Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day for Restl

We went to Church then we went to Claim Jumpers for lunch had to pay extra for any drinks, so we had no drinks, but I will say the dinner at The Welk Resort was much better for the same price which included all the drinks and everything. Then we had to pick up some items at Michael's. This afternoon Chad and Maria came over for a short visit.
Saturday a lady came to show us the different HMO's available under Medicare. We think we will go with SCAN, yes Lovely your mom really likes SCAN and we were under SCAN a few years ago. The main reason is under Kaiser we have to travel to far for special things and with SCAN if we have to travel we will get 10 tickets for transportation. SHARP medical is next door to Cost-Co. I have been doing my heat and massage several times a day and today I am feeling much better which I Thank God for that
See our garden has turned out to be mostly ceramics and the rabbits want to eat everything.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Just a few words

We went to the ceramics class at 8:30 then we went to the Bank. Came home and had lunch of individual pizzas, found out our toaster oven is not working well and the door will not stay closed so I guess I will have to buy another one. After lunch I went to do some Art painting as I need to put something in that Blank frame on the living room wall. Ethel went to the Club Hall for a musical while Gerry and I did our painting. Between times I must remember to go to my chair for the heat and massage several times a day. Then there is time for reading and a little time to TV news and game shows.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


It turned out a little chilly this morning, so we had hot oat meal with 1/2 banana for breakfast. Ethel did the clothes washing. This afternoon I went to the chiropractor and had a heat massage done for 2 sets of 12 minutes each time. The Doctor received the results of my X-ray and MRI. the result is severe hip degenerative Arthritis in both hips, slightly more on the left. Trace of bursitis about hamstrings, no evidence of fracture. There is degenerative changes in the lower lumbar spine. After receiving this report the Chiropractor said he would not be able to adjust me but advised me to take pain pills like Ibuprofen and heating and massaging treatments. Well I had never believed that I had Arthritis, that was for other people but not me. Now I know how painful it is. The Doctor said it is caused from heavy lifting and just ware and tear on the body for all these years.

Monday, October 20, 2014


How time flies and it has been several days since I Blogged. Yesterday we went to Church then we went to Denny's for breakfast. It seems like everyone around goes out for breakfast on Sundays. The parking lot is always packed. We came home and watched the Charger's play Kansas City and would you know this is the first Charger's game that I watched this year and they LOST. While I was watching I was wondering if Alan could watch the game, then I read Lovely's Blog and sure enough he was up all night watching it in Taiwan. As I remember the days when I had to tape the games and mail to Alan in Taiwan.
Today we stopped in at the ceramics just to check out our things that were fired then we went to the 10:00 am meeting on Medicare at CoCo's and after the meeting we each received a pie. Ethel received a Apple pie which we put in the freezer and I received a pumpkin pie which we started to eat. Oh so GOOD. Of course we had to put whipped cream on it. So we went over to Ross and spent some time looking around. Came home and had a green salad and Chicken Sandwich. Well that was our day which ended with a few games of Rummy-Q which I lost every game today. Then there is NEW's and game shows. We had extra lettuce as we shopped at Cost-Co so Ethel took some to the neighbors and they returned with gingerbread cookies. Well that is what our day was today.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Blog Time

I just finished reading Lovely's Blogs and they are so interesting. Sorry I am not very interesting.
This was a very good day we were just getting ready to go to Prime Time at church when the phone rang and it was Regina calling for a short talk with me. We went to Church and there was a very large attendance today with several people from 7-Oaks which we know. The entertainment was "The Sophistacats" the Menu was Teriyaki Beef, green salad, brocolli, rice ,pineapple upside down cake and coffee, tea or lemon aid. The Youth pastor gave the devotions and prayer. At 2:00pm we went to a meeting on Health Care for SCAN. We are under Kaiser at present. We may change for year 2015.
I am very happy that I got to down load some pictures on the computer as I tried yesterday and was unable to down load pictures. Thank God for helping me. Well here are a couple pictures.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Yesterday we went to a Kaiser Doctor in Vista as I had to get a laser procedure done on my right eye.Ethel did the driving. I took a few pictures and tried to down load them to the computer and somehow I can't get to the (Removable  disk (F) Wish Alan was here to help. So no pictures.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Morning Fog

