Saturday, September 16, 2023

Looking for compression socks

 I was up early to do some organizing and hand sewing. Breakfast was cold cereal, banana and coffee. Alden and I played the "brain game" which is Rummy-Q, to wake up our brain. Well of three games I won two games, so I guess that is OK for a 94 old buzzard. Lunch was mac. & cheese which Paige made. Paige was busy organizing the hall cabinets. She has been housesitting at her boss house. McKenna made Zucconi bread which is good. It has been overcast most of the day. I spent time looking for compression socks, I think I found the ones we like. Gina ordered some and we didn't like the ones she ordered so she is returning them. I did some computer games and puzzles.



  1. I need some games to wake up my brain!

  2. No Lovely, you just need some sleep to wake up yours
