Monday, March 23, 2015

Hearing aids

I went over to Cost-Co to see if my hearing aids came back from repair and they came back last friday but they didn't call me that they were in but I am so happy that I got themand they seem to be good but I have a appointment to see if they are set right. Ethel took a picture of my camera and the battery so Lovely can see if she can get a battery in Taiwan as they don't seem to have that battery here. So Lovely you will have to check Ethel's Blog to see the picture. I couldn't take a picture without the battery in my camera, I guess that makes sense. The battery is (Lithium-ion NP-700 made in Japan. I am sending a picture of the ceramics we are making as Abby wants to see.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I check on your blog.
    I like reading what you and Ethel are doing.
