Saturday, February 29, 2020
Rain is coming
This morning we had scrambles eggs and cinnamon toast. Ethel did the laundry. I made candied sweet potatoes, baked salmon and greens. We viewed the movie "Love At First Bark" This is a movie that Paige would like to see. I did not delete it. This evening we had a cheese and ham sandwich with celery sticks. There was none of our game shows tonight. Yes Alden's are up at Aunt Jeans and it looks like they will be getting the snow.

Friday, February 28, 2020
A Warm Day
Thursday, February 27, 2020
A Warm Day
Breakfast was raisin bran with banana. Ethel went for a Dr. appointment. Karol picked me up to go to Prime Time. Ethel came later. It was High Society Jazz Band and they were GREAT. If they come again this is the one I want Alden and Gina to come to. The food was great, Enchiladas with rice and green salad and of course ice cream with toppings and cookies, also drinks. This afternoon was cards and we had a new lady Barbara so there was six of us. Evening meal was tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwich. Evening was news and game shows.
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
I guess I missed a day
Well here it is Wednesday,. Breakfast was oat meal with raisins and banana. We went to ceramics again and they are still working in the area so I didn't finish what I wanted to do. For lunch we had fish tacos. Alden called from school and he wanted to know if he should come up here after school as they plan on going up to Aunt Jean and uncle Jim Thursday and for the week end. I told him we don't need him and he can wait until next week. Reading and working on the computer was for the afternoon. Evening meal was peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Then there was news and game shows.

Monday, February 24, 2020
Noise at ceramics
Breakfast was oat meal with raisins and banana. I went to ceramics and didn't stay as they were making too much noise from some repairs. For lunch I had mashed potato with gravy, two meat balls and broccoli. We went to the club to play cards. There was five of us For three games I totaled 1,800 points which was the lowest. On the fourth game my total was almost 7,000 points so I was the big winner, so never give up. The evening meal was broccoli and cheese soup and a slice of raisin bread.

Sunday, February 23, 2020
Busy Sunday
After shower I had yogurt, coffee and pills. Went to Church at 8:30 and Bible study at 10:00. Came home and i had a small pizza. Alden called at noon and said he taught school four days last week. McKenna and Andrew went up to Sacramento for the week end, they were going to see Christopher and Debby and some other friends. This afternoon I did reading and a nap. then we went to the church for a concert which was Duo Tugeon"s 30 anniversary as a piano duo. They play on two of our Church grand pianos. We are so lucky to have these great concerts at our church.

Saturday, February 22, 2020
Rain, rain
This morning I got up at 6:00 am to start the washing as it didn't start to rain yet. Then I fixed waffles with blueberries and whipped cream and always Lovely's coffee. Well I got all the washing done and the last load in the dryer and it poured down so I just left the rest in the laundry room until about 4:30 pm as I didn't want to track in from the rain. This is the bad thing as we noticed that there was drips of water coming down on the carpet in the sun room. You will see in the picture where I put plastic containers to catch the water. I left a message for Alden about it. I haven't heard from Alden since Valentines Day. May be he is busy teaching.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Busy day
Breakfast was cream of wheat with raisins. At 9:00 we went to ceramics and I did some repair work on some corn holders for Marianna, We went down to Poway to the 99 cent store then we went over to Wells Fargo. After we came home we had chicken pot pies for lunch. This afternoon I did reading and some computer stuff. I did a puzzle of Samoa.

Thursday, February 20, 2020
Prime time
Breakfast was cream of wheat with raisins and banana. 10:30 was Prime Time and a celebration for Lois as her 100 Birthday was yesterday. The food was green salad Lasagna bread and cake and ice cream. We went to play cards at 2:00 and there was seven of us. Our evening meal was tuna fish from Samoa sandwich and chips and two fig cookies.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Checking Family Books

Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Home all day
Breakfast was cream of wheat with raisins and banana. Pain in my left hip down to my knee. When I opened my computer there was a Error in my file C so I could not receive e-mails. I was checking to fix the problem and I didn't want to try anything so I decided to see if I could send a e-mail to Alden and Gina to see if they know how to fix it and when I sent the e-mail to them it got fixed automatically. I don't know about these computers, are they testing me? O well. Lunch was green salad with a cheese tortilla. Afternoon we viewed a movie and Bible reading. Evening meal was a small pizza. We had popped corn while watching the news and game shows.We are still watching Christmas movies.

Monday, February 17, 2020
A Cool Wind
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Beautiful Sunday
It was cooler in the 40"s. We went to church and the Music was great with the choir and orchestra presentation of "Down By The Riverside". The message was Romans 8 All Things work together for good for those who love God. Then we went to Bob's Bible study in Genesis how Jacob surrendered to God for guidance. The afternoon was spent reading .
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Beautiful day
This morning I slept in until 8:00 am as I had a restless night with hip and leg pain. I fixed cold cereal with banana for breakfast as this is the week for Ethel to do the washing. Mary walked down to visit. For lunch we had sweet potato, broccoli, and fish sticks. Then there was Bible reading and notes on the computer. A few games on the computer. Evening meal was poached egg on toast. Then we watched Larence Welk show.