When arising this morning I looked out the window and it was quite foggy. We have been having good weather as it is very comfortable in the 80's for the highs. Well I have been feeling much better with not much pain as I have been taking the Ibuprofen regular today. I thank God for the relief of the pain. This morning we went to the ceramics, only a few ladies were there today. There was not a very good turn out the the Fair Saturday. Ethel and I played a few games of Rummy-Q. I Thank God for the wonderful day.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Today I got ready to go to Church and I was walking to the car and I turned around and told Ethel to go to Church as I had to much pain in my leg and hip to go to Church. Friday after ceramics we went to Albertson's to buy some Ibuprofen for pain so I started taking it Friday and Saturday and I had relief from the pain so I didn't take any more pills after 4:00 pm Saturday so Alden said I probably need to keep taking Ibuprofen until it gets healed. Ethel came home from Church and we made chicken & dumplings, O how was, then Ethel made a green salad for dinner. We seem to eat quite healthy food. Thank God that we are able to prepare good food.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Travel Movie at the Club

We went to the ceramics, I worked on a fish and finished Isaiah's dish. Tomorrow is the big FAIR DAY at the club. There is a lot of things that we made that will be for sale. Today we made brownies for the fair. This afternoon we went to the Travel meeting and they showed a movie. Had a break with tea, coffee & cookies.
Wednesday I went to the Chiropractor Dr. Farrell and he is ordering my tests of X-rays &  MRI from Kaiser to see what is going on. He gave me a treatment and heat with a message and a very light treatment, I will return in 2 weeks. Also I am taking Ibuprofen and heat treatments.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Paul Greenwood

Today we went to Prime Time at church. Assistant district attorney Paul Greenwood was the speaker and he did a great job of pointing out to seniors what to be aware of to keep yourself safe. Had devotions and a great lunch. This afternoon we went to the club for our "Hand and Foot " game. Came home and Ethel made us a good green salad for dinner. The weather was great today cooler than it has been.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

No Camera

I know I should always have the camera. Ethel & I went to Cost-Co. Since it has been 48 days since we purchased gas and with the gas gage down to 1/4 full we decided to fill it up at Cost-Co, we were there at about 9:35 am then we went over to Cost-Co to get groceries so Ethel walked over to see if there was one of those elect scooters at the entrance so she hopped on it and drove it over to the car and told me to use it. I thought I would never do that but it was so great as I know I would never make it to shop without the scooter. Well we laughed and wished we had the camera. Can you see 2 old ladies having fun with a scooter. Then we put the groceries away and made a turkey sandwich and cottage cheese for lunch and of course the best NO COOK cookies which Ethel made. Here is the recipe. It is very healthy.TRY IT.
1 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup ground flax seed
3/4 cup Laura Scudders peanut butter
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/3 cup honey
1 tblsp. vanilla
Mix together and flatten in a pan and cover and put in frig.
After a short rest we went to the Chiropractor for an appointment which I had at 3:00 pm. Returned home and had dinner. Viewed the News and game shows.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


When I got up this morning I had bad pain so I could hardly walk. Ethel was going to do the shopping at Wal-Mart but I decided to go with her but I had to sit at McDonald's while she did the shopping. With so much pain I decided to go to a chiropractor, as I think it is my back that is causing the pain. With our full calender I have no time to be laid up like this. I pray that God will heal me.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

God is Good

Just to put a little color to this. Things are going well as I see a little improvement in the pain of my leg and hip. I must remember not to move very fast and stretch as much as possible. Yes I am using the cane. We went to Church and then went to Denny's and had biscuits & gravy, eggs scrambled and fries. Could only eat half so we will finish the left-over tomorrow. We will try and go shopping and get gas Tuesday if I can manage it.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Results of MRI

This morning was the most painful so far. The weather turned cooler during the night and when I got out of bed I really had a hard time to walk even with the help of a cane. So I took 2 Tylenol and in half hour I had some relief of the pain.
I received the results of my MRI which was done 09/27/2014. It shows mostly arthritic changes in the hip joint. Stretching exercises and avoiding activities that aggravate my hip would be the best. Also informed that there is no fracture.
Well that is enough of my complaint. I still trust that God will take care of me.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


I am still trying to recoup from my fall which was about six weeks ago. I know God will take care of me. I thank Ethel for helping, She has been a blessing. I still have not gotten the results of my MRI.
Today we went the the Prime Time at church which is from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. The entertainment was KENSINGTION TRIO which consisted of Violin, Cello and Piano. Pastor Bruce presented the devotions about the Bible story of Ruth and prayer. Then we were served a delicious meal of green salad, rolls, bowl of fresh fruit, quiche and bread pudding for desert also drinks of water, coffee, tea, or juice. I also took some pictures that are posted in the foyer of the church when this church started in 1964 as the church was started at the 7 Oaks Club. These pictures are of the inside of the Club house and on the patio of the Club.
Also we went to the Club this afternoon to play (hand & foot) with our friends.