Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Time in front yard

 After getting up at 7:30am and doing my morning things like getting dressed and make bed etc. I rested in my recliner until 9:30am. I went to the kitchen for breakfast which was cold cereal and Lovely's coffee as Alden had already gone to Wal-Mart and he did not make coffee and no banana. I have two packets left of Lovely's coffee for emergency, O well I can get along without coffee. I spent about one hour in the front yard. Then Alden, Gina and I played hand and foot. Evening meal was Lasagna. Then another round of hand and Foot with Hailey added. Here are two pictures of Fall decorations.


  1. I hope you have enough packets... I can ask Alan to bring some back when he comes in January!

  2. We have them here too at 99 Ranch
