Thursday, April 8, 2021

Best night sleep for months

 Up this morning at 6:00 am Turn up heater. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Hailey and Alden came about 9:30 am. We played Hand & Foot. Alden was my partner and we lost, well that is OK. May be next time we will win , maybe I need Karl for my partner? Ha !1. Alden went to pick up Panda Express for lunch. Alden had to go home to watch the dogs and Hailey went for a nanny job which is near here,  she quit Home Depot as she is making more money on the nanny jobs and she is trying to pay off her bills car payment and beauty college. I took a short nap and Albert called, he had just a few bus jobs and is scheduled for jobs in June. He is doing OK and said to greet Alan next time I talk to him. I did not have evening meal but I watched the game shows.