Saturday, October 28, 2017

Lovely Down from L.A.

This morning it was very foggy. I washed clothes while Ethel worked vigorously on rearranging her room. She disassembled her queen size bed, sawed the wood piece underneath and set up one of the two sets of drawers as a window seat. What to do with the other set of drawers is now our biggest question? Yippy... as Alden and his family will be here tomorrow. Maybe they can find a good home for it or at least move the darn thing to the patio. Then next week we will go shopping for a regular size bed for her room.

Lovely called to let me know that she was going to leave L.A. at 3:00 pm to come down. With the way she drives, she said she'd arrive here at about 6:00 pm. (She walked in the door at 6:05!) I had made some flan this morning. And for dinner I made scalloped potatoes and corn and of course, flan for dessert.
Image result for flan in a glass bowl
It is so great to have Lovely. The bad part is she has to leave tomorrow at about 1:00 pm. Well she will go to church with us tomorrow for the 8:30am service. We will go to Marie Callendar's for brunch. There will be 10 of us as Alden and his group will also be with us. Everyone will come over here as I bought a HUGE triple layer chocolate cake from Costco!
                                                                                                             Image result for triple layer chocolate cake
And on other notes, we've been really hot weather this week, but today it cooled down quite a bit.

Yes, it's been a month since I last blogged... better late than never...

I should mention that one reason why I haven't been able to blog is because I forgot my own password to get into my blog account. Can it be my age?

Lovely came and helped me out... all she did was point to  my notes and said, "Mom, you've been using the wrong password?" Oh... was that the problem? She wrote it nice and big on my typed notes. I should now be able to blog more regularly!

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