Wednesday, June 30, 2021

I Forgot to blog yesterday

Up at 5:45 am after a shower I went to the kitchen and made French toast for breakfast with blueberries and whipped cream, Went to my room for my Bible reading and prayer time. Lunch was chicken pot pie. Marianna came at 2:00 pm to play hand and foot. My mail was delivered to our neighbor so Gail brought it which contained the letter from Wells Fargo a important letter for Alan. last week my mail was left on top of the mail box where the cars are. It was important mail also.  May be I should report to the post office. I made the green Jello this morning so that was what I had for evening meal. Watched Trump's visit to Texas.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Weather is great

 Up early and I finished the washing at 9:30. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Lunch was fish sticks, broccoli and sweet potato. Afternoon was computer games and puzzles. Bad news the sliding door handle broke, I hope i can replace it. Another job for Alden. Snack time was chocolate bark. Evening meal was pizza and two fig cookies. Then news and game shows.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Church on TV

Up this morning temp. in the 60's. Breakfast was cold cereal with banana. Viewed David Jeremiah, Robert Jefferies and Jack Graham services. Alden said Padres won 11 to 5.Lunch was quiche and broccoli. I finished working on my project GOODIE. It was not good for my eyes. Snack time was a ice cream cone. Evening meal was peanutbutter sandwich and half a apple. I did puzzles and games on the computer.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Who won?

 Breakfast was cod cereal with banana. Check things on computer. Still working on project. Lunch was broccoli and quiche. I had recorded the Padre's game we watched up to 7th ending where #23 was on third base and the record stopped. So I don't know who won. Evening meal was ham and cheese sandwich with dill pickle. Then watching Lawrence Welk and wheel a fortune.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Alden was over night

Up this morning and we had waffles with blueberries and whipped cream, so good. Alden left for Walmart, Post Office and Cost co. Now we are supplied again. Alden cleaned my car with Windex as we are not allowed to wash cars in 7 Oaks. Then Alden and I went to Chic-F-La to pick up lunch. Alden left at noon to go home and get ready for the trip to Padres. He called me to tape the game so I can watch it and fast forward commercials.  So I will watch it Saturday. They really got good seats behind first base. I wonder if we will see them when we watch the game. Evening meal was left overs from Miguel's. Then it was news and game shows.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Time with Alden

 Breakfast was waffle with blueberries and whipped cream. Work on projects. Lunch was steamed spinach with cheese on top and a boiled egg. Alden acme about 3:15 pm at 5:15 we went to Miguel's for dinner. Pictures follow. We played hand and foot and Ethel was the winner over Alden and myself.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Cards with John and Marianna

 After shower breakfast was cold cereal and we had a little rain. Lunch was meat balls, baked potato and broccoli. At 2:00 marianna came we started playing and then John came and we were teaching John how to play hand and foot. As usual I was in the cellar. Marianna won every game. Evening meal was pizza and two fig cookies. Then it was news and game shows.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Some moisture today

Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Alden called and he will come Thursday as he has a house guest from Wounded Worriers who has medical treatment in San Diego.  He is a friend of uncle Jim. Alden will be gulfing Wednesday with this man. We had a little sprinkle, sure need some rain. Lunch was chili and evening meal was green salad and cheese on tortilla. Working on project, this project is for Christmas and I should be done the end of June I hope.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Great weather

 This morning at 6:00 am it was 62 outside and 72 inside. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Checking emails and blogs. Working on my project. Lunch was chicken, sweet potato, squash and zucchini. A nap computer games. Evening meal was toast egg and ham. News and game shows.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Church day

 Up at 5:00 am breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Check computer and all Microsoft was black. No emails no desktop. I waited until 7:15 and I called Alden and he said just shut down everything and wait awhile. Well it all came up and I was waiting for skype with Alan as we had to activate his visa. At 9:45 we viewed several church programs. David Jeramiah speaking the truth and God hates lying. Robert Jeffress spoke on having faith and trust in what God has planned.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

A odd day

 Shower at 5:45 am Breakfast cold cereal and banana. Alden called he was having trouble to skype Alan. We finally set it up with me holding the telephone nex to the mic so they could talk. Then I received Alan's Visa and I don't know if I had info to activate it so I am waiting to skype Alan.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Another hot day

Up at 5:45 am and yes it was pain that got me up. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Check things on the computer. Paige called at 8:30 am and she will come to visit about 6:30 pm. This morning they came and removed the trimmings from the back yard. Lunch was fish, broccoli and sweet potato. I worked on my project. Evening meal was left over from lunch and two cookies. Here is pictures of the back yard.


Thursday, June 17, 2021

A hot day

 Up at 6:00 am. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Check blogs and email. Work on project. They came to cut back the greenery in the back slope. It looks so bare now. Lunch was spaghetti and meat balls. Snack time was two fig cookies. Evening meal was a green salad. Then it was news and no game shows as they had gulf.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Dentist appointment

Breakfast was cold cereal.  Alden was over night to take me to the dentist at 9:00 am. I had my teeth deep cleaned. Next appointment is in three months for a regular clean and check gums. We went to Denny's and I had scrambled eggs. We came home and checked things out and took a small nap. We just started to play hand and foot and Marianna showed up so we started over and Alden and I were the winners. We had ice cream cones. Alden left to go to the spa and pool, Marianna stayed to visit until 6:00 pm. I was not hungry after ice cream cone so no evening meal. Then it was news and game shows. Yes I received my new driver license in the mail for another four years.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Wash day

I was up at 6:00 am to put the first load in the wash. I did not get much sleep, I forgot to take my pain pill. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. At 7:00 I put the 2nd load in and Ethel finished as I needed some time to rest after changing my bed. Lunch was baked potato, chicken and zucchini. Evening meal was left over Mexican food and cookies. Alden came at 6:45 pm to skype with Alan, still having a
problem with the mic. Alden is going to check with his friend about it. We hear Alan but Alan cannot hear us well.

