Thursday, September 30, 2021

Church on Thursday

 Breakfast was oat meal with raisins. Checking things in my room. Relax in my chair. Watched the Price Is Right. Watched three church services as I was at Alden's Sunday. Lunch was chicken pot pie. Getting caught up with bills and Birthdays. Bible reading. Evening meal was green jello and a cookie. Watching news and game shows and Alan called to SKYPE, and the new gadget that Ben put on works great. I will report to Ben


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Green Jello

 Breakfast was cream of wheat. Then to my room to check emails, blogs and make my bed. Relax in my recliner. I am so blessed to have a recliner in my room. I made the green jello. Lunch was taquitos and green jello. Marianna called and said she was waiting to be called at the doctors office so we did not have cards today. Evening meal was soup and crackers and fig cookies. Then news and game shows.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Report from dentist

 Breakfast was cream of wheat. Getting things organized in my room and the computer. Report from dentist is wait for my crown to come, at that time will have other things done. So now I need to eat things on the soft side yet. But I am doing fine. Lunch was left over from Sunday at Alden's. Ben came over and put a different SKYPE picture and speaker thing on so I hope it will work. Evening meal was cottage cheese and chocolate pudding from Alden's. Then it was news and game shows.


Monday, September 27, 2021

A relaxing day

Up and doing washing. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. I took the last pill for infection. I tried to call the dentist but maybe this is their day off. Reading about "Where do we go from here?" by David Jeremiah. Lunch was left over form Alden house. Tried to take a nap but I had very bad pain in my left leg, so I used the heating pad on low and the pain went away, maybe the Arthritis showing up. Evening meal was poached egg on toast. Then it was news and game shows.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Sunday spent at Alden's

 I got up at 6:00 am to take my pill. Then I went back to bed and got up for my shower at 7:30 got ready to go to Alden's at 10:00 am for the day. I had cold cereal and banana for breakfast. At Alden's we watched the Chargers and KC Chiefs, I was for Chargers and Gina was for the Chiefs. Then we had dinner which was all things I could eat, mashed potato, gravy, cream corn, broccoli, real tender chicken I could eat everything as they made it special tender for me. I was treated like a queen. Then we played cards. We had chocolate pudding for desert. Alden brought me home at about 6:30 pm.


Saturday, September 25, 2021

Getting cooler at night

At 6:00 am I take medication for infection. This morning I had cold cereal and banana for breakfast. Checked emails and my blood pressure which was very good 117/67. Make my bed which is always a first in the morning. I went through more pictures to cancel. Lunch was mashed potato, beans and ground beef. I did reading and snack time was pudding with a little banana. Evening meal was cottage cheese and a cookie. Not much on TV. Ethel made hot chocolate for this evening.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Did we have rain? Yes

 This morning I had Oatmeal and banana for breakfast and my last coffee so I will be using the ginger tea or make American coffee or hot water which is good. I called Ben and he will come sometime when he is in the area and show me how to adjust the speaker for skype. I also made a Dr. appointment for Nov. 11,2021 to check on the pain medication for me. And yes we had a nice rain several times today. Lunch was cream of mushroom soup and beans. Snack time was pudding, evening meal was mashed potato, beans and cheese. Then it was news and game shows.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Alden just left

 This morning I had oatmeal and banana  for breakfast. Alden came at 8:30 am to take me to the dentist for 9:00 am I got prepared for a crown Alden was with me to hold my hand. I am to complete the Amoxicillin until finished then they will extract that bad tooth. So it looks like I will not have real food for two more weeks. Alden and I were on SKYPE for one hour with Alan.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Another hot day

Yes in the 90's again. Breakfast was oatmeal and banana. editing more pictures. Lunch was spaghetti with meat sauce. Afternoon was spent playing cards with Marianna. Evening meal was taquitos and two fig cookies. News and game shows.


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Hot today 95 deg.

