Wednesday, March 13, 2019


This morning we went to Wal-Mart to shop. Well it took almost one half hour to get there as there was a accident and it was bumper to bumper for about two miles. This afternoon we went to the church for a concert, after the concert we stayed for the Wednesday supper which consisted of baked potato with all the toppings a green salad, pizza, ice cream with all toppings and all kinds of drinks.
Tonight I made two seat belt covers as when I moved I tossed all the ones which I made years ago.


  1. You didn't toss them... We gave them away! We brought some to Taiwan even! I have a set in our car! And how much was the meal at church?

  2. My seat belt cover was shreds and today while I was driving my neck really got sore with no seat belt cover.

  3. Did they let you take home the leftovers?
