Monday, September 30, 2019

Cooler day

Last night was cooler to sleep I used the blanket but this week end it is to get up in the 90's again. So I made cream of wheat with raisins and my favorite coffee. We went to ceramics and we had potato salad with peanut butter half sandwich. We went to cards and there was six of us. By the way last cards a lizard fell down on me from the overhead fan, it was just a baby about two inches long.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Church today

We went to church at 8:30 service and to Bible class at 10:00 to 11:00 coffee, tea and donut holes are served at the Bible study class.Then we went to Denny's for lunch and there was no place to park so I just drove home and we had potato salad, peas and chicken strips. I think next Sunday we will just go to Claim Jumpers for fish tacos as we get out of the Bible class at 11:00. For evening meal I made poached eggs on toast. This evening I received another voucher from American Airlines for $100.00. I will give to Alden's to use.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Little rain

Well we received a little rain. It is Ethel's turn to do the washing. For breakfast I made oat meal with raisins and one half banana and Lovely's coffee. I did more Bible reading. I made potato salad. For lunch I made chicken strips, left over sweet potato and peas. For snack we had a ice cream cone and for evening meal was vegetable soup and crackers.

Friday, September 27, 2019

No rain today

They said we will have rain but there was no rain.  May be it will come tomorrow. Well I have a thank you God and that is yesterday Ethel left the car window wide open all night and we didn't miss anything. This morning we went to ceramics. I received a e-mail from Elaine and she talked to Betty and Betty was thrilled to hear that Alden and I will be coming to see her. We will be going Oct. 8 and try to be there at about noon and have lunch with them if Betty is able to go to a restaurant..

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Little sprinkle

Yes we did get a sprinkle this morning and the weather report for Friday and Saturday is rain, it would be nice. Yes I enjoy Lovely's coffee in the morning. There was only four of us for cards today.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

This is funny

I don't know what I did but I had to sign in again with my password for me to Blog. O well here goes. Alden came over here at about 11:00 am and he dry cleaned the outside of my car. Then we went to Chick-fil-A for lunch as I had a coupon mailed to Haniseli which had to be used this month. Next we went to Cost-Co for gas and a few items. We came home and had a nap and visiting. I gave him the coupons from A.A. We decided on a date to drive up to Betty's which is Oct. 8 so I sent a e-mail to Elaine. We went to Denny's for dinner tonight and Alden left about 7:30 pm to go to pick up Josh from school as he had practice.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Love this weather

Breakfast was cold cereal and Lovely's coffee. Alden called at 8:30 am, we went to Wells Fargo and Wal-Mart. After putting every thing away I did my Bible study. For lunch I cooked a chicken breast with vegetables and gravy. Our afternoon snack was ice cream cone. The evening meal was the left overs with two fig cookies.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Another call from Elaine

After going to ceramics when I arrived at home I had a message to call Elaine. She informed me that she will be coming to  L.A. Oct 3 through Oct 12 and she would like me to come to Betty's Apt. between Oct. 7 and Oct. 11.  I will see if Alden can take me just to see them for a few hours. Betty is real busy getting rid of many things as Larry has dementia and she cannot let him go 3 blocks to pick up the mail as he would get lost and loose the mail. There is a big story about what Betty has to put up with. I feel I should go to see them.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Worship day

We went to 8:30 am service and 10:00 am Bob's Bible Study. We went to Denny's and I had a waffle with scrambled egg and bacon. I did some crocheting and Bible reading. We had soup and crackers for evening meal.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Early up

With my left hip pain I had to get up at 5:00 am so I stripped my bed sheets and got everything ready for wash day, I did this in the dark as Ethel was sleeping, next time I will close her door. Even all the motion lights went on when I went to do the laundry. I made oat meal with rasins and 1/.2 banana for breakfast. Finished the wash by 9:00 am. I did my Bible reading and made notes. At noon we noticed that the avocadoes were getting ripe so we made guacamole.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Good Day

This morning I got up at 6:00 am and did my Bible study. We had cold cereal with one half banana. We went to ceramics then we went to get our hair cut. For lunch we had chicken pot pie. For evening we had too much chicken strip, sweet potato, peas and one half avocado. I sent a e-mail to Hailey may be next time she can come and cut our hair. Ethel's hair cut was bad a new girl did it. I had the same lady and she does good.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

It seems like fall

This is the weather I like. For breakfast I made a vegetable omelet. For lunch was let-over lasagna and dinner was the finish of lasagna with one half avocado. We went to cards and more bible reading. I viewed some of the movies of our vacation.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A great day

The weather is great. This morning I did my Bible reading. McKenna came for a few hours so great to have some time with her. She brought her wedding album to show us then we went to Mama Cellas for lunch and we went next door for one dozen donuts. She was going to stop off at Alden's with some of the donuts. This evening I was looking at Alan,Albert and Alden's wedding albums and I noticed that some of them are getting faded so I sent McKenna a message that she should put hers on the computer and maybe make a flash drive to preserve her pictures. Alan's didn't fade very much.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Good weather

This morning we had cold cereal and banana for breakfast. Lunch was chicken Chou main with rice. We had the left over Chou main for our evening meal with a ice cream cone. I started reading Exodus with all the remarks.