 But it was in the 70's in the house until about 5:00 pm when I turned the AC on. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. The dentist office called and wants me to take the medication until Thursday and then come to have it pulled so Alden came about 3:00 pm to get our groceries and we played cards.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Feeling better

 This morning it was 59 outside so it is starting to be more like fall. I had cream of wheat and a little piece of banana for breakfast. Lunch was Mac and cheese, snack time was vanilla pudding with whipped cream, evening meal was mac and cheese. Next was news. Today was spent checking on business things like Condo ins. Auto Ins. and bills. I did some computer puzzles and games. I stay up until 11:00 pm to take my night pill as I have to take it every 8 hours.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Feeling much better

Yes it was so great to get a good nights sleep. I didn't catch myself biting down on the infected tooth. Breakfast was cream of wheat and a piece of banana. We had our Sunday service of 3 messages. Lunch was a piece of fish stick, smashed potato and smashed baked beans. I also had a short nap. Evening meal was cottage cheese and a piece of banana.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Two days no sleep

 I finally got to sleep for about two hours. As soon as I go to sleep I bite down so Alden told me  to  put a cotton ball behind my tooth and I did that and it helps. I made cream of wheat with a lot of water for breakfast and small pieces of banana. Scrambled egg for lunch and cottage cheese for evening meal. At 3 am this morning I did two puzzles and some other games. I think I might sleep tonight.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Tooth back again

Well last night I had not much sleep from a tooth ache. I called the dentist and they took me in at 12:30 noon. I was checked and the tooth has two breaks and is infected so he gave me a prescription and scheduled for Tuesday to pull. I hope i can sleep tonight. It's no fun getting old. I guess I will lose some weight as I can't eat except broth soup. I did some more viewing of my pictures. So that is my lunch and dinner. Then news and game shows.


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Fall weather

Yes it is getting like fall. Breakfast was cold cereal. It is great to get to the computer and it comes up great. I have been going through all my pictures and deleting bad pictures and duplicate pictures. It is quite a job. Lunch was sweet and sour chicken baked potato and steamed greens. and a chocolate chip cookie. Nap and evening meal was cottage cheese and apple. Then news and game shows.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

A good day

Yes it is cooler today up to 81 today. Breakfast was prune sauce as it has been 4 days with no BM as the Dr. prescribed a pain medication named Duloxeline and my blood pressure seems to be going up and I still have the I sent the Dr. a message. I have taken the medication for 5 days. Dr. said it will take a couple weeks to take effect. So I took Alvita tea and it really cleaned me out and I will keep track of my blood pressure. So I think I will try to keep with the medication for 4 weeks. Ben finished fixing my computer and he wants to know if the sound is better next time I SKYPE Alan. The cost was $130.00 & I didn't have to get a new computer.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Not much today

 This morninf temp. outside 65 inside 74 open front door. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. To my room and check blogs and e=mails. Tidy up my room and reading. I made a vegie soup using little dabs of fresh vegies and dry chicken noodle soup. Snack time was to finish the green jello. Evening meal was poached egg on toast.  I went for a walk to check the address of the unit that is up for sale it is the lady that accused Alan of parking in her spot, nice she is gone. It is the same layout as mine going for $450,000. Then news and game shows.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Looking forward to a good night sleep

This morning breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Came to my desk to check my records as last evening I received a bill  from SCRIPPS to pay now $497.00. That went through my mine all last night. I called Scripps at 8:15 am this morning to verify this the answer was that bill was to go the Ins. not to me. O what a relief. I made coleslaw and fish for lunch. Afternoon was spent Bible reading and prayer time and a nap. Evening meal was tortillas with dip and fig cookies. Then news and game shows.


Sunday, September 12, 2021

Three church services

It is nice to see these church services. When I got up it was 65 deg. outside and 75 deg. inside then I opened the front door to get some of that cool air inside. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. I went to my room and checked my computer, then I rested in my recliner until 10:00 am That was when we viewed the church services. Our lunch was left over chicken and green salad. Afternoon was computer things and games. Then a afternoon nap. Evening meal was the last of the chicken with some green jello and two fig cookies. Check things on TV but not really much. 

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Yes it was hot over 90

This morning I was up at 5:30 had breakfast of cold cereal. Then I made the green jello.. Got to my computer and got the SKYPE call from Alan which lasted a few min. At about 10:00 I received a call from Ben and was wondering how I was doing on the computer he will call again next week. Hailey came to do the house cleaning and cut my hair. We had lunch of fried chicken from Albertsons and green jello. had a great time visiting with Hailey.  Also Marianna showed up with a package of cookie dough. Evening meal was more chicken and green jello. not much on TV.. A lot about 9/11.


