Sunday, February 26, 2017

More rain

This morning when I opened the blinds it seemed like there was no rain. I took a shower and got ready for Church. I went to take my medication with 1/2 slice of toast and a cup of coffee. When I returned to my room I looked out and it was raining. So I changed to my boots and rain coat.
We went to church, Dr. Mofid Wasef was the speaker. The subject was on Isaac's and his two sons Jacob and Esau. The Orchestra did a great job with the music, how I love to hear the Orchestra.
After Church we went to Denny's for breakfast.
The day Alan left Ethel and I signed up for Library cards and we checked out three books. I finished reading "LEFT BEHIND" Now I am reading "TRIBULATION FORCE". These books are very interesting.

1 comment:

  1. You can get DVDs from the library... I love having a library card!
