Friday, August 9, 2019

Things done

This morning we went to ceramics, I had to wrap some clay in plastic and water it down as it was so hard and I wanted to make a base for my Christmas project. When Alan returned from tennis we had sandwiches and banana cupcakes for lunch. This afternoon we went to Home Depot and purchased a fan made in USA. Alan is now assembling it. We went to Claim Jumpers for dinner, Ethel and I shared fish tacos, they were real good, Alan had the salad bar and steak. I Also did reading of Daniel.


  1. I wish I had known you needed a fan. I have so many, can give you one of two !!!!

  2. Claim Jumpers... Man, Alan is truly enjoying himself... IHOP after church and Claim Jumpers... He is going to gain a bit of weight, for sure!
