Tuesday, November 28, 2017


What a day. At 8:30 am we went to Cost-Co for gas there was no line. Then we went to Poway Wells Fargo next to Wal-Mart. We did our shopping at Wal-Mart and came home. After putting our purchases away we took everything out of the pantry as there were ants in the pantry. I never thought we could have so much in such a small space. Needless to say we are sorting out things. We washed all the shelves and sprayed with (Home Defence). Tomorrow we will put things back in the pantry.

Thursday, November 23, 2017


This morning I stepped out of the shower and all the electricity went out, it was out for two hours. I went outside to see if I saw any evidence of no electric I went to the shed to check the meters and they all registered blank. Then at 8:00 am we had power. At 11:00 am we put our things in the car and drove down to Alden's. Before dinner we all stood in a circle and each person said what they were thankful for. When it got to Andrew who was the last one in line he got on his knees and proposed to McKenna and gave her the ring. There was a total of 25 people for dinner. The menu was turkey, ham, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, deviled eggs, cranberry jello, pumpkin pie and brownies. I might have missed something but it was great. Sorry I didn't take any pictures. May be Gina has some. We came home at about 4:00 pm.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Day with Alden

Alden came to the house at about 9:00 am then we took off to Discount Tire to have 4 new tires installed on my car. While being installed we went to Wal-Mart to purchase a new car battery and groceries for the Cranberry jello for Thanksgiving. Alden wanted to go to Cost-Co to pick up a few things so we went to Cost-Co and arrived there at 10:15 am but wouldn't you know we couldn't find a place to park so we decided to go back to Discount Tire to pick up my car. Then we took Alden's car to park in the lot where Hailey was at school. Next we took my car and stopped to have lunch at Denny's. After lunch we went to Alden's and Alden and Josh worked on my car, changed the battery changed the oil, washed and vacuumed and polished my car. It is like a new car now even it is 15 years old. Thanks Alden & Josh. Had a nice time talking to Gina and Paige.

Then Alden and I drove back to Poway to pick up Alden's car and I drove my NEW car home. I had to show off my New car to Ethel and Tom.
Yesterday I stayed home all day to wait for UPS to deliver the jewel box which I ordered. I set up my Christmas things and the ceramic houses which I made. UPS arrived at about 6:30 pm.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Another Day

Left the house at 10:00 am to go to Prime Time. The program was (Cowboy Jack) the menu was (Parmesan Crusted Chicken, Pasta, Veggies and Strawberry cheese cake). Could wear anything about cowboys so I still have the jean outfit that Lovely and Debby picked out for me in year 2000 when I went on the cruise with Betty and Gloria, my two roommates from 1955, 1956 & 1957. Wow that was a long time ago.
At 3:00 pm we went to the club house to play Hand & Foot. How great Lois and I won over Ethel and Mary. When we went out to the car the wind was blowing and it seemed real cold, as now we are getting some cooler weather after the hot spell we had.
I just read Lovely's Blog and she arrived in Taiwan safely. So Lovely are you shocked to see me do some Blogs?