Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Nice to have Alden here today

 Yes it is nice to have Alden here, he and Josh did a great job of cleaning the back yard. Nick had Alden show him where the outlets should be. Breakfast was the same thing as usual. I removed the glass from some pictures which I painted, I just wish I had finished them, they are oil paintings, but Alden said I should keep them. I did that at 7-Oaks where other people left oil paints. This afternoon I took a walk in the back yard and went to the big storage to see Socks. Alden fixed our evening meal with left overs. He is now trying to put things away in the big shed. When you think of so many people bringing their belongings to one address, it's amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Did Annie ever go down to pick up things that you were giving to her?
