Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Nice to have the family home

Breakfast was cereal and coffee. Gina made me 1/2 super sandwich and chips for lunch. The afternoon was spent playing hand and foot with Alden and Gina, had a short nap. Evening meal was spaghetti and meat balls and broccoli with cheese. I received the package with two compression  hosiery today, Thanks Annie. Then there was Bible reading and prayer time.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The BEST buffet

 Alan went to play tennis Paige is here to take care of the farm before she goes to work. Alan had a short talk to Lovely then Alan and I went for lunch at New Century Buffet and I will say this is one of the best Buffet I have had. It is about 4 miles west of here. James if you can guess the bill for two of us is $28.12 you are the winner Ha Ha I like your style. But I forgot to take pictures. We got home and had a nap. The rest of the family are due late tonight.



Monday, August 29, 2022

Getting things done

 This morning breakfast was cold cereal and coffee. Alan went to play tennis after the farm chores were done. I did my update of (VIAL OF LIFE). When Alan came he did my washing which has been for 3 weeks so I had to put it all away. I did some cleaning up in the kitchen, tossed many little dabs of leftovers from the Frig. My evening meal was grilled cheese sandwich and ice cream bar. So far Paige is the only one back from Kansas, Hailey & Matt are due tonight and the rest of the gang will be back tomorrow late night.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

I am back to home after a week in L.A.

Thanks for the time in L.A. I will show a couple of pictures of my time with Mary and Marianna. Today after taking a shower and taking my medication. Alan and I went to church at Shadow Mountain church, this is our third time there and every time it was a special speaker, today the subject was to be a good example wherever you are and always remember that God is with you always. After church we went to IHOP and had a great breakfast there. None of the family have returned yet, they had Daren's memorial yesterday at 2:00 pm so all of Alden's family attended. Alan has been taking care of the dogs and cats. Here are the pictures us playing Hand & Foot.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Ready to go to LA

 Breakfast was cold cereal and coffee, yesterday was a long day at R.B. with Mary and Marianna then evening with Daniel then home late. Today getting ready to go to LA.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Alden & Gina left for Kansas

 Up at 8:00am I had to have Alan put the socks on. Breakfast was cold cereal, banana & coffee. I tried to get a form for (Vial of Life) as there are a lot of changes for it. It was hard to find a blank one. Alan took Alden and Gina to the airport this afternoon. Abby put some pictures on my computer of their time in Mexico. She said they had a buffet dinner which was real good. Here are a couple pictures.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Abby & Alan went to see Albert

I got up about 6:30 and decided to go back to bed and I had a dream of building a house woke up at 10:30 when the house was almost finished. What a crazy dream. So my breakfast was almost lunch time. No lunch today. I called my doctor about my medication. I put my medication in packets for the time to be up in L.A. before Abby leaves. I did some arranging of things in my room. Alan and Abby came back and everyone in this house gets their own leftovers for dinner. 

Monday, August 15, 2022

Dinner for all 11 and Baby=12

 Breakfast was cold cereal banana and coffee. I had to have Alden put the left foot ankle brace on this morning. At about noon Alan, Abby and I went to Wells Fargo and Wal-Mart, Abby wheeled me around in the wheelchair. I really enjoyed that, I think we spent about two hours mostly window shopping. The evening meal was hotdogs, hamburgers with all trimmings, baked beans, mac. & cheese and brownies with ice cream. They even had to have both table leaves.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Went to Shadow Mountain church

 After my shower and dressed for church I took my morning pills with a few grapes. Alan, Abby and I  went to church. Alan dropped Abby and I near the ramp then he parked. Abby fixed our favorite coffee, when Alan showed up we entered the church. The guest speaker from Florida spoke on to be sure to know who is speaking has the right interpretation of the Bible. After church we had breakfast at the Pancake House. Afternoon was relaxing. It was another hot day.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Hand and foot today

