Friday, October 4, 2024

Friday Oct. 4 2024

I went to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and a cup of coffee. I took to my room to eat and check the computer things. Paige came to my room to report things about their vacation, and she put my socks on. Then McKenna and Emma came to see me, Emma had her great smile and she came to greet me, Cash the dog also comes to join us. It was nice to see them all. My lunch was a sandwich with lunchmeat and cheese and some grapes. Paige made scrambled eggs and toast for my evening meal. I made a list of groceries to purchase from WalMart, maybe Paige will go there tomorrow.


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thursday Oct. 3 2024

My breakfast was cold cereal and a cup of coffee. Then I rested in my recliner and checked computer things, bad news that Iran attached Israel, I just keep praying for all things. Maria came at noon and she put my socks on. Lunch was a egg salad sandwich. Then we played several games of Rumma-Q. It was getting soo hot in the house so I called Alden to find out to adjust the thermostat, then it started to cool down some, my room gets hot in the afternoons when the sun comes from the west. Latter on it started to cool down. My evening meal was two scrambled eggs and a slice of toast. Maria left at 6:00pm. The kids should be here late tonight.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Wednesday Oct. 2 2024

 This morning my breakfast was cold cereal banana and coffee. I had some time in my recliner, then time to check my computer to see if Annie and Lovely left any messages on my blog. I still can not receive any email nor can I send any email. It has been real hot today, in the upper 90's. Marie and I used orange and blue nail polish to touch up the tiles of the Rummyque game as they were getting so light we could hardly see what they were, so I am putting a picture of what we were doing. My lunch was stew with vegies. My evening meal was two scrambled eggs with a slice of toast.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tuesday Oct. 1, 2024

 It is hotter than yesterday and my room gets hot as it is on the west side of the house. My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and coffee. Maria came at noon and she put my socks on, then she made a good salad for lunch. After lunch we played Rummy-Q and she is getting on it quite well. Maria did some house cleaning and I started a grocery list for some things. I still can not get my e-mail or send email, O well Alden will be here in a few days, I know he can fix it.