Saturday, June 29, 2019
Alan woke me up
I got home at 2:00 am from Kelly's retirement and Popo's 70th Birthday party. So I was going to sleep in for a few hours but Alan called at 7:30 am so we went on SKYPE for a hour and Alan printed out all of the paperwork and luggage tags for our cruise. Great it s done. It is about eleven days until we head for our cruise. This is a few pictures of last nights party.

Friday, June 28, 2019
Up early as usual
Today I am posting early as this will be a long day. This morning I did some pantry arranging and had cold cereal with banana for breakfast. I will be taking a shower and get ready for the trip to L.A. to celebrate Kelly's Retirement and Popo's 70 Birthday. Alden teaches this morning and he will pick me up between 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm. This is a surprise for Kelly and Popo. I hope to take pictures which I will post tomorrow.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Beautiful day
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Looks like I didn't blog
Yes I don't know what happened may be I forgot to post. O well here we go. For breakfast I fixed waffles with blueberries and whipped cream. So Good. At 8:30 we went to Wells Fargo and Wal-Mart. Wells Fargo said it would cost $35.00 to stop a check which I made out to the Church which never got cashed, I checked with the Church and they don't have record of the check. Don't know what happened. May be it went in the trash. The amount was $110.00 so I will just hope someone did not get it. I put it in the offering plate on June 2 and this is June 26.
Monday, June 24, 2019
Something today
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Another slow day
This morning I made cream of wheat with raisins and a banana for breakfast. I did the washing this morning. For lunch I made broccoli, fish sticks and potato salad. We had a ice cream cone for afternoon snack. Dinner was cream noodle soup. This is a better picture of my gardenia.
Friday, June 21, 2019
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Quite windy
Down at the club it was very windy today. This morning we went to Cost-Co to purchase gas and a few groceries. We will very appreciate when the time will be for Alden to help with shopping as we feel the age creeping up on us. This afternoon we went to the club to play cards, there was five of us so we did not play partners and I was the winner. Today I took a picture of my gardenia it is getting a lot of flowers on it. The picture did not turn out very good.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
A Great Day
Yes a great day, the weather is great high 70's. This afternoon Hsing came over to play Rummy-Q with us. At noon the lady who is the head of Area 2 came to talk to us about the meeting and about doing the trimming of the bushes. She is reporting it to ASPM so they can get their act together and do things right. They are to come next week to trim our bushes. We will see if it gets done. My Gardenia bush is loaded with flowers and buds this year. Last year there was no flowers on it. That is my favorite as I had a beautiful Gardenia next to the front door down in Chula Vista. I will take a picture of mine tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Area 2
This morning we had a waffle with blueberries for breakfast. lunch was a baked potato, carrots, spinach and chicken strips. For snack was yogurt with blueberries. For dinner was chicken vegetable soup. Tom said the meeting yesterday was at 10:00 am not 7:00 pm which was on the mail notice which I received. Tom will check it out.

Monday, June 17, 2019
Overcast today
This morning we went to ceramics and my cookie jar is finished. At 1:00 pm we went to cards, Karol and I were the big winners. This evening we went to the club for a meeting for area #2. Well we waited until after 7:00 pm and no one showed up so we went home. I will keep after them to trim the bushes, they said it will be done in June so we will see.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Great Sunday
Today it is overcast most of the day.This morning we went to Church and I drove in and out of Denny's as the parking was loaded. We went to IHOP and we shared a spinach and mushroom omelet with hash browns. It was so large and tasty we brought home two boxes to go and we finished it for our evening meal.

Saturday, June 15, 2019
June half gone
Friday, June 14, 2019
Not much
Thursday, June 13, 2019
A great day
This is a great day as the weather is so nice. I vacuumed the floor and cleaned the kitchen and dining room floor. I called ASPM again to have the bushed trimmed, their answer was it would be done this month June. Well we will see. The bush along the walkway to the front door is so we have to walk on the grass or brush against the bush. Monday I will go to the meeting and report this. Even this is hard for me as I don't hear that well. I just received the e-mail from Debbie and she said her mother is in bad shape, I am sorry to hear that.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Some cooler
This morning I got up before 6:00 am I fixed left over rice with cinnamon and raisins for breakfast. I guess I will not have a problem with the time change when we go to the east coast as I am ready to get up at 4 or 5 o'clock. Well we will see. After breakfast we went out and dry cleaned the car as it was really dirty from the rain. The temperature today was some cooler. I am sitting at my computer with the window open and it is chilly
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Shopping at Wal-Mart
This morning I got up at 6:00 am and we had yogurt for breakfast then we left at 6:35 am to go shopping. We wanted to do it before it got hot. We were home before 8:00 am. It was a couple degrees cooler today. The rest of the week will be in the 70's. I purchased two more plug in's for the the Cruise, one for Alan's cabin and one for Alden's cabin. Now we can keep our i-phones charged for more pictures.
Monday, June 10, 2019
What a day
We went to ceramics this morning and I finished my cookie jar so now it has to get fired. This afternoon we went to cards and when I went to the car the temp. was 102 degrees in the sun. We got home and it was 98 outside and 78 in the house so we turned the dinning room fan on and it was comfortable. No AC. I just received a call from Mary and she said Mariana fell and broke her right arm and she will be coming back to R.B. soon. Rosalee will be having a gallbladder surgery soon.
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Woo 94 degrees
Can you believe that? How the weather has changed. I hope it doesn't get as hot as it did last year July 6 and 7. But we are still comfortable, no air condition. I see the neighbors do have the air condition on. We went to church and the orchestra played today. Then we had breakfast at Denny's.
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Getting warmer
Yes the days are getting warmer but great weather. This morning I did the washing. Not much going on today. I am trying to see if I can get the bushes trimmed as they are getting so over grown. We are under a new company and I call them three weeks ago and they said the next week they would have some one out to do it, but there is no show. I will call again next week and see what is up.

Friday, June 7, 2019
Today is a great day. We went to ceramics and I am still working on the cookie jar. There is a lot of close working on this project I hope I will have it done next week. I made spaghetti and meat balls for lunch and soup with bits of broccoli for dinner. We are trying to eat light in the evening so we sleep better.

Thursday, June 6, 2019
A warm day
Yes it is another warm day but very comfortable. It reached 79 in the house with the front door open. This morning we did some work in the sun room. As we removed some things and I took pictures of things we want to get rid of I need to send pictures of "The Manger scene" also the counter top oven. I will post on this blog.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019
A warm day
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
James lost
Yes James finally lost to a girl named Emma. James didn't get the two Daily Doubles in the double jeopardy but Emma got them. This evening Alden called and the Retirement party went well and he was surprised. He said there was about fifty people who showed up. I didn't go as I did not want to drive down there and I don't hear well when there a lot of noise so I am sending him a card tomorrow.
Monday, June 3, 2019
When I opened the blind I noticed that we had rain last night. For breakfast I made oat meal with raisins and one half banana. We went to ceramics this morning. I worked on my cookie jar. For lunch we had fish, sweet potatoes and green salad. At 1:00 pm we went to play cards. For dinner we had tomato soup and one half grilled cheese sandwich and two fig cookies.
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Saturday, June 1, 2019
It has been overcast most of the day. Today is Ethel's day for washing. Breakfast was cold cereal, one half banana and hot water. Lunch chicken strips, sweet potatoes, green salad and yogurt. afternoon snack was three dates and chocolate bark. Dinner chicken soup, crackers and two fig cookies. Drinking water off and on all day. Yes Lovely you wanted to know the meal report.

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