Well this is the last of year 2024. May God be with us in the next year. My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins, banana and 1/2 cup of coffee. Alden and I played Rummy-Q brain game, and I won two games and Alden won one game. I went to my room for a short time in my recliner then I checked things on the computer. Lunch was soup and crackers. Afternoon was nap time and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was chili and toasted garlic bread.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Monday, December 30, 2024
Monday Dec. 30,2024
This has been a very slow day as I have not done much today, well that is my usual I never do much. I did do some reading and computer stuff and as usual resting in my recliner. There is one more day for thich year.
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Sunday Dec. 29, 2024
After getting dressed and making my bed I had some time in my recliner. At about 9:30am I went to the kitchen for my breakfast which was cold cereal and green tea and daily medications. I went to my room to get things ready for Alden to come and vacuum my floor. I checked my computer for news and remarks on my blog. Lunch was a sandwich and hot water to drink. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was green salad, rice and mixed vegetables.
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Saturday Dec. 28, 2024
This morning I slept late, then I got up and got dressed and went to have my breakfast which was a Bago with strawberry topping and a cup of green tea to go with my daily medication. Then I went to my room to check my computer things which showed my 2025 annuity which was great, yes, I did get a raise for the new year. I did some reading and then I rested in my recliner. Lunch was a sandwich. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was chicken noodle soup and a bun and green tea.
Friday, December 27, 2024
Friday Dec.27, 2024
After getting up early this morning and getting dressed and making my bed, then I rested in my recliner for a while, next I turned my computer on to check on remarks of my blog and check the news. I looked for a sweatshirt on WalMart as I don't have a sweatshirt, I came up with a family sweat shirt so Alden helped me to order it as they don't want me to buy anything on line. I will receive it Jan. 9, 2025. Tonight my dinner was two fish tacos (fish of Joshua's catch) was very good.
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Thursday Dec. 26, 2024
Breakfast was the same as usual, oatmeal with raisins and banana and coffee. Played the brain game, Alden won two games and I won one game. T went to my room and checked my computer things. Lunch was soup and toast. Afternoon was a nap, then computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was spaghetti, green salad and cottage cheese.
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Wednesday Dec. 25 2024
Today is Christmas day and I had a good night sleep as I had some nice warm pajamas on to keep my legs warm. Of course I rotated from my bed to my recliner as usual several times. My breakfast was scrambled eggs and toast and coffee. Today Gina gave me a nice warm pajama outfit so now I have two sets. I gave Albert a phone call, but he did not answer as I guess he was working. Today we had split pea soup for lunch and dinner, it was so good. McKenna's went to the Mannings as today is also Andrews Birthday.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Tuesday Dec. 24, 2024
Yes today is Christmas Eve and it is raining today. I was going to go to the Christmas church service, but I cancelled out as I didn't want to get out in the rain. The rest of the family went to church, but I watched the program on my computer. On their way back home they stopped at Taco Bell to pick up our meal. I had two tacos and a small slice of the lemon pie.
Monday, December 23, 2024
Mnday Dec. 23, 2024
Up early, get dressed and make my bed, spend a few minutes in my recliner then go for my breakfast which was the usual oatmeal with raisins and 1/2 cup of coffee. Then Alden said for us to play the brain game, well it looks like my brain is not working very well as he won all three games, O well what can you expect for an old buzzard like me at least I had fun. My afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was soup and lemon pie.
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Sunday Dec, 22, 2024
It was a cold night, so I had the heater on most of the night. My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana, then I went to my room to prepare for my shower, McKenna came to help me with my shower. I checked my computer for any remarks on my blog. I put my pills in containers for another four weeks. Had to order more prescriptions which will be needed before I refill my daily containers next time. Lunch was leftovers. Afternoon was a nap and computer things. Evening meal was mac. & cheese, beans and cottage cheese and a slice of lemon pie.
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Saturday Dec. 21, 2024
My breakfast was the same as usual, then I had time in my room resting in my recliner. The house is still full, but the Hailey family will be leaving for the airport in a few minutes. It was good that they were able to spend the time here and not at the airport. I pray that they have a safe time returning home. I pray for this Christmas Season and for our country. Thank God for all that we have.
Friday, December 20, 2024
Firday Dec. 20, 2024
When I went to the kitchen for breakfast this morning there was the Hailey family as their flight was cancelled from the snow in Chicago, so they are here for more time. The storms have hit for the Christmas time. My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and 1/2 cup of coffee. I went to my room and rested in my recliner; it seems like I am resting more lately. Lunch was a tuna 1/2 sandwich. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was soup and a slice of toast and a cookie.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Thursday Dec. 19, 2024
My breakfast was the same as usual, oatmeal with raisins and banana and 1/2 cup of coffee. I went to my room to check the computer. I folded napkins ready for use for maybe another month. Lunch was 1/2 sandwich. The washing was brought to my bed for me to fold and put away. My evening meal was an In-N-Out burger and an oatmeal cookie. Hailey's family are getting ready to leave early in the morning, Alden will take them to the airport on his way to teach.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Wwdnesday Dec. 18, 2024
My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and one-half cup of coffee. Gina put my socks on. I checked my computer for any blog messages. Alden went to work teaching. Our lunch was In-N-Out burgers. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was McKenna's soup and cheese bread.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Tuesday Dec. 17, 2024
We just returned from Laura and Lee's for a time with them for Christmas, food was pizza and salad and cookies for dessert. It is late so this is short, and I am tired. Love Mom Bea
Monday, December 16, 2024
Monday Dec. 16, 2024
The girls, McKenna, Paige and Hailey went to the mall for the day and the guys took care of the kids, that's OK as tomorrow the Guys will have their day. I was in my room most of the time. I did reading, computer stuff and rest in my recliner. Alden went to work teaching. My lunch was scrambled eggs and a slice of toast. Evening meal was baked potato, peas, cottage cheese and a cookie.
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Sunday Dec. 15, 2024
This is Sunday and the house is full and kids having their fun. Today we had the time of exchanging gifts. It is so interesting to see the kids getting into the fun. There was 10 adults at the table and three children, next year it will be four children. Tonight, they all went to the outdoor market at the church. Alden Gina and myself stayed home tonight. We went last week to it; I am not too fond of being out in the cold at night, maybe it is my age creeping up on me. Today I finished reading the Dec. Decision from Billy Graham, which I enjoy reading, even I read slowly. My dinner tonight was a green salad and cottage cheese and a cookie. I wish I could transfer my cell pictures to my computer, maybe Alan will show me how when he comes.