Monday, June 14, 2021

No wash today

 People working outside so I could not wash today. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Blog and emails. Lunch was green salad with boiled egg and ham. Evening meal was left over Mexican food. SKYPE with Alan to take care of business. I couldn't find everything so Alden will have to finish tomorrow on skype.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Getting warmer

 Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Viewed David Jeremiah subject was David and Goliath.   The next was Jack Graham subject was Zackies the we little man Jesus said come down I am going to your house. Next was Robert Jeffress and the subject was Faith in believing  that God will do what he promised to do. Lunch was Mexican food. Evening meal was ham and cheese sandwich, pickle and two fig cookies.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Cool this morning

Yes it was about 55 deg. this morning. Took a shower at 6:00 am. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Soaked my feet. Check blogs and email. Worked on project. Lunch was fish, zucchini and sweet potato. I made a Mexican hot dish for Sunday. Afternoon snack was yogurt and cookie. Evening meal was poached egg on toast and two fig cookies. There was no Lawrence Welk tonight. Going through papers to toss.


Friday, June 11, 2021

Went to 99cent store

 Cool this morning at 53 deg. Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Check email and blogs. Work on project. Lunch was quiche and steamed spinach. Marianna came at 1:00 pm to take us to the 99 cent store. We were very tired when we got home. Evening meal was zucchini and cheese taco. Yes Lovely I just finished Mark, I am checking the side notes also which takes me a while but is very interesting. I went from Genesis through Isaiah and then skipped to the New Testament. But I can't read too long at a time.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Checking files

 A little cooler this morning. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Check blogs and emails. Paying bills and updating files for household expenses. It is good that God gave me a mine how to do these tasks. My body is running down though.  I thank Alden for his help doing things of running around for me and little things in the house, also Ethel helps. Lunch was my left over salad from Denny's and that was also my afternoon snack. I did my Bible reading and prayer time. Also working on my projects. No time on computer games today. Evening meal was a slice of Quiche. News and game shows.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Got groceries

Breakfast was cold cereal. Alden went to Wal Mart and CostCo for groceries. We went to IHOP for lunch. Marianna came at 2:00 pm to play cards. Marianna and Ethel won over Alden and I. We had chocolate chip cookies which Gina made and candy snacks. Evening meal was peanutbutter sandwich. News and game shows. We are ready to try the SKYPE next week when Alden comes.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Weather is great

 Breakfast was cold cereal. Check email and blogs and tidy up my room. Reading the Decision. Lunch was meat balls, sweet potato and broccoli. Reading and computer games. Snack time was yogurt. Evening meal was pizza. Alden came about 7:15 pm. He is staying over night and will do our grocery shopping. Gina made chocolate chip cookies for us, so good.  love home made cookies.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Received new mic. for SKYPE

Breakfast was cold cereal. Check email and blogs. Work on projects. Lunch was home made vegetable soup and cookie. Afternoon snack was yogurt. Evening meal was soup, cheese cracker and slice of ham lunch meat. News and game shows. I received the new microphone for SKYPE so I think Alden will come tomorrow to check it and install it. 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

View sermons

Breakfast was cold cereal.  Viewed three church services. Lunch was egg salad and toast. Take a nap. Bible reading. Evening meal was egg salad and toast. Not much on TV. Do computer games and puzzles.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Time with Sam and Julie

Up at 7:00 this morning I had a good sleep. Breakfast was cold cereal. Check emails and blogs. Make bed and organize my room. Lunch was chicken, broccoli and sweet potato. Bible reading and prayer time. Sam and Julie arrived at 4:00 pm and left about 6:30. Evening meal was soup and bread sticks. We watched home improvement show. 

Friday, June 4, 2021

Weather is getting warmer

Up at 5:45 this morning. Breakfast was cold cereal. Bible reading and prayer time. Lunch was left over lasagna and broccoli. Afternoon was a short nap and computer games. Evening meal was tomato soup and grilled sandwich. Then news and game shows.


Thursday, June 3, 2021

I will sleep like a baby

So many things done today. Alden arrived at 7:30 to take me to SCRIPPS for my yearly lab tests. We dropped off a form for the Doctor to sign. Went to Denny's for breakfast. He helped me to renew my driver license which will be mailed in a couple weeks, so I will not have to go to DMV for that. The new mic for SKYPE should receive on June 8 or 9. I put a Costco lasagna in the oven for our evening meal. We watched news and wheel a fortune. Thank God for this day.


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Cards with Marianna

Breakfast was cold cereal. Computer things. Lunch was spaghetti and meat balls. Marianna came at 2:15 pm to play hand and foot and visit until 6:00  pm she brought some wine and of cource she always brings some candy snacks.. Evening meal was peanutbutter and jelly sandwich. Then it was news and game shows.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

A Beautiful day

Night was quite good. Breakfast was egg on toast. Doing some checking on renewing my driver license. Even I hardly ever drive anymore but it is good to have the license. The weather is great. lunch was chicken, peas and carrots and baked potato. I had a afternoon nap. Evening meal was pizza. Then it was news and game shows.