Sunday, March 29, 2015

Overcast this morning

Yes it sure was overcast this morning. We went to Church then we went to Co-Co's for brunch. We just relaxed at home. We were eating dinner and what shows up is a lizard in the living room. We had the door open and it came in through the bottom of the screen so that will be a job for Alan to replace the rubber on the screen door. We chased it out with the broom hoping it would not go under the sofa.
I like this picture.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Today I worked on the beads and  fixed a green salad for lunch. After doing some book work we went to the club to play Rummy-Q. There was a good attendance today. Ethel, Jerry, Mary and I each won $4.00. We had Marie Callenders Chicken Pot Pie for dinner, O soooo gooooood and so easy 2 do. I guess Lovely got back to Taiwan OK as she sent a e-mail of their schedule for this summer to return to the USA. So far we have one task for Alan, that is to paint the kitchen walls and the door to the pantry. I will try and think of some more things to keep him out of trouble.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Hearing aids

I went over to Cost-Co to see if my hearing aids came back from repair and they came back last friday but they didn't call me that they were in but I am so happy that I got themand they seem to be good but I have a appointment to see if they are set right. Ethel took a picture of my camera and the battery so Lovely can see if she can get a battery in Taiwan as they don't seem to have that battery here. So Lovely you will have to check Ethel's Blog to see the picture. I couldn't take a picture without the battery in my camera, I guess that makes sense. The battery is (Lithium-ion NP-700 made in Japan. I am sending a picture of the ceramics we are making as Abby wants to see.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Time with Lovely & Regina

Today Ethel and I went to Church then we came home and Lovely, Regina, Ethel & I walked around the corner to see a townhouse that is for sale asking price is $299,000. Then we went over to Co Co's for lunch and had a good time talking and realized it was 2 years since my dear husband passed away..  At 1:00 pm we went to open house at another townhouse on the same street which is up for sale at $340,000. We came home and realized that my townhouse is much nicer than either of these. I purchased mine a year ago at a total of $260,000. We will still keep our eyes open for what is out there. Lovely & Regina left to go back to L.A. The day was very hot up to about 95 deg.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Prime Time Irish Dancers

Today was another day of Prime Time at the Presbyterian Church. There was attendance of 110. The entertainment was beautiful of Irish Dancers which was young girls and 2 small boys. The dinner is cooked and served by the Church. Corned beef, cabbage, carrots, green mashed potatoes, rolls, green salad and cake for desert, coffee, tea, lemon juice & water it was very good. Then this afternoon we went to our games of "Hand & Foot".

Monday, March 9, 2015

That is the way

We tried to get what our order was but we had no luck, only if someone cancels out the last minute. But we will go and have a good time anyhow. This morning we trashed the old white desk as the Good Will would not take it as it was in to bad condition. We still have a few pieces of it for the next trash day. We played a couple games of Rummy-Q which we have not done for a while since Ida showed us how to do puzzles on the computers. We went and had our hair cuts also.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Bad Cruise on-line paperwork

On-line paperwork

Very upset with the Panama Cruise, we signed up for (Mid Ship balcony for left side) and what did we get (Fore ward family balcony on right side) what is this I don't understand why they did this as it spoils the whole vacation. We are paying good money for this and they did this to us. I will try to get this fixed right if I can. I know I will do some praying tonight and God will take care.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Some hail today

We went to ceramics this morning and the rain sure came down, then the sun came out when we came home and then it hailed. We are so fortunate that we don't have weather like on the east coast. This afternoon we went to view a town house around the corner from us. We are checking out for Jenny, a friend of Lovely and Alan. As she is wanting to come to live near their daughter.
                                                           More pictures

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March marched in with rain

Thanks to Alden for showing up early yesterday morning to repair the rain gutter which came apart during the last rain as the boys didn't put caking on the top section as it seemed to be tight but with the pressure of the rain it came apart. After Alden put caking on it he tied it up with a string to secure it as it was still raining a little. GOOD JOB ALDEN.
Today we went to Church and after Church we came home as it was still raining. We spent a relaxing afternoon at home.
                                                  My ceramic Sasha