Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday Feb. 28, 2025

 My blogs seem to be all the same. If Emma is here and she hears me come out of my room, she comes running to greet me with a big smile. She holds her arms up for me to hold her, but I am unable to hold her. Lovely and Abby will see when they come. I am looking forward to the time when they come. My reading is still in the book of Mark, I love reading the stories of Jesus and how the people wanted to follow him. My lunch was a grilled cheese sandwich and evening meal was chicken, potato and green beans with cookies for dessert. 


  1. And you'll see Isaiah this summer along with Alan!

  2. that is ok, I enjoy readign your blog everyday. ADD PICTURES !!!!

  3. Me, too... there is something about the simplicity of repetition!
