Sunday, August 31, 2014

What a week

Sunday Aug. 24 Ethel and I went to Church. Pastor Bruce has been speaking on LESSONS FROM THE WILDERNESS. After Church we went to CoCo's for lunch, on my way to the car I tripped over a car stopper and twisted my left leg and got a bruise over my right eye. Resulted in back & blue face and a large bump over my eye. I didn't want to go anywhere as I was so black and blue. Ethel finally got me to go to the club to play games on Thursday and go to ceramics on Friday. Everyone was so kind in greeting me which made me feel so welcome. Saturday Time Warner repair man came to check out our T.V., telephone and Computer as they were all out of order. He capped off the cable line in my bedroom so it wouldn't send out strange signals. He also worked outside on some things so now we hope things will work better. The past week Ethel and I have been stringing some of our beads and making earrings. Today, Sunday Aug. 31 we went to Church with my face plastered with make-up, then we went to Denny's for lunch. When we came home we played some Rummy-Q.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I made fresh blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Did some house cleaning while waiting for Home Depot to call to report on the installation of the new front door. They called and informed me that maybe we could go with 2 doors instead of one as they would have to change some things to fit the door opening. Then we went to ELITE to see if we could do that and they said we will have to submit a new application, from there we went to Home Depot to have them go ahead with the single door. Then it was noon so we went to Panda for lunch and then to 99 cent store, Joan's, and to State Farm as they needed the car mileage. Then we went to Target to get groceries. Next was to go home as we were tired. Rested a little and then worked on a puzzle. Made a green salad and crackers for dinner. Watched the news and the game shows. Also there was thunder and lightening off and on and a few sprinkles. Well I am tired so Good Night.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Need to catch-up

And here it has been over a week since I last blogged. We were having trouble getting into my blog.
We have been busy with ceramics on Mondays, cards on Thursdays, ceramics & oil painting on Fridays, then Rummy-Q last Tuesday, my second time to play at the club. We pay $1.00 for the afternoon and depending how you play you receive some money back so out of the 2 times that I went I donated $2.00 and received back $4.50.
Yesterday we went to Church and after Church we went to Lawrence Welk's for Brunch which was very good, after lunch we walked around and took some pictures.

Today we went to ceramics and found out that they couldn't fire over the weekend as it was out of order.
Then we went to Elite to get the OK to replace the front door. At noon  Alan, Abby, Ethel & I went to Denny's for lunch as Alan & Abby were leaving this afternoon to go to L.A. to prepare for their flight back to Taiwan. After lunch Alan worked on my computer. After they left Ethel & I went to Home Depot to check up on ordering the door etc. We came home and played a couple games of Rummy-Q.


Friday, August 8, 2014


This is another day which has gone by. Had left-over blueberry pancakes, um good. Change bed linins, washed clothes, tidy up the kitchen etc. while Ethel went to ceramics. I was waiting for the man to come and measure for the front door. We played Rummy-Q had lunch, went to the club for oil-painting and Ethel did her handy work. We took a little rest and had dinner, then watched the news, wheel of fortune & Jepardy and check e-mail. Looking forward for Alan & Abby to come tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I miss the A & L family

Well what a beautiful day as we went for a little walk early in the morning. Since our fan died we took it apart and cleaned it and used 3-in-one oil on it and it works like NEW. Well thank God we don't have to purchase another fan. We played a few games of Rummy-Q. It was such nice weather that we had our lunch outside in our beautiful patio. We thank God for providing this home for us and for our health.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A New Day

I have not posted for a couple of days so I will up date what has been going on.
Sunday we went to Church, the speaker from the High School ministries is a student of Bethel  Collage S.D, title was "Do You Speak Love?" After Church we went to CoCo's for breakfast and there we met our friends Dorothy and Mac. Then returned home for a restful afternoon.

Monday we went to our usual ceramics at the club, only a few ladies were there. Ethel poured some more things and I worked on my boy & girl. We came home and had left overs from the Mexican night out with Alan's. Watched the news, wheel a fortune & jeopardy.

Tuesday morning we went for a walk before the sun came out. We did some things in the yard, went to the club to check on the poured ceramics and put names on ours. Took a trip over to Elite to check on the approval of our front door and report to have bushes in the back trimmed. The front door was approved so we went to Home Depot to put in the order. Came home and got caught up on paperwork. Then we found out the fan died so with the hot weather I guess we need to purchase another fan.

Will be glad when Alan comes as for some reason I can't put any pictures from my camera chip on the computer.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Wishing Isaiah Good Luck for the future

Well today has been a great day as God sent some rain which we greatly welcomed. This will be the last day here for Lovely and Isaiah as they are going to L.A. to prepare to go back to Taiwan as Isaiah has to check in for his school. It was very hard for me to say Good-By to Isaiah as I know he will be involved with school now and he may not be able to come to U.S. with the family next time they come. Alan and Abby will come back from L.A. sometime next week and stay for sometime with us so we can have some time together before they return to Taiwan. I pray that they will all have a safe trip back to Taiwan.

Another Busy Day

I had a busy day today.  I went to ceramics this morning then to the club to do oil painting. In the evening, I joined Alan, Lovely, Isaiah, Abby and my sister Ethel to meet with up some of Lovely's pals from Pepperdine. We had a delicious Mexican dinner at Miguel's Cocina, which was a new restaurant right near our house. 

Last of July 2014

Ethel, Lovely & Bea took a drive to Chula Vista and checked out Rosa's, Fred's & the new owners of 81 Quintard Street. We also visited with Bill & Lilo Cofer. Then we went to Chad & Maria's for dinner.  Alden, Josh, Alan, Isaiah, & Abby also joined us there and we had a great evening together.

How did I feel about seeing our "old house"?  SHOCKING!

Here are a few pictures which might help you to know why --

The Living Room

The Front Yard