 Breakfast was cold cereal and banana, I tried the coffee packs but it was not good. That was the ones from hotel over night. Alan and I played against Alden and Gina. Wow they really did us up good. Almost every game they were almost ready to go out and Alan and I couldn't even get down, and we ended up with red 3's in our foot. O well that is OK as it was comfortable inside and over 100 outside.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Not Much Today

Breakfast is the same as usual. Computer things and rest in recliner as ankles are swollen. Alan ordered compression  socks for me from Amazon. I have decided to exchange my two recliners as the brown one raises my feet higher. McKenna dropped by for the evening. Evening meal was chili and rolls. This is a picture of Albert and Beatriz at dinner yesterday.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Dinner with Albert and Beatriz

It was another hot day today breakfast was the same as usual. Time with Alan and Abby Lunch was a few left overs. Bible reading and prayer time. We met up with Albert and Beatriz for dinner


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Hot day

After breakfast I went to the front of the house and it was very hot then. I checked my computer. Bible reading and prayer time. Lunch was a few left overs. Afternoon was nap time. Evening meal was spaghetti and a toasted bisques. Viewed some of Padreas.


Tuesday, August 9, 2022

No Blog yesterday

 The computer was too busy checking the "Back-Up" yesterday. This morning was cold cereal, banana and coffee. Too bad the Reese cold cereal is all gone. After breakfast I went to the front of the house to relax in the shade and talk with Alden. Alan had left to play tennis with Albert. Braelynn was here most of the day. Alan went through things to keep at Annie's Senior house. Evening meal was hambergers with all trimmings, mac. & cheese and baked beans for nine people and left overs. I started to watch Padre's through the 4th then I came to my room.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Shadow Mountain Community Church

 Yes Alan, Abby and I went to Shadow Mountain Church. This is the first time there and there was a substitute Speaker from Florida he spoke on the Christain way to bring up your family. After the service we toured several different areas in the church. I was very impressed in everything. I had to walk with the walker for a long way as all the disabled spots were taken. Then Alan toured us up on the mountain above the church. Lunch was leftovers. Afternoon was spent with Alan checking my computer. Evening meal was more leftovers but they are very good. 


Saturday, August 6, 2022

Learn new game

Breakfast was cold cereal, banana and coffee. Alan went to play tennis. I put my daily pills for 4 weeks in containers. I loaded my Iphone pictures on the computer. Lunch was left over from dinner with Matt's family. Afternoon was playing "hand and foot" Alden and Gina won over Alan and Bea. The girls all went window shopping as it is Paige's Birthday. When they came back Abby and Alan taught us how to play a game named "RED". I will type the instructions it is a good game for the brain, WOW.

Friday, August 5, 2022

A busy day

 Up early I got ready for the day. I had breakfast and morning pills. Alden and I left for my doctors appointment which was 9:00 am. We stopped for gas and home again. Alan, Abby and I took off to spend the afternoon at the Mexican border Mall. It is big and modern, years ago when we went there it was like going to the fair booths. On our way we stopped to check Fred's, Rosa's and our Quintard house. Fred's and Rosa's were not there so I left a note in their mailboxes. 


Thursday, August 4, 2022

Change buttons on garment

 Breakfast same as usual. Computer things, reading and change buttons from brown to purple and cut the long sleeves and I did find my needles and other sewing things which I needed next I will hem the sleeves. It was hard to find a good dress. This is a picture of one dress which Lovely gave me in 32 years ago which I gave away.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Back to Bloging

 Yes I have been away in L.A. for a few days and no way to Blog. It is great to get back. I had a great time up in L.A. and got back here about 11:00 pm last night. Today I got caught up with my computer things and Alden did my 10 day wash and I got it all folded and put away. Breakfast was cold cereal, banana and coffee. Alan and Abby went to play tennis then they took the trolly to go to the Padres game, I watched the game through the 5th inning. While in L.A. we went to some thrift stores. I can't find my needles as I want to sew different buttons on a garment. I hope needles is not another thing I tossed. While in L.A. James treated us to different Restaurants, THANKS to James. Updating things with Alden. 