Friday, September 10, 2021

A hot day

This morning  breakfast was cold cereal. My computer came up great. I am still checking duplicate pictures and getting use to everything on the computer. I started a new medication for pain, I will be on it for 30 days for a trial. Hailey was to come for house cleaning and hair cut but  she called to do it tomorrow as Paige wanted her to dog sit as Alden started teaching today. We had a  tuna fish sandwich for lunch. Then we had a ice cream cone for break. Evening meal was left overs. then new and game shows.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

A busy day

 This morning my computer came up great, just wiggle the mouse and it is up. After shower breakfast was cold cereal. en called to set up skype with him so now he knows what the sound is on the SKYPE, he is ordering a new gadget. Then I was on the computer going through all pictures of my 90 th and deleting dups and bad pictures so that is finished now. Lunch was baked potato, chicken and vegies. tried to rest and Alden came at 3:00pm to take me to the doctor, go to  Olive Garden for dinner then to WalMart for groceries and to Sav-on for my medication ,finally to home. Walked in the door and Alan was on SKYPE. The news is Alden starts to sub. tomorrow and all of next week at $240.00 a day so he will be busy but he said he will have time to help me. I am so glad that he can help me. Here is the picture of my new equipment.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Everything new

Yes everything is new and I had a hard time getting in my BLOG. But I figured it out. This morning I waited for Ben to come and not touch my computer. He came at 10:30 am. The result was the monitor was giving me the problem he installed a new monitor and new speakers. So we will see if it comes up tomorrow. Alan buzzed me on SKYPE but there will be some adjustments. as Alan said it sounds like I am talking through a horn. Now I am trying to put a picture on but I don't know how. Now I am trying to put a picture on but I don't know how. I took a picture of mine but I don't know where it went so this is a fake.


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Still having problem

 Well this morning my computer would not wake up again. I just called Ben and he is coming tomorrow at 9:00 and I will not even touch it in the morning .may it is just me, we will see. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Lunch was chicken, corn and mashed potato. I worked on the computer to delete duplicate pictures. I need to do more of that. Alden said "Mom don't let that computer bother you" so that is what I have to do.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Computer time with Ben

 This morning I started the washing at 6:00 am Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. I started to get the computer up at 6:00 finally it came up at 9:20 am as I was doing washing and had breakfast in between times. Ethel did lunch which was fish, mashed potatoes and corn. Ben came at 1:00 pm. He was here about 2 hours. He said my computer is in good shape and I don't need a new one. He made a few changes so we will see if it will come up tomorrow morning. Evening meal was soup and crackers.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

This is a early post

Yes the reason it is early as my computer is the problem. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Worked to get my computer up for 1 hour and 22 min to get it up. I will be glad when Ben comes to see what the problem is. I viewed three sermons today. Lunch was a green salad. Afternoon was reading and computer stuff. Then I had a nap. Evening meal will be pizza. 


Saturday, September 4, 2021


Yes after Alan finished I didn't want to have the computer on so late. Today the temp. was in the low 90"s. Up at 5:30 this morning. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Started to wake up my computer at 6:00 am it was up at 7:36 am. I called Ben the computer man and he is coming Monday the 6th to see if he can fix the on/off button. After I get it up it works great. Lunch was chicken hot dish and fig cookies. Snack time was tapioca pudding. Evening meal was cottage cheese and pineapple. 

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Why do mice sleep

I don't know but may be you have to train a mouse to wake up. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Then to my room to fight with my computer again. I worked on it from 7:37 until 9:09 until it finally came up. It works great after I finally wake it up. Tonight it took 11 min. to wake up  Lunch was fish, broccoli and sweet potato. I made a chicken hot dish which will be for two days and we made tapioca pudding. Snack time was tapioca pudding and evening meal was tomato and cottage cheese.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

A day with Alden

 Same breakfast cold cereal and banana. Back to fight with the computer which took one hour to finally get the screen to come on. Alden came to take me to the dentist. I had another cleaning. Then we went to Denny's and I had scrambled eggs and two bacon. We got home an Alden went to Walmart, Costco and the bank. Maryannia came to play cards and I was the winner finally. Alden came with the groceries and he put them all away while we were playing cards. Then Alden had some business to take care of and he went to the pool, then he trimmed some bushes. We had ham and cheese sandwiches and cottage cheese for evening meal. Alan called to SKYPE so Alan thinks the problem is the On-Off switch so he did a few changes and for me to just leave the computer on and it will go to sleep until I wiggle the mouse. Alden left at about 8:45 pm. wake it up.