Friday, December 19, 2014

Ethel's Birthday

Happy Birthday Ethel for Breakfast we had Risen Bran Cereal Ethel had hot water, I had hot Coffee from Lovely and of course our daily medication. We went to ceramics and I worked on a Chinese tea pot and Ethel worked on 3 tea cups which I am doing for Regina. I hope to get done before Alan comes so he can take to Regina. Of course I wish I could deliver it to her. Then we came home and got ready to go to Chin's for lunch with the ladies from the art club. We went to pick up Gerry. The food was very good, when Alan comes we might go for lunch there. It is in the Sprouts shopping center. We had a very nice get-together, only 6 of us.

Christmas Party 2014 of the art class


  1. Alan will enjoy the food... wherever you decide to take him.

  2. And happy birthday to Aunt Ethel.
