Thursday, November 12, 2020

Another cool day

 Yes 41 this morning. Breakfast was cold cereal. I went to check on Ethel as it was close to 9:00 am Then I realized what will I do if she does not wake up. I need to have a plan. I will talk it over with Alden. Then there was computer time and bible reading and prayer time. Lunch was chicken, mashed potatoes, and carrots. Afternoon was putting a puzzle together. Snack time was a donut. A short nap and evening meal was soup and two fig cookies. News and game shows.



  1. Yes, you should have a plan... I think you are to call 911 first!

  2. MAKE sure Ethel has a medical directive, if she has DNR Do Not Resuscitate order then they will not. Otherwise she might linger somewhere by herself and that would be so so sad
