles and a greeting from Abby while Alan was talking to her. My night meal was rice, green salad and a cookie.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Saturday Jan. 18, 2025

 This has been a very busy day for me. Alan fixed my oatmeal with raisins and hot water for my daily pills. I folded napkins for the family then I went to my room to get things ready for my shower, Mckenna helped me with my shower, she said my tailbone sore is healed. Then I fixed my pills for another four weeks, trying to fix one of the containers. which didn't have two slots for the covers. Alan and Alden have been busy working on the driveway to have more room for parking. I have been reading the life story of Dr. Frank Dennis between times of all my other things. Yes it has been a very busy day for this old lady. I will try and put a picture on this, I think I can get a picture from my computer pictures. This is my mother on the left and her sister.


Friday, January 17, 2025

Friday Jan. 17, 2025

At 9:30am I went to the kitchen for my breakfast and Alan was there to make my oatmeal with raisins and hot water for my coffee packet. Alan put my socks on then he went outside to wash his car. I went to my room to make things ready for Alan to check my printer which he found out it could not be fixed so he unplugged it. Now I have more room on my desk for other things which is good so if I need something printed I will get it from Gina's printer. I don't need many things printed. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles and update of news. Evening meal was chicken, salad and vegies. Alan took my socks off and I set my little heater for another eight hours. I see the weather in the east is going to be very cold for the incoming of Trump. I pray that things will go well.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Thursday Jan. 16,2025

It has been cold lately, I am glad I have a heater in my room and I can set it for eight hours at about 72 degrees and I still rotate from bed to recliner at night. I take two Acetaminophen at about 10:00pm but I still get pain at night. I am learning to live with the pain. I am reading the book of the life of Frank Dennis, it is very interesting. He is my age was born in September of 1929. I am a slow reader; I like to consecrate on what I read. Maybe Alan will be able to work on my computer things, as now he has finished working with the church things. It is nice to have Alan here, now Alden is back to teaching again. I stay in my room most of the time, as I can keep my room at a good temperature.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Wednesday Jan. 15, 2025

 Up early get dressed and make my bed relax for a short time then go for my breakfast which was scrambled eggs and left-over fried potatoes and hot water with my daily pills. Alden and I played our brain game and I won two games and Alden won one game. I went to my room and checked for things on the computer. Lunch was soup and crackers. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was a green salad, 1/2 baked potato and vegies.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday Jan. 14, 2025

Last night was Alan's first night here and he did not sleep on the floor, as he said it is getting hard for him to sleep on the floor "I guess the age is creeping up on him," but he slept on the pull-out bed that is in the family room.  I caught him sneaking a snooze on my bed today. Yes, my old 67-year-old bed is still great. We went to The Pancake House for lunch, it is always great food and close to here. Alan and Alden went to a game tonight. 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Monday Jan. 13, 2025

 Alden made my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and banana and a cup of hot water to go with my daily pills. Alden helped me to find out why I never received the sweatshirt from Walmart that was ordered Dec. 27,2024, so they finally just gave me a credit on my account. May be when Alan comes he can take me to Walmart to get a sweatshirt as I would like to have a sweatshirt now in this cold weather. It is almost 6:30pm and Alan has not arrived, I guess there is a lot of traffic, I pray for his safety when he drives down here. Goody he just came to give me a big hug. Did I forget to blog Sunday?


Saturday, January 11, 2025

Saturday Jan. 11, 2025

Now I am glad that I received my cousins, and I can sit in my recliner with no pressure on my tailbone. I am still waiting for my sweatshirt with Mom, Grandmother and Great grandmother. I did more reading of the Decision. There was also time spent on the computer to check news and what is going on. I see that there are storms of snow etc. I SKYPED with Alan after he came to the U.S., I will be glad to see him in person.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Friday Jan. 10, 2025

