Friday, June 17, 2016

First Blog for June 2016

I have to start doing Blogs again. Lovely was here last week and helped me with "My Life Story".
I am so grateful that she did this. Lovely returned to Taiwan and she is having my story printed in Taiwan and Alan and Abby will bring the printed copies when they come in July. I see that they are so busy after her return to Taiwan even though they still have time to get my story completed. I never would have been able to do this on my own. THANKS YOU GUYS.
The weather here has been great even the outside is 91 degrees outside and 73 degrees inside. This week end it is to get over 100 degrees outside. We don't have to use the A.C. yet and I hope we will not have to use it. Yesterday we went to our card group and there was ten of us, everyone in our group were present. Today Gerry called and cancelled cards for tomorrow as Ellen fell and is in the hospital. Cards are cancelled for Monday also because of the hot weather. Tuesday June 21 I am scheduled for my second Epidural shot for my back and leg pain.
This is Lovely at the RBCPC resale shop. Located on Poway Road. All proceeds are for the missions.

1 comment:

  1. Glad we could help out in this way! You will have to bring Abby to the resale shops and I'll ask her to look in that first shop, Splash, to see if the purse is still there and on sale!
