Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Lovely Is Re-training Me

We came back from Rummy Que and I didn't win any games today. Lovely had arrived already and stock piled our coffee mixes!. She had been wanting Mexican food, so we will take her to a local restaurant that's right up the street for dinner tonight. We all like Mexican food. Lovely is going to drive my car to see what she thinks about the shimmering that starts when the breaks are applied. I called AAA about auto and home insurance today. And it sure is nice to have Lovely here even for just 48 hours. She will go to Prime Time on Thursday with Ethel and I. We also invited Gina to join us. We have so many things to catch up on. I realized that I have not posted for almost two months. No wonder Lovely says she has to re-train me in how to do this again.
Image result for Psalm 46: 10

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