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Saturday Dec. 14, 2024
Today I went to the dining room earlier as the Hailey family are three hours ahead of us. My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Then it was time to watch the little ones. They are very busy playing together, also the dogs are enjoying it. Our lunch was In-N-Out, and the family went to have pictures taken. I spent the time to check my computer and have a nap. My evening meal was scrambled eggs and toast. I did some reading also.
Friday, December 13, 2024
Friday Dec. 13, 2024
I was up early as usual and got dressed and made my bed. Rested in my recliner for a short time. At about 9:45 I went to the kitchen to make my oatmeal with raisins and banana. I tried a cup of Lovelys coffee and it was very strong so I could not finish it. I rested in my room while the rest were getting ready for Hailey's to come tonight, they will be here for a week for early Christmas. Matt's job caused them to come early. My evening meal was Lasagna and jello for dessert.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Thursday Dec.12, 2024
This morning, I got up a little later than usual. After getting dressed and make my bed I went to the kitchen to make my oatmeal with raisins and banana, then Gina came with one-half cup of coffee and to put my socks on. After breakfast I went to my room and rested in my recliner, then it was time to check my computer for a few errors which I made and corrected on my bank act. After that I did some computer games and puzzles. Then it was lunch time and McKenna made egg salad sandwich for my lunch. Afternoon was folding clothes which were washed. Evening meal was sweet potato fries, some egg salad and Jello. Then Alden took off for shopping at Cost Co. I like now I can set my little heater for several hours and I can set it at a low temperature and also set it to rotate. What more should I ask for.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Wednesday Dec. 11, 2024
Get ready for Alden to take me to Jimmys for breakfast. That is always a treat as it is good food. We also ordered sweet potato fries to bring home. When we got home, I had a nap in my recliner. Alden did some work in the back yard. Evening meal, I did not eat much but I had corn and Jello. I received a Christmas card from Marianna and she said John is in the hospital and they have been having some falls. I am praying for them; they are great friends of mine.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Tuesday Dec. 10, 2024
It was a cold night and I had my heater running most of the night. I would say winter is here. I fixed my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and one-half banana and some coffee. I did some reading of the Decision. Lunch was egg salad sandwich and a cup of hot water. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening was a taco and orange Jello for desert.
Monday, December 9, 2024
Monday Dec. 9, 2024
Today was a very slow day as I seemed to want to relax in my recliner a lot. I did read the Decision. Also, I checked things on my computer, and I did some games and puzzles on the computer. My shoulder is feeling better as I am relaxing it more. `
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Sunday Dec. 8, 2024
Up early and dressed and made my bed, time in my recliner then I went to the kitchen to check what was on for breakfast, it was oatmeal with raisins and banana, topped off with a cup of coffee. Then Alden wanted to check if my brain was working, well here is the results as I won all three games. He goes back to teaching tomorrow. Tonight, they took me to what is called a night fair in the church parking lot, people had areas of where they would sell things, and they sold food also. Alden and I had ham and scalloped potatoes and a couple cookies. It was cold there, but I was in the wheeled chair with blankets over me. But it seemed good to get home in my room. It has been a while since I have gone out.
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Saturday Dec. 7 2024
Today is our Anniversary which is 67 years ago when we were married. Yes it was Alagata which means (Rough Road) in the Samoan language, but I am very thankful for it. We had many good times, and a great family, I LOVE my boys. God was with us in all things. He provided us with all our needs. McKenna cut my hair today and I took a picture of the hair cut but for some reason I can not move the picture to my computer. That is another thing I have to have Alan show me how to copy my cell pictures to my computer pictures.
Friday, December 6, 2024
Friday Dec. 6 2024
Last night it was cold but Alden showed me how to set my heater so it can be at a moderate temperature for most of the night. There is a trick to setting it which Gina and I could not figure out. I have my flashlight handy when I set it. Today I did my bible reading and computer things. My lunch was scrambled eggs and a slice of toast. My afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was a pasta hot dish which was very good, I also had some of my yogurt but with this cold weather I don't care much for the yogurt.
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Thursday Dec. 5, 2024
Feeling better as I had a good night sleep. I learned how to adjust the heater, so my room is more even tempters. I still only sleep a couple hours in my bed or chair, then I have to move, but that might be a good thing. I fixed my oatmeal and coffee for breakfast, then Gina came to put my socks on. Emma came and she wanted a ride on my walker, she never forgets that. Next week Haily's will be here for a week so we will have our Christmas early.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Wednesday Dec. 4 2024
Up this morning with a better sleep last night. At 9:30am I went to the dining room for breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and coffee which was prepared by Gina. Then Gina put my socks on, and she joined me. Later on, Gina put the washed clothes on my bed, and I folded them. I went through my clothes and put many clothes in a pile for Alden to put in the GOOD WILL box. Some of the clothes were too small as I had a hard time getting dressed in small clothes, as it puts too much pressure on my shoulder as I don't have help when I get dressed. Evening meal was a burrito and a small slice of pumpkin pie.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Tuesday Dec. 3 2024
Wow it was cold last night, but great in my room. After getting up and get dressed and made my bed, I rested until 9:30am, then I went to the dining room while Alden made my oatmeal for my breakfast. Then Alden and I played two Brain Games and I won both games, can you believe that, so I guess I still have a brain. I did some Bible reading. Lunch was leftovers. Afternoon was a nap and computer things. Evening meal was rice, green beans, ham, cottage cheese and a small slice of pumpkin pie.
Monday, December 2, 2024
Monday Dec. 2, 2024
I had a better night last night, it seems like my shoulder is not so painful, I think it is because I am resting it more. I pray that I have a good night again, even I still only have sleep about two hours, then I have to go to my chair or my bed. Today I did bible reading, computer things and resting.
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Sunday Dec. 1, 2024
After getting up and making my way to the kitchen for breakfast which was scrambled eggs and coffee. Then Alden and I played the Brain Game and can you believe this, we played two games and I won both games. Alden put up some of the outdoor Holiday lights. Lunch was left overs. Afternoon was nap time and computer things.
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Saturday Nov. 30, 2024
Up time was the same as usual, about 7:00am and get dressed and make my bed, then relax in my recliner until time to go to the dining room for my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and banana, and a cup of coffee. Alden and I played the brain game, he won two games and I won one game. McKenna came to help me with my shower. Then I had some time in my recliner, and I checked my computer for things and I did some games and puzzles until lunch time which was Thanksgiving leftovers. Afternoon was a nap and computer things. Evening meal was scrambled eggs and a slice of toast. There is many things going up for Christmas decorations which is beautiful.