The weather today is great. My breakfast was as usual, oatmeal with raisins and banana and a cup of tea. Alden and I played the brain game and Alden won both games. I checked the computer for updates and games and puzzles. Lunch was soup and crackers. Afternoon was more reading of the Decision. So far I have not received my pillows which should be in this evening. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Thursday Jan. 9, 2025

 Up early and get dressed, then make my bed and have a few minutes in my recliner as I don't want to stay very long as I still have not gotten my cushions yet. McKenna came to apply a new patch on my tailbone sore. It is getting better. Lunch was pasta and green salad. Afternoon was reading the Decision and rest time. Evening meal was a small piece of chicken and soup. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Wednesday Jan. 8, 2025

 My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Alden and I played Rummy-Q I won two games and Alden won one game. I went to my room and checked for things on the computer. I did a few games on the computer. Lunch was left over hotdish and salad. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzle. Evening meal was left over chicken and vegies from Jimmys and a little of the yogurt.


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Tuesday Jan. 7, 2025

 My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and a cup of green tea. Then I went to my room to check for computer things. At 11:00am Alden and I went to Jimmys for lunch as Gina was having her business ladies in the house. I had chicken and soup and brought a big share of it home. When I got home I had a nap and evening meal was left over from Gina's party, so I still have my left over from Jimmys as there is just too much food here and I need to cut down. 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Monday Jan. 6, 2025

I went to the kitchen for breakfast and Alden made oatmeal with raisins and green tea for my breakfast. We played Rummy-Q and Alden won all games. I went to my room to check things on the computer. Then I played some computer games and puzzles. I did some reading. Lunch was soup and crackers. McKenna came to put a new patch on my tailbone sore. I checked where my pillows were, at noon today they were at Rancho Cucamonga. Evening meal was pasta, green salad and two cookies. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Sunday Jan. 5, 2025

 It was a busy day around here today as the Christmas tree came down and everything moved around getting ready for Gina's business at this house on Tuesday, then Alden and I will have to go somewhere to eat while they have their time in the house. My tailbone sore is better, but I still have a bandage on it. I am still waiting for those pillows. 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Saturday Jan. 4, 2025

My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and green tea. I checked my computer for any updates. McKenna came and helped me with my shower and she put a new patch on the sore on my tailbone, it is much better, and Alden picked up my medication for my bladder infection. It seems like everything is going crazy with my body, but I will never give up as God will be with me. I am still waiting for those pillows to come. My evening meal was a slice of the Keich which Gina made. It won't be long and Alan will be here that will be good. I pray for his trip to come. Keep praying for our country and for Trump as he takes control.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Friday Jan. 3, 2025

 Breakfast was two poached eggs on toast. I went to my room and checked on checks to write for Gifts for this year. I wrote out checks for everyone except for Alan and Lovely as I will do that when Alan comes. Lunch was chili and toast. I rested for a while then Alden took me to the Doctor to check the sore on my tailbone. She put a patch on it and gave me two patches to take home to apply every three days. So far it is feeling better, I pray that it will get healed. I also ordered two Memory Foam pillows, one for the recliner and one for my computer chair. I also did some reading. It was a full day today.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Thursday Jan. 2, 2025

 Up early as usual and get dressed and make my bed then a few minutes in my recliner and to the kitchen for my oatmeal with raisins and a cup of green tea. Back to my room as Alden was going to take the Holiday lights down from outside, I checked my computer things and prepared to go to The Pancake House for lunch and make a Dr. appointment to check the sore on my tailbone. When we returned home I took a nap. My evening meal was left over from lunch. I checked on line for a memory foam pillow to order. I might order two, one for recliner and one for computer chair.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Wednesday Jan. 1, 2025

 I heard the celebration of the New Year last night. Today has been a quiet day. My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and a cup of green tea. Alden and I played a game of Hand and Foot and he was the winner. Lunch was a bowl of soup with crackers. Afternoon was a nap and computer things. Evening was soup, crackers and chocolate ice cream. I am doctoring a sore on the end of my tail bone which hurts when I sit for a time. I am looking forward for the time when Alan comes.