Monday, September 16, 2019

A Great Day

Today is cooler, the high was 85. I received a call from McKenna that she will come to see me Wednesday that is great. Then I received a call from my friend Elaine in Minneapolis that her sister Betty who lives in L.A. is very ill and has two to three months to live. She has cancer of the pancreas. Alan knows her, so I pray for her at this time, she was my friend that advised me to come to California

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hot Sunday

Today it was hot up to 95 so we used the AC for a couple hours. We went to 8:30 church and then to Bob's class at 10:00 to 11:00 was the first chapter of Genesis then we went to Denny's. Afternoon was spent reading and a nap. We had popcorn for snack and macaroni and cheese for evening meal.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Yes today it went up to 95 but at about 4:00 pm it was 81 inside so we turned the AC on for a couple hours. Today is Ethel's turn to do the washing. We had cold cereal with a banana for breakfast, lunch I stir fried vegetables, fish and sweet potatoes. For evening I made macaroni and cheese. Today I did Bible reading for a couple hours and added to my notes.

Friday, September 13, 2019


Today it went up to about 95, but we still didn't need the AC. This morning we went to ceramics. For lunch I boiled  sweet potatoes and mixed vegetables and fish sticks. We had ice cream cones for afternoon snack and for dinner broccoli & cheese soup. Today I received my condo ins. and I am trying to make sense of it after reading it. Are we suppose to understand it? Ice cream cones from Cost-Co. Also I did my Bible reading.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Bible reading

I got up at 6:00 am to do some Bible reading I really enjoy this course of Bible reading with all the notes in my Quest Bible, I am making notes of the highlights of each chapter. I made oat meal with raisins and 1/2 banana for breakfast. Then we went to Cost-Co for a few things. For lunch it was chicken pot pie and this evening I made a vegetable omelet. We went to play cards. The weather was great, the high was 85 degrees.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Ceramics meting

This morning we went to the ceramics meeting lunch was served first then the meeting which lasted quite a long time. I was deleting all the messages on my i-phone and I didn't really know how and I called Albert so we had a conversation. Albert was telling me I should wear compression socks so my feet don't swell but my feet are OK now. I also did my Bible reading.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A great day

Yes the weather is great. I had a good night sleep. This morning My Bible reading was Genesis 1,2,3 & 4.  I am starting the 6 month course of reading every book in the Bible including the extra notes from my Quest Study Bible. I pray that I will stick to it. It does not include all chapters of every book. My goal is to finish it on March 15 of 2020 which will be seven years since Al. passed away.

Monday, September 9, 2019

A great day

Yes today was a great day as the temperature was great. We had cold cereal with 1/2 banana for breakfast. For lunch a half lunch meat and cheese sandwich and left over potato salad, for dinner 1/2 sweet potato, chicken strip and mixed vegetables. Viewed our game shows.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

No AC today

This morning we went to Church, the pastor preached on the Alpha and Omega and why you should understand the entire Bible. Genesis 1:1-3 the Alpha and Revelation 21:1-4 the Omega. We went to IHOP after church. This evening we finished the Lasagna. Picture shows my Hawaiian outfit for church.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

News from A.A.

This morning I did the washing and cleaned my bath room, it was a big task just to stand on the stool and clean the mirror. But I did it after sitting three times as my back was giving out. Today I received a call from American Airline that they had some eVouchers for Lovely and myself, shortly after the call I received the eVouchers and I printed them out. They expire 09/07/2020.

Friday, September 6, 2019


This morning we left at 7:30 to go to Wal-Mart. I wanted to shop for a Hawaiian shirt as that is the theme Sunday at church. Well even I can't believe that I don't have any Hawaiian clothes. I do have plumeria jewelry. Well I only found flowered pants which are pajamas and I have a plain top to go with it. This after noon I made the Spinach Lasagna as we had a lot of spinach on hand. Alan called to say "good-by" I pray for his safe trip back to Taiwan.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Toss things

Well there is not much to talk about as I went through some things and yes I got rid of some things, mostly paper things. This afternoon we went to play cards. Breakfast was cold cereal, lunch green salad and one half sandwich and dinner poached egg on one half slice of bread. No game shows as it was football.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Things done

Today I finished washing blankets and pillow cases for the sun room, yes it is time they get washed. I finished it early before it got too hot. At noon I turned on the AC before it warmed up in the house and I was glad I did as when the house gets warmed up it takes a while for the AC to cool it down. We had some rain and thunder today. I finally received the paperwork for my HOA September payment and it looks like I can do the payment on-line with my VISA.I will see if I can set it up to do on-line I hope. I talked to Alan on the phone several times today.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Sad day

Yes it is a sad day as Alan left at 11:30 am and will be gone for another year. I pray for his return to Taiwan will be great. Yes it is hot weather and Wednesday will be the hottest day, then it will cool down by the week end.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Labor Day

Yes another hot day in the 90's. It was OK until we opened the front door. We had sandwiches for lunch then Alan went to the pool and at 1:00 pm we went to play cards. There was five of us and Ethel and I had to leave at 3:00 pm to meet Alan at the house to take us to the shopping center. We took both walkers and we were to meet Alan at Penny's at 6:00 pm so we could go to Black Angus for dinner. Well Ethel and I had finished shopping and walking at 5:00 as we were tired. So we sat on our walkers for about one hour for Alan to show up. Then we went to Black Angus for dinner.
It was to dark but it is Mud Pie.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Hot Sunday

We went to church today then we went to Denny's. Alan stayed down at Alden's Saturday night as he  went to play tennis with Albert and then he went to the SDSU football game. He has not returned home yet. Today was another hot day in the low 90"s and we will have hot weather until next week end.