Friday, November 29, 2024
Friday Nov. 29, 2024
Up at 7:00am got dressed and made my bed, rested in my recliner until 9:30am when it was time to go to the kitchen for breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins, banana and coffee. Went to my recliner in my room. Checked my computer things and played games and puzzles. Lunch was leftovers. Afternoon was nap time. Evening meal was leftovers, then Alden and I played the brain game and Alan was on SKYPE.
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Thursday Nov. 28 2024
I was up at 8:00am and got ready for the day of Thanksgiving. There was a house full of family here today to spend Thanksgiving. The food was great, and we started to eat at 1:00pm. Everyone filled their plates in the kitchen, then went to the dining table to eat. Then there was conversation and joyfull eating. Thank God for providing such a great time.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Tuesday Nov. 26 2024
I had a good sleep last night. Was up about 8:00am this morning. Got dressed and made my bed and got ready to go for breakfast which was scrambled eggs and toast and coffee. Alden wanted to check to see if my brain is still working, so he said we need to play the brain game. Well he won two games and I won one game, so he said I passed for another day. Lunch was peanutbutter and jelly sandwich. Afternoon was a nap and computer games. When I went for evening meal, I had my glasses on and Emma didn't know who I was until I took the glasses off.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Monday Nov. 25 2024
Up at 8:00am and dressed and made my bed, then I went to my recliner. I have not been making my bed for the last few days as Alden said I should rest my shoulder. Alden and Gina changed my bed sheets which it has not been done for about two months. Now that my shoulder is getting better, I will be able to do more things. I was so glad to see Corine and Phill and daughter and also Abby. It was great to get on SKYPE when they were here. I am having a hard time getting my e-mail as the computer keeps changing things, I learn something and then it gets changed. I am still looking for the pictures which Gina took and I can't find them.
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Sunday Nov. 24 2024
It looks like I missed another Blog The reason is we had so much company and Skyped with Alan and Lovely so I forgot to Blog. I guess my mind shows age. I also forgot to take Pictures of all the company and other people were tacking pictures and it is hard for me to get around to take pictures, Alden just came in my room and He said that Gina sent me some pictures from yesterday, but I have not found them yet.
Friday, November 22, 2024
Friday Nov. 22 2024
Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Played Rummy-Q, Alden won two games, and I won one game. I went to my room for a rest in my recliner, as I was going to have a doctor appointment at 3:00pm. The doctor gave me two shots for pain. My evening meal was soup.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Tuesday Nov. 19 2024
Breakfast was cold cereal with banana and coffee. Gina put my socks on, then I went to my room to rest in my recliner for a short time with a heating pad on my shoulder. I checked things on the computer. Lunch was scrambled eggs and take a pain pill. Afternoon was a nap in my recliner and doing exercise on my shoulder, then folding clothes that were put on my bed, I could not fold the house clothes as I had too much pain after folding my clothes. I have a Doctor appointment for Friday, I hope he will help me with the pain.
Monday, November 18, 2024
Monday Nov. 18 2024
Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. played Rummy-Q and I won 2 games and Alden won 1 game. I am still doing exercise for my right shoulder. lunch was a sandwich I had a afternoon nap and doing computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was pasta, peas and salad.
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Sunday Nov. 17 2024
My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and hot water and my regular pills. I went to my room to rest in my recliner. McKenna came to help me with my shower. I rested in my recliner for a while, then I checked for things on the computer. My lunch was scrambled eggs. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles and a nap. Evening meal was 1/2 In and Out cheeseburger and a cookie made by Gina. I am doing my exercise for my right shoulder.
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Saturday Nov. 16 2024
Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and 1/2 cup coffee. Alden and I played Rummy-Q, he won two games and I won one game. I rested in my recliner, then I checked for things on the computer. Lunch was a sandwich, then I went to my room to have a nap. Evening meal was soup. Alden was teaching me some exercise to help me with the pain in my right shoulder.
Friday, November 15, 2024
Friday Nov. 15 2024
Last night I had a very painful night, so Gina and Alden have been helping me with everything like medication and preparing my food as I will not be able to do the microwave from the pain of my right shoulder. This afternoon after taking medicine I had a good long nap with no pain. This evening Alden made two eggs over easy for my meal. Alden and I played rummy-Q and he won two games and I won one game. Now while I am writing this, I have the heating pad on my shoulder which makes it veal good. Alden gave me the Bell to ring if I need help tonight.
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Thursday Nov. 14 2024
After getting dressed and making my bed I rested in my recliner until 9:30am, then I went to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and banana and coffee. Gina came to put my socks on and have a discussion of what was on the news, how Trump is getting ready for what will be his duty as president. My lunch was scrambled eggs and toast. I did my bible reading and had a nap. Evening meal was what McKenna put together, it was good, and I had some of my frozen yogurt.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Wednesday Nov. 13 2024
This morning I turned the heater on while getting dressed as it was cold in my room. My right arm had pain from me throwing my blanket over me while sitting in my recliner. At 9:30am I went to the kitchen for breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and banana and coffee, prepared by Alden as he was not working today. Alden and I played Hand and Foot and I was ahead until the last round and Alden beat me then. For lunch Alden and I went to The Pancake House. We went to Yogurt Mill to purchase yogurt. When we returned home I had a nice long nap in my recliner. Evening meal was baked potato and salad.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Tuesday Nov. 12 2024
Up at 7;00am and got dressed and made my bed, relaxed in my recliner until 9:30am. I went to the kitchen to make my oatmeal with raisins and coffee. I went to my room to relax in my recliner. Then I checked my computer to see what is on and play games and puzzles. Lunch was a sandwich with grapes. Then Gina put my socks on. There was a basket of washed clothes on my bed so I sorted and folded them and returned what was not mine to the family room. I rested in my recliner for a while and my evening meal was mac-n- cheese and coleslaw and some beans and a Girl Scout cookie.
Monday, November 11, 2024
Monday Nov. 11 2024
Up early as usual got dressed and made my bed, rested in my recliner until 9:30 am. Then it was time to go to the kitchen for breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and 1/2 cup coffee. Alden put my socks on and we played Rummy-Q and Alden won two games and I won one game. Lunch was 1/2 sandwich. I went to my room for a short nap and computer things. Evening meal was soup, toast and coleslaw and two fig cookies.
