Saturday, September 19, 2015

Gettong ready

This morning Ethel washed her bedding and the few items that were left to be washed. We have been using up the few things in the frig. so nothing will get spoiled while we are on our Alaska Cruise. We have most every thing done except the last minute things. Tomorrow we will go to Church and then have lunch and fill up the car with gas at Cost Co and pick up something to take to Alden's as we plan on driving down to Alden's at about 6:00 pm Sunday and hang out there until 4:00 am Monday so Alden can take us to the Air Port as out flight is at 6:30 am Monday morning to Portland and then to Vancouver. We will get the Cruise in Vancouver. This is a Inside cruise up to Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan, Vancouver and Victoria BC and ends at San Diego. This time we have a balcony on 9th deck #9034

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Busy Day

Yesterday we had quite a good rain. Alden and Gina came and picked us up to go to the Rancho Barnardo High School for Paige's Volley Ball game. After the game we went to Denny's for dinner.
Today I paid some bills and did some things on the computer, at 10:30 am I left to go to my acupuncture appointment and arrived home at 12:30 pm. I finished my Denny's left over for lunch.
I packed my suitcase for the Alaska Cruise.
At 4:45 pm we went to Church for the Wednesday night dinner. The menu was "Potato" which consisted of everything for baked potatoes, Chili, Soup, corn bread, everything for green salad and fresh fruit, Pizza, Ice cream with everything for topping and cookies, all kinds of drinks. Price was $7.50. We were so full when we finished. We sat at a table with Mercedies and Richard and I forgot the other ladies name. Very nice people. Richard is a 90 year old retired pilot of World War II lives on the same street as J.B.
Tonight after viewing News, and game shows we played a couple games of Dutch Shuffleboard.

Friday, September 11, 2015


Yes we have been having some hot days. Today it is a little cooler down to 95 degrees. It has been so hot that we have been using the A.C. This morning I did some laundry at 7:00 am as we were advised to not use ;much electric from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. At 8:30 am we went to our ceramic class. For lunch we had M.C. chicken pot pies. Then I vacuumed under my bed and polished my bed as they were to deliver my new spring and mattress this afternoon. It was delivered at about 4:00 pm. Ethel helped me make up my bed and it looks very nice, I hope I will sleep well tonight. I called Alden tonight and he said Paige is having a game next Tuesday at the R.B. high school so we might check it out. I sent a plate which I made with Alan to give to Lovely. I hope it gets to Taiwan without breaking. I tried to post some pictures but for some reason it doesn't work.