Saturday, October 10, 2020

Box received today

Perfect weather but next week it will be HOT. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. I went for a walk with my walker. Paid my Visa on line, Bible reading and notes. I am still struggling with my left hip and leg down to below my knee. Getting old is no fun. Lunch was sweet potato, meat balls and green beans. Afternoon snack was rice pudding. Going over the paperwork for the voting. Evening meal was green salad with tomato, chips and dip and 2 fig cookies. Viewed Lawrence Welk show. I received the box of coffee from Lovely today THANKS LOVELY.



  1. That's a miracle... did it arrive before you ran out? You had six packets left...

  2. Hope you and Aunt Ethel will both like them as I bought ones that have NO SUGAR plus the black coffee packets...
