Sunday, January 31, 2016

Rain today

After taking a shower I looked out the window to see the rain coming down. We went to Church and after Church we were going to go the the pancake house but there was a long line there so Alan drove down to IHOP and we had breakfast there. Our plan was to go to Alden's at about 4:00 pm for the evening so we wanted to get donuts to take to Alden's but what do you know all of the good kind of donuts were sold out so we ended up going to Marie Callenders for pies to take to Alden's.. Gina made Sloppy Joe's and green salad for dinner and of course we had pie and ice cream also. McKenna and Paige were very interested in having Alan to explain about traveling around the world. Then Alan was trying to see if we could get Skype on McKenna's lap top. So we all talked to Lovely and Abby on Skype. We had a great evening at Alden's and returned home at about 9:00 pm. There was not much rain on our way home.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Time to blog

Here it is already a week past into 2016 and this morning we went to the ceramics and there was a large group present. Barbara and Tess are interested in Rummy-Q so they will attend the class tomorrow at the club. Maxine had invited Barbara to come to the club Rummy-Q but Barbara feels like she will not be able to learn also Tess felt the same way. So I invited Barbara and Tess to come to our house and Ethel and I will teach them how to play. It seems so great for us to get together and do so many activities together. We have met so many great people here at 7-Oaks. As I keep thinking what I would be doing if I were still in Chula Vista with no special activities.
I have been reading the Decision and Franklin Graham is starting Campaigns in all the states and I pray our Country will turn to God as things have been getting so ungodly. Also I pray that I will be a testimony to my friends.

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year 2016 blog

Year 2015 was a very good year for me as I seem to be progressing on my Siatic pain.
I haven't done a blog for almost a month but now with the Holidays over I will try to get with it. I hope when Alan comes he will be able to fix my computer so I will be able to put pictures on my blogs.