Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Still warm

Ethel did the washing today as yesterday she had a doctor apt, usually we do washing on Monday and we take turns so I only wash every other week so I do my bedding on my wash day, not every day like Lovely does. See how lucky I am. I had to sleep in my recliner for three hours last night as I had too much pain. Well breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Lunch was fish, broccoli and sweet potato. Snack was chocolate bark from Costco it is very good. Evening meal was cottage cheese and tomato. Then it was news and game shows. We used the AC several hours. At least it cools down about 6:00 pm and we can open the windows and door for a few hours before we go to bed and close for the night.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, I can't believe that I have to do a load almost every day!
