Saturday, April 4, 2020

missed a day

This is a update of yesterday as It was late after talking to Alan and Alden on skype. I was ready to go to bed as we had a big day. Alden came here yesterday morning and I went over with him the things I wanted him to do. He stopped at "In and Out" for our lunch. We put everything away, then we played some games of "Hand and Foot". Alden took us for a ride to pick up oranges at his house and visit with Gina, Hailey & Paige. Then off to Coronado and back to Mama Cellas to pick up pizza. Then there was recording some movies and instructions from Alden. Then the phone rang and it was Alan to go on skype. Well today we did not do anything special.


  1. What a fun day... glad you got to go out... even just for a little bit. So, the table fit and they dropped it off...

  2. Alden put the table in the sun room as it is going to rain every day this week and we didn't want to leave it on the patio.