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Saturday Nov. 9 2024
Breakfast was two eggs over easy on toast and coffee. Alden and I played Rummy-Q, I won two games and Alden won one game. Lunch was greens and grapes. I spent the afternoon putting together and setting up my little Christmas tree. I did some computer things and games and puzzles. Evening meal was bean burrito. This is a picture of my Christmas tree.
Friday, November 8, 2024
Friday Nov. 8 2024
My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and 1/2 cup coffee. I took my breakfast to my room to eat as my room was warmer. I checked my computer for what was new, and I played games and puzzles. My lunch was soup, crackers and grapes. My afternoon was reading more of Decision and a nap. Evening meal was a green salad, chicken pasta hot dish and bread.
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Thursday Nov. 7, 2024
My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and one-half cup coffee. I went to my room to have a time in my recliner. Then it was time to check things on my computer and do some games and puzzles. Lunch was soup and crackers. Afternoon was a nap and some reading. Evening meal was beef noodles and cottage cheese.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Wednesday Nov. 6. 2024
Another early morning and going to the kitchen to make my cream of wheat with raisins and banana. Gina fixed the coffee for me and she put my socks on. It was great to hear that Trump will be taking over as our president. We pray that he will be guided as our leader for the next four years. My evening meal was pizza and a green salad.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Tuesday Nov. 5, 2024
Up early and ready for the day to go to the kitchen to prepare my oatmeal with raisins and banana and coffee for my breakfast. Gina put my socks on then I went to my room for time in my recliner and check my computer for new things. Praying for our country as this is the day of election. Lunch was a sandwich with grapes. Afternoon was a nap and computer things. Evening was soup vegetables and a biscuit with jelly on it. Alden and I played Rummy-Q.
Monday, November 4, 2024
Monday Nov. 4 2024
Up early as usual and to the kitchen to make my oatmeal with raisins and banana and coffee, this is the time I take my daily pills. Gina came to put my socks on. I went to my room to spend a few minutes in my recliner then I checked the computer for what was new. Lunch was a green salad and crackers. Afternoon was reading more of the Decision and a nap. Evening meal was a broccoli soup made by McKenna and a slice of toast.
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Sunday Nov. 3 2024
Up early, dressed and made ready for the day. Went to the kitchen for breakfast, which was biscuits and gravy prepared by Alden, they were great. I went for a short time in my recliner, then McKenna came to help me with my shower. Afternoon was spent playing Hand and Foot, Alden and myself were the winners against Gina and Paige. Evening meal was soup and crackers and Ice Cream sandwich for dessert.
Saturday, November 2, 2024
Saturday Nov. 2, 2024
Up early and got dressed and made my bed, then rested for a while in my recliner. I went to the kitchen for breakfast which was a waffle with blueberries and syrup, made by Alden. We played Rummy-Q, Alden won two games and I won one game. I went to my recliner to read the Decision. Lunch was two eggs and toast. Afternoon was nap time and more reading. Evening meal was soup and crackers.
Friday, November 1, 2024
Friday Nov. 1 2024
The night seemed cold; I had a hard time sleeping from the pain as I transferred from my bed to my recliner too many times which is my norm. I did Bible reading and computer things, also computer games and puzzles. My lunch was scrambled eggs and a slice of toast. I had a nap this afternoon. Maybe I will take two Tylenol when I go to bed. Evening meal was soup and crackers Tonight is FALL BACK time change.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Thursday Oct. 31 2024
Up early as usual then to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and coffee. Gina came to put my socks on. I had some time in my recliner, then it was time to check my computer. Alden just showed me how to delete my email all the way back to September, so I just finished doing that, there was a lot to delete. Now I will check every day. Have a great Halloween.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct. 30 2024
Up early get dressed and make my bed, a few minutes in my recliner. Get ready to go to the kitchen for breakfast which Alden prepared two eggs and coffee. We played Rummy-Q and Alden won two games and I won one game. I checked for things on my computer and I did some games and puzzles then it was lunch time. Afternoon was a nap and computer things. Evening meal was soup and crackers and time with Emma. I received my medication to put in the container. Showing a picture of a puzzle done on the computer.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Tuesday Oct. 29 2024
Morning was up early, get dressed and make my bed, went to the kitchen for my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and banana prepared by Alden. We played Rummy-Q, Alden won two games and I won one game. I went to my room for a time in my recliner. Lunch was soup and crackers. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was chicken, broccoli and corn. Time spent watching Emma.
Monday, October 28, 2024
Monday Oct. 28 2024
My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and coffee. Alden and I played Rummy-Q and Alden won all games. I went to my room for a time in my recliner. Then it was time to check my computer and play some games and puzzles. Lunch was snacks of lunch meat, cheese and greens. Afternoon was a nap and reading. Evening meal was scrambled eggs.
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Sunday Oct. 27 2024
Went to the kitchen for breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and banana and 1/2 cup coffee. Alden put my socks on and he went over the medications which I take. I went to my room and put another four weeks of medicines in containers, and I gave Alden a list of what is needed so he will call the Doctor to send the prescriptions to WalMart for Alden to pick up. I did computer games and puzzles. My evening meal was a salad and crackers.
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Saturday Oct. 26 2024
Up early get dressed and make bed rest in recliner for a short time. Went to the kitchen and Alden made my breakfast which was eggs and toast and coffee. Alden and I played Hand and Foot and Alden was the winner. I went to my room and checked my computer. Lunch was lunch meat, cheese and 1/2 Blueberry Bago. Had a afternoon nap and computer games and puzzles. My evening meal was chicken noodle soup. I am waiting for Alan to SKYPE tonight.
Friday, October 25, 2024
Friday Oct. 25 2024
Up early and dressed and make my bed, then to the kitchen to make my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins, banana and coffee. Then I went to my recliner to get my feet up as all of my compression socks was in the clothes hamper which needed to be washed. Latter on I had Gina put regular socks on and I had her take my clothes to be washed. My lunch was 1/2 egg salad sandwich. Afternoon was a nap and computer things. My evening meal was the other 1/2 of my egg salad sandwich. I am not eating much for the evening meal as I cannot sleep well and I need something very light for the evening.
