Monday, February 10, 2020

Rain again

This morning it was raining so I did not want to go to ceramics. We had cream of wheat with raisins for breakfast. I did my Bible reading and notes on the computer. Lunch was sweet potato, fish sticks and Brussels sprouts. Then there was cards at 1:00 pm and small pizza and celery stick for evening meal. Alden called and today was his first sub. teaching for 6 and a half hours at his same school. He is retired and he told them he will only except three days a week. That leaves friday this week for Alden to take us grocery shopping. Then Alan called so we talked on SKYPE. That was great to talk to him.


  1. Teaching three days a week... I wonder how much he gets per day???

  2. For 6 & 1/2 hours it is 185.00. They asked him if he wanted 5 days and said no he is retired. He want time to enjoy his retirement.

  3. Tax free? That's very good pay... three days a week... almost 600US$ and 2400US$ per month!
