Monday, April 13, 2020

Great Day With Alden and Gina

This morning we had cold cereal and a orange for breakfast. Then we got everything out of kitchen and dining room and Ethel scrubbed that area, we left the chairs etc for Alden to put back. Alden and Gina got here about 11:30 am. Alden already purchased the Cost-Co things so we put them away and I sent Alden to Panda House to pick up our lunch. Then Alden went to Wal-Mart to finish the groceries. Gina vacuumed the living room. Then the afternoon was spent playing "Hand & Foot" Alden and Ethel were the big winners. Then we had left overs for our evening meal and Alden and Gina left about 7:15 pm.


  1. How nice to see them on a regular basis...

  2. I am so glad they were able to give you hugs and kisses............ could hardly wait to do that too

  3. Come to Taiwan... we can give hugs and kisses here...