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Thursday Oct. 24, 2024
Up early and get dressed and make my bed, then a relaxing time in my recliner. At 9:30am I went to the kitchen for my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and banana. I had 1/2 cup of coffee and Gina put my socks on. Gina and I played Hand and Foot and Gina was the winner. My lunch was a egg salad sandwich. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was chicken, rice, green salad and a bisque.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Wednesday Oct. 23
I am doing a morning Blog as they are still working on my emails, so I did not get to blog last night. I appreciate all the work Alan and Alden are doing to get my emails, I don't know why some computer things are co complicated. Alden made two eggs over easy on toast for breakfast, he put my socks on then we played Rummy-Q, I won two games and Alden won one game.
Monday, October 21, 2024
Monday Oct. 21 2024
Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and coffee. Gina put my socks on. I went to my room to do Bible reading and check computer for any messages from my blog. I had a restful time in my recliner. Lunch was spaghetti and strawberries. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was a burrito.
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Saturday Oct. 19 2024
Breakfast was McKenna's creation with strawberries and coffee. McKenna helped me with my shower. I rested in my recliner then I checked for things on the computer. For lunch Alden, Gina and I went to The Pancake House. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. My evening meal was left overs from lunch.
Friday, October 18, 2024
Friday Oct. 18 2024
Breakfast was cold cereal and coffee. I had time in my recliner and then I checked for things on the computer. I had Gina put my socks on, then I had left over for lunch. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles, evening meal was chicken, beans and potato. Alden and I played Rummy-Q and can you believe it I won all three games.
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Thursday Oct. 17 2024
The morning started with oatmeal with raisins and coffee which was made by Mom Bea. I took to my room to eat and check remarks from Lovely and Annie on my computer. That is one of the first things which I like to do in the mornings. Later on Gina came to put my socks on, then she went to her business meeting and Mckenna came to prepare my lunch which was tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. My afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was spaghetti, toast and green grapes.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Wednesday Oct. 16 2024
Up early and dressed then I made my bed and rested in my recliner. I got ready to go to the kitchen for my breakfast which was two eggs over easy on toast and coffee. Alden and I played Hand and Foot and Alden was the winner. Lunch was soup and crackers with peanutbutter. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was chicken hot dish and refried beans and strawberries.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Tuesday Oct. 15 2024
My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and a cup of coffee. Alden put my socks on and he did things in the back yard. Lunch was a sandwich and grapes and strawberries. I had my feet soaked in water, then Alden trimmed my toenails. I had a nap, then I did computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was chicken hot dish, grapes and strawberries.
Monday, October 14, 2024
Monday Oct. 14 2024
This morning I went to the kitchen to find something for my breakfast, I checked the cabinet and I found oatmeal so I made oatmeal with raisins and a cup of coffee. Later on McKenna came to put my socks on. Then I went to my room and checked the computer to see what Lovely and Annie had to say. I found out that Alan will be here for Chinese New Year, so I will be glad to see him and I know he will fix some computer problems.
Sunday, October 13, 2024
Sunday Oct. 13 2024
Today is a beautiful day and after Emma's first birthday I had my shower the nest day with McKenna's help. I did my bible reading and a short time in my recliner. My lunch was chicken noodle soup with crackers. The afternoon was spent computer games and puzzles and a nap. Evening meal was lasagna salad and a cupcake. Alden and I played Rummy-Q Alden won two games and I won one game.
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Saturday Oct. 12 2024
My breakfast was cold cereal with banana and coffee. I went to my room and checked what was on the computer. I had time in my recliner, then Alden came to take me to the park where they were celebrating Emma's first birthday. We there at the park for several hours, Emma liked to walk bare foot on the grass. There was green salad, pizza and drinks and of course Birthday cupcakes. There was games played also, there was about two dozen people.
Friday, October 11, 2024
Friday Oct. 11, 2024
This morning Alden made my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Then he put my socks on and we played three games of Rummy-Q Alden won two games and I won one game. Then I went to my room to check what was on the computer. Annie and Lovely left messages. Lovely said that Alan will be here to check my computer things. They are all watching the Padrea's with their Padrea shirts on, but Alden just came and said they lost. So here is the pictures and I must say Emma will be One Year Old tomorrow. Here are some pictures.
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Thursday Oct. 10, 2024
After getting dressed and making my bed I rested in my recliner until 9:00am then I got ready to go to the kitchen for my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and banana, then Gina gave me a cup of coffee and she put my socks on. I went to my room for a short rest, then time to check my computer to see what is new. I worked on my voting and I completed my vote and it is ready to mail. Alden is trying to get my printer to work but I don't need to use it so we might wait for Alan to come. I still cannot receive or send e-mails. Why do I have so many problems? It seems like the computer is picking on me to cause trouble. O well I guess I can accept trouble.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Wednesday Oct. 9 2024
After getting up dressed and made my bed then it was going to the kitchen for breakfast and Alden was there and he made hot oatmeal with raisins and banana and hot water for my coffee. We played Hand and Foot and Alden was the winner. For my lunch Alden made two eggs over easy on toast for me. Afternoon was checking my computer and a nap. Evening meal was the chicken hot dish which McKenna made, it was very good and I also had grapes.
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Tuesday Oct. 8 2024
After getting dressed and making my bed I went to fix my breakfast which was cold cereal and Gina gave me a cup of coffee then she put my socks on. then I went to my room and had some time in my recliner. Gina put the clothes to be folded on my bed so that is what I did was fold clothes. Lunch was scrambled eggs and a slice of toast. Gina and I played a game of Hand and Foot and Gina was the winner. I had a short time in my recliner and some things on the computer. Evening meal was a chicken hot dish and a green salad, then I had two fig cookies.
Monday, October 7, 2024
Monday Oct. 7 2024
My breakfast was made by Alden which was two eggs over easy toast and coffee. Alden put my socks on then I went to my room for time in my recliner. I checked for results of my blog and I did computer games and puzzles. Lunch was soup and crackers. I had a afternoon nap. Evening meal was a green salad, chicken and baked potato and ice cream. Alden and I played Rummy-Q and we each won a game.
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Sunday Oct. 6 2024
Breakfast was cold cereal and a cup of coffee. McKenna came to help me with my shower. I had a short time in my recliner then I checked for things on the computer, my lunch was a few left over things. I had a afternoon nap and Alan called for time on SKYPE. Alden and Gina arrived at 6:30pm so they are eating now. Alan went over with me how to get the printer to work so I will wait until Alden can help. It is nice to have everyone back home.