Friday, February 14, 2020
Valentines\'s Day
Foe breakfast we had cold cereal with banana. At 10:00 Alden came with two beautiful bequet of flowers one for me and one for Ethel. Then we went to Cost-Co for gas as the gauge was just below one half full, the last time we got gas was Dec. 10 2019. Then Alden and I went to purchase a few items at Cost-Co and cash my rebate check while Ethel stayed in the car. Next we went to Wal-Mart to finish our shopping. We went home and Alden cleaned my car while I made lunch which was ham and cheese sandwiches and chips. Alden trimmed back my oleanders. I did my reading while Alden checked his e-mail. Alden went to the club to exercise and he left to go home at about 4:30. So nice to have a helper, Thanks Alden.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Prime Time
Breakfast was raisin bran with banana. Prime Time entertainment was "Double Take" they are great, I couldn't help but get guise bumps when listing to them. Great voices and great on the key board. Lunch was salad, Street Tacos with Pico de Gallo, Mexican rice and ice cream with all toppings and cookies. Then we went to play cards and there was six of us.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Thank God
For breakfast we had oat meal with raisins and banana. Yesterday my right ear was so I could not hear even with the hearing aid. I prayed that it would get healed and God does answer prayer as today I hear good in my right ear. We went to ceramics and two of my items were broken so I worked on them and I finally gave up. Then we were to meet a lady in the parking lot to give a Cain and shower chair that we don't use. We got home and Chad left a message to take us to IHOP for lunch. He arrived after 1:00 pm and we were getting hungry, then the service there was very slow. In the afternoon I did my reading

Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Vote ready to mail
For breakfast was a Waffle with blueberries and whipped cream. I worked on primary election and it is ready to mail. For lunch it was spaghetti and Brussels sprouts. Afternoon was Bible reading and computer stuff. We went to the market for bananas as we have been having leg cramps at night Afternoon snack was yogurt and blueberries. Evening meal was a sandwich with ham and cheese. The evening was spent watching the news and game shows and snacking on pop corn.

Monday, February 10, 2020
Rain again
This morning it was raining so I did not want to go to ceramics. We had cream of wheat with raisins for breakfast. I did my Bible reading and notes on the computer. Lunch was sweet potato, fish sticks and Brussels sprouts. Then there was cards at 1:00 pm and small pizza and celery stick for evening meal. Alden called and today was his first sub. teaching for 6 and a half hours at his same school. He is retired and he told them he will only except three days a week. That leaves friday this week for Alden to take us grocery shopping. Then Alan called so we talked on SKYPE. That was great to talk to him.

Sunday, February 9, 2020
Sunday rain
This morning it was warmer but clouds in the sky. We went to church and then to Bob's bible study class, the scripture was Genesis 32 when Jacob was to meet his brother Esau after many years. When we came out of the church it had been raining. We went home and for lunch we had chicken pot pies. I spent the afternoon reading and a little nap. For evening meal we had soup and crackers.

Saturday, February 8, 2020
Wash Day
This morning I got up at 6:30 and got my bedding stripped to do the washing. For breakfast I made french toast with blueberries and syrup. I finished the washing and Mary stopped for a few minutes. For lunch I warmed the left over fish and put it in a tortilla with cheese. This afternoon I did my Bible reading. I also am trying to finish my voting which I do by mail.

Friday, February 7, 2020
A Slower Day
This morning it was in the 30's. When it is so cool in the morning I like hot cereal for breakfast so it was oat meal with raisins and there is always Lovely's coffee also. I did my Bible reading and entered notes on the computer. I did studying of the election material. For lunch we had fish left over from Denny's, sweet potato and mixed vegetables. Then we watched "My Sweet Valentine" movie. We had soup and crackers for evening meal and we finished the chocolate cake. We viewed the news and our game shows.

Thursday, February 6, 2020
A Day with Alden and Gina
Yes this is a great day. Alden and Gina arrived here at about 9:45 am so Alden sprayed Ethel's bath room and around the outside of my condo with (home defense) as we have ants. Then at 10:00 am we went to Prime Time. We got home about 12:30 and it turned out they could spend the rest of the day here so we went to the club to play hand and foot. Alden and I played against Gina and Mary. We were the big winners so we started over and Gina and Mary were the winners. Ethel, Karol and Marianna played separate on the other table. Then w went to Denny's for our evening meal. We came home and visited and 7:00 pm they went home as Alden has to go to school tomorrow to get started to sub-teach, he got several calls already today but he doesn't have a password yet. What a great day.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Cold night
It looks like it froze last night. I made scrambled eggs with vegetables and cheese for breakfast. Mary called and wanted to treat us for fish tacos at Claim Jumpers. Ethel and I shared the fish tacos. Then we shared the chocolate cake, wow it was soooooo big we brought more then half home, maybe Alden and Gina will help us as they are coming tomorrow. This afternoon I did my Bible reading. For evening meal we had yogurt with blueberries.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020
It was cold 36 outside 65 inside. I made oat meal with raisins for breakfast. We went to get our hair cut. Lunch was broccoli, carrots and meat balls with cheese. Our afternoon snack was yogurt with blueberries. Then there was Bible reading and entered notes on the computer. Evening meal was soup and crackers. Checked the TV for news and watched Trump's State of The Union speech

Monday, February 3, 2020
A Great Day
Sunday, February 2, 2020
A great Sunday
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Wash Day
Ethel did the wash today. This morning we went to Wells Fargo to close out our over draft accounts. Marry stopped by to talk. The weather was great 80 degrees. Starting Sunday we will have a change of weather it will be cooler. For lunch we finished the left overs. Afternoon snack was yogurt with blueberries. Evening meal was one half peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This evening we watched Larance Welk show and Wheel a Fortune.

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