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Saturday Oct. 5 2024
After getting dressed and making my bed I had a short time in my recliner, then I went to the kitchen to fix my breakfast which was cold cereal and a cup of coffee which I took to my room to eat slowly while I checked my computer for remarks on my blog and read Lovely's blog. Then there was news but I am unable to receive email or send email. Alden should be home Monday and maybe he can figure out how I can receive emails. I am glad I can do blogs and I am not very clever to figure things out when they are different on my computer. Yes I still do games and puzzles on the computer. I did my Bible reading also today and more reading of the Decision.
Friday, October 4, 2024
Friday Oct. 4 2024
I went to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and a cup of coffee. I took to my room to eat and check the computer things. Paige came to my room to report things about their vacation, and she put my socks on. Then McKenna and Emma came to see me, Emma had her great smile and she came to greet me, Cash the dog also comes to join us. It was nice to see them all. My lunch was a sandwich with lunchmeat and cheese and some grapes. Paige made scrambled eggs and toast for my evening meal. I made a list of groceries to purchase from WalMart, maybe Paige will go there tomorrow.
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Thursday Oct. 3 2024
My breakfast was cold cereal and a cup of coffee. Then I rested in my recliner and checked computer things, bad news that Iran attached Israel, I just keep praying for all things. Maria came at noon and she put my socks on. Lunch was a egg salad sandwich. Then we played several games of Rumma-Q. It was getting soo hot in the house so I called Alden to find out to adjust the thermostat, then it started to cool down some, my room gets hot in the afternoons when the sun comes from the west. Latter on it started to cool down. My evening meal was two scrambled eggs and a slice of toast. Maria left at 6:00pm. The kids should be here late tonight.
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Wednesday Oct. 2 2024
This morning my breakfast was cold cereal banana and coffee. I had some time in my recliner, then time to check my computer to see if Annie and Lovely left any messages on my blog. I still can not receive any email nor can I send any email. It has been real hot today, in the upper 90's. Marie and I used orange and blue nail polish to touch up the tiles of the Rummyque game as they were getting so light we could hardly see what they were, so I am putting a picture of what we were doing. My lunch was stew with vegies. My evening meal was two scrambled eggs with a slice of toast.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Tuesday Oct. 1, 2024
It is hotter than yesterday and my room gets hot as it is on the west side of the house. My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and coffee. Maria came at noon and she put my socks on, then she made a good salad for lunch. After lunch we played Rummy-Q and she is getting on it quite well. Maria did some house cleaning and I started a grocery list for some things. I still can not get my e-mail or send email, O well Alden will be here in a few days, I know he can fix it.
Monday, September 30, 2024
Monday Sep. 30 2024
After getting up and I got dressed and make my bed I went to the kitchen to fix my cold cereal and cup of coffee and take it to my room to relax and eat with my daily medical pills. I put my daily pills in containers for another four weeks. Maria came at noon, she put my socks on and she made a great salad for my lunch. The afternoon was Maria and I playing Rummy-Q which she is trying to learn, she said she will go to Walmart and buy that game so she can play it with her husband. I talked to Alden today and they are having a good time in Kansas, but I miss all of them.
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Sunday Sep 29 2024
Up at 7:30am and dressed, make my bed and to the kitchen at 8:30am to make my oatmeal with raisins and banana and a cup of coffee which I took to my room to eat. Then I checked my computer for remarks from Annie and Lovely and what else. I went to my recliner to start to read the new Decision. Maria came at 12:00noon and she put my socks on. At 1:00pm Mariea fixed two eggs and a slice of toast for my lunch. Then we played a few games of RummyQue, she is starting to know how to play. Then I went to my room to rest in my recliner and do computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was Maria Calanders chicken pot pie. Maria took my socks off and she closed the windows and got ready to leave at 6:00pm.
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Saturday Sep. 28 2024
We are having great weather in high 70's to low 80's. My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Then it was time for computer things. When Maria came at 12:00 noon she put my socks on and made me scrambled eggs and toast. Then I tried to teach her Rummy-Q but it was very hard for her to catch on to it. My evening meal was chicken noodle soup and crackers. Maria took my socks off then she prepared to leave for the night.
Friday, September 27, 2024
Friday Sep. 27 2024
When it was time to go to the kitchen for breakfast I got the cold cereal and banana and some hot water for my coffee. Then I went to the dining room to have my breakfast with my daily pills. I went to my room to rest in my recliner for a short time then I checked my computer and I did some computer games and puzzles. At noon Mariea came and she helped me with my shower, then we went to the kitchen and she made two scrambled eggs with a slice of toast for my lunch. I was teaching Maria how to play (hand and foot) she wants to play again tomorrow. Maria took my clothes which needed washing to put in the washing machine. My evening meal was a green salad and leftover hot dish. Maria took my socks off before she left for until noon tomorrow.
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Thursday Sep. 26 2024
After getting up and get dressed then I make my bed and relax in my recliner for a short time then I went to the kitchen to fix my breakfast which was cold cereal with one-half banana and a cup of Lovely's coffee and of course that is the time when I take my daily pills. I went to my room to relax in my recliner and check the computer for what is new like messages from Lovely and Annie. This afternoon it was very hot in my room, so I went to the Family room and got some ice water to drink and rest in the recliner in the family room. My evening meal was one half sandwich with lunch meat, cheese and lettuce, with beet pickles on the side. Maria took my socks off and closed all windows before she left.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Wednesday Sep. 25 2024
They all left for Kansas early this morning. I went to the kitchen for my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and banana, then I went to my room and had a few minutes and prayer in my recliner. checked my computer to see what was on there. I had by bible reading time and Maria came and put my socks on and she fixed scrambled eggs for my lunch, I had a cup of Lovely's coffee. Maria and I had time talking about how things are going in our country and how we need to keep praying for the good of things. I showed Maria the book of Billy Graham that shows how he spread the gospel around the world. My evening meal was chicken noodle soup with crackers. Maria closed all the windows so I will feel safer by myself at night, then she took my socks off and she left at about 6:00pm and will be back at noon tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep.24 2024
My breakfast was cold cereal with banana and a cup of Lovely's coffee. I still have many packets of Lovely's coffee. McKenna came to put my socks on. I rested in my recliner for a while then I checked my computer. I am still checking for things to send to Good Will. Lunch was a hot dish which was made by McKenna. Afternoon was bible reading and I found out that my printer is not working so I will see if Alden knows the reason. Evening meal was green salad and cottage cheese and a drum stick. They will all be gone to Kansas early tomorrow. Maria will be here at noon until 6:00pm tomorrow, then I will be on my own again. Pray that I will manage by my self.
Monday, September 23, 2024
Monday Sep. 23 2024
This morning I went to the kitchen and made oatmeal with raisins and banana for my breakfast, then it was time in my recliner. I checked the computer for remarks from Lovely and Annie on my blog. I started a box for Good Will as I have things I know I will never use. So that involved going through my drawers. Then it was decisions, should I keep or give away. The weather is great and it makes me think how Lovely and Alan have to put up with the hot humid weather. I don't think I could stand that. I am getting along without Alden and Gina, but I sure miss them. McKenna made some soup for our evening meal, they are going to Andrew's parents this evening.
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Sunday Sep.22 2024
My breakfast was cold cereal with banana I had my daily medication. I went to my room for time in my recliner. I checked the computer for reply on my blog. I didn't have my socks put on as my feet are not swollen. Paige is putting a puzzle together, so she made scrambled eggs for my lunch. I had a afternoon nap. then it was computer games and puzzles, and evening meal was one half Chick-Fa-La.
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Saturday Sep. 21 2024
My breakfast was cold cereal and banana. After I went to my room McKenna came to help me with my shower. I had a time in my recliner then I checked my computer. Lunch was one half of Chic-Fa-La sandwich. Then there was time with Emma as she always has a great smile and then she wants to have a ride on my walker. I had a afternoon nap and I found Paige putting a puzzle together and I had her take my socks off.
Friday, September 20, 2024
Friday Sep. 20 2024
Up early this morning and time in my recliner. At 9:30am I went to the kitchen for my breakfast which was cold cereal with banana and coffee. Gina put my socks on then she had to deliver things to someone. McKenna got a chicken pot pie for my lunch. I had a short nap then when Alden returned from teaching, he took me to Wells Fargo to deposit two gift checks, on our way home he got some Burger King food for my evening meal. We also stopped by yogurt mill for my desert. Alden and Gina took off about 7:00pm for their vacation of about two weeks, I will miss them. Tonight Paige has some friends for the evening.
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Thursday Sep. 19 2024
I went to the kitchen for my breakfast which was cold cereal and banana. Gina came to put my socks on and give me a cup of coffee. I went to my room and checked my computer for notes on my blog. I had reading time and relax in my recliner. Then there was computer games and puzzles. McKenna made my lunch which was 1/2 egg salad sandwich with grapes. Afternoon was a nap then evening meal was hotdog with mushrooms and some ice cream. Alden and I played Rummy-Q and we each won a game.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Wednesday Sept. 18 2024
Up early as usual and to kitchen for breakfast that was made by Alden and it was scrambled eggs with banana. Alden put my socks on, then I went to my room and Alden got a good night light for by my recliner, it goes off in the daytime. I did my computer things and as of now there is only four GIFT checks that are not cashed for year 2024, it will be shortly when there will be some again for 2025. The weather has been great as the temperature has cooled down. Alden has been getting the truck ready for travel which they will start to travel this Friday, I will miss them.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Tuesday Sept. 17 2024
At 9:30am I went to the kitchen for my breakfast. I put the oatmeal in my bowl as I didn't want such a large amount then I put it in the microwave for one minute to cook, I added a little milk, raisins and one half banana, that was my breakfast and I took my morning pills. Later McKenna came to put my socks on. I went to my room and rested in my recliner. Later on I checked my computer for messages on my blog as Lovely and Annie leave messages. My lunch was scrambled eggs made by McKenna. Emma came to see me as she wanted a ride on my walker, she never forgets to have that ride and she has a big smile for that. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Alden found a red night light for near my recliner. Alden and Gina are getting ready for their trip to Kansas which will be Friday.
Monday, September 16, 2024
Monday Sept.16 2024
My breakfast was cold cereal with banana. Gina put my socks on then we played {Hand and foot) and Gina was the winner. I went to my recliner for a short time then I had scrambled eggs and grapes for my lunch. Had a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was a green salad and a chicken hot dish which McKenna made, it was very good. Alden and I played Rummy-Q and Alden was the winner. My night light by my recliner is burned out so I will use the flashlight when I go to the bathroom tonight. Alden could not find another night light.
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Sunday Sept. 15 2024
Breakfast this morning was biscuits and gravy the Alden style which is very good. Alden put my socks on. I had time in my recliner, then time to check my computer. Had bible reading. Lunch was soup and crackers with peanutbutter. After noon was nap time and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was soup and crackers. then a nap and Alden came to take my socks off.
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Saturday Sept. 14 2024
This morning I got up at 6:30am and took my bed sheets off and replaced them with the pink set of sheets, it was quite a deal as I had to lift the mattress to get the rubber tabs under the mattress. Well I did it. Then I rested in my recliner until 9:30am, then I went to the kitchen for my breakfast which was cold cereal and banana. Alden put my socks on. I went to my recliner until McKenna came to help me with my shower, then it was almost lunch time. My lunch was scrambled eggs and a slice of toast. Afternoon was nap time and computer games and puzzles, Bible reading then evening meal which was salad, eggs salad sandwich and grapes, so hear is a picture of my evening meal.
Friday, September 13, 2024
Friday Sept. 13 2024
I was up early as usual, then I went to the kitchen for my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Gina came and gave me 1/2 cup coffee and put my socks on. I went to my room to check my computer things. Then I did some reading, and McKenna came to fix my lunch which was scrambled eggs and a slice of toast. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. The weather is very nice as it has cooled down in the 60's and 70's. Evening meal was pizza and salad and a cheese stick.
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Thursday Sept. 12 2024
I got dressed at 7:00am then I went to my recliner and went to sleep until 9:50am, so I went to the kitchen for breakfast at 10:00am, which is late for me and I still did not make my bed. My breakfast was cold cereal and 1/2 cup coffee. Gina put my socks on then I went to my room to make my bed and check the computer. My lunch was egg salad sandwich and grapes. Afternoon was reading and a nap then computer things. Evening meal was hotdog, green beans and baked beans.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Wednesday Sept. 11 2024
At 9:30am I went to the kitchen for my breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Gina put my socks on, then I went to my room for a short time in my recliner. I checked on my computer for my email and tempters which has gone down. My lunch was egg salad sandwich. I had a afternoon nap, then computer time for games and puzzles. There is only two gift checks not cashed yet, that is Josh's and Hailey's. Thanks everyone for completing that task, then we will check that task in a few months for year 2025. Don't forget to pray for our country.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Tuesday Sept. 10 2024
My breakfast was cold cereal with banana. I went to my room and rested in my recliner for a short time. I was checking my computer to see if anything was new. Then I did some puzzles and games on the computer. Alden is not working today and he is doing little jobs around the house. Lunch was a tuna sandwich and some fruit. I had a afternoon nap, then reading. Evening meal was a baked potato, 1/2 hamburger and cottage cheese. We viewed the debate of Harris and Trump, but I could not hear it very well. I keep praying for our country and the election.
Monday, September 9, 2024
Monday Sep. 9 2024
My breakfast was cold cereal with banana. Alden was not working today but he has been doing many jobs here in the house. The weather is still very hot. I did more reading of the Decision, it takes me a while to complete reading all the Decision as I can only read several articles at a time. This evening Alden and I played Rummy-Q, Alden won two games and I won one game.
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Sunday Sept. 8 2024
Breakfast was eggs and toast. Alden put my socks on, then he went out to check the cars before it got real hot out side as it got up to 105 degrees outside today. Sure glad we have AC as it is very comfortable in the house. Josh is working today then he will be going on a fishing trip. I did more reading of the Decision and I had a nap. Evening meal was a hotdog and a very small piece of chocolate pie.
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Saturday Sep. 7 2024
My breakfast was cold cereal with banana. Alan was getting things ready to pack in his car to head for Annies after lunch. We had lunch before Alan was leaving at Pancake House. And yes, I will miss Alan as we did so many things together and he showed me how to drive the carts at Costco and Walmart. I am sorry that I had to have my walker or wheelchair. This afternoon I had a nap, my evening meal was my leftovers. I have not yet heard from Alan that he arrived at Annie's. May God take care with all the travels.
Friday, September 6, 2024
Friday Sep. 6 2024
Breakfast was at 8:30am which was early as Alan and I were going to have lunch with Albert. After lunch we drove around downtown near the Padres stadium then we came back to Walmart to do some more shopping. When we got home we had a nap. Then there was dinner which I did not eat much.
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Thursday Sept. 5 2024
Alden was not working today so he made my breakfast with eggs and toast. We played the Rummy Q game and I won two games and he won one game. I went to my room to check my computer. Then I had a time in my recliner. Lunch was a tuna sandwich. Afternoon was a nap and checking things on my computer. Alan and Alden went to the Padre's game again tonight. Evening meal was a piece of pizza and a drumstick.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Wednesday Sept. 4 2024
Up early and Alan put my socks on. By breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. I had time in my recliner then time to check my computer. I did some computer games and puzzles. Lunch was left overs from Marie Callender's. I had a afternoon nap. Alan and Alden went to the Padres game. McKenna made dinner whish was good a green salad and hot pizza which she made.
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Tuesday Sep. 3 2024
Alan put my socks on early this morning before he went to play tennis with Albert. I had cold cereal for breakfast then I went to my recliner and I did more reading of the Decision. I checked the computer for what was new but things don't look good for our country. We have to pray for our country and for the election. Alan and I went to Marie Callender's for lunch and of course we had leftovers and two pies to bring home. Then we went to CostCo for gas and groceries and things for Alan to take to Taiwan. Tonight I did not eat but I had a small slice of the lemon pie.
Monday Sept. 2 2024 Labor Day
Breakfast was a waffle with blueberries, whipped cream and syrup, mmmsogood. I went to my recliner, then McKenna came to help with my shower. I checked my computer and did a few puzzles and games. Lunch was two scrambled eggs. Afternoon was reading the Decision. CostCo was closed today so we didn't shop today but will tomorrow, as Alan and I want to purchase a few things before he leaves. BooHo I don't want to see him leave but Lovely will be glad. Alden and I played "Hand and Foot" and Alden was the winner, going into the last round Alden was 35 points ahead of me then he really whipped me. I just finished folding my washing which was a 11 day wash.
Sunday, September 1, 2024
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Saturday Aug. 31 2024
My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Alden put my socks on and we played Rummy-Q, Alden won 2 games, I won 1 game. When Emma saw me with my walker she wanted a ride. She is so happy to have a ride on my walker. The weather is cooling down which is great. My lunch was scrambled eggs, a cheese stick and grapes. Evening meal was leftovers and a Dainish pastry.
Friday, August 30, 2024
Friday Aug. 30 2024
Breakfast was a small amount of cold cereal with my pills. Alan and I went to meet Albert for lunch at a buffet. On our way home I had bad leg pain, when we got home I rested in my recliner. Alan fixed left overs for our dinner then we played that card game (10 phases) I am trying to learn that game but my brain does not work very well. I got to phase 9 and Alan went out in phase 10.
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Thursday Aug.29 2024
This will be short as it is late and Alan was teaching me a new card game and other things for the computer.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Wednesday Aug. 28 2024
Breakfast was cold cereal with banana and coffee. Gina put my socks on then I went to my recliner. Alan took me with him to Wells Fargo to deposit his GIFT check. Then Alan took me to Walmart and I road one of those carts again. We bought more groceries. Evening meal was a burrito and a Danish pastry for evening meal. We plan on playing Hand & Foot at 7:30pm tonight.
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Tuesday Aug. 27 2024
My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Gina put my socks on, then I rested in my recliner. Alan took me shopping again but we forgot the Disabled sign. We got gas at Costco then we do grocery shopping at Costco. Alan had me us the thing to follow him while shopping. We had hotdogs and pizza outside of Costco. Then we went home and put away the groceries and had a nap. Evening meal was 1/2 hamburger and cottage cheese, we had a ice cream snack. I did some money transferring online for the GIFTS.
Monday, August 26, 2024
Monday Aug. 26 2024
Breakfast this morning was cold cereal with banana and coffee. Gina put my socks on then we played a game of "Hand and Foot" and Gina was the winner. McKenna and Emma came and Emms wants a ride on my walker again, she really likes to have those rides. Lunch was scrambled eggs and a slice of toast. I had a afternoon nap and then computer things like games and puzzles. I met the lady Maria who will help me while the family goes to Kansas. Evening meal was Lasagna, cottage cheese, salad and ice cream.
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Sunday Aug. 25 2024
I had a ba night as I had bladder infection, I took the first pill for it. I went to the kitchen early for an early breakfast of a small amount of cold cereal. I went to my recliner to try and rest, I was able to go to sleep. At 11:30 am we went to The Pancake House for lunch. We played "Hand and Foot" and Alden and Gina were the winners over Alan and me. I was writing Gift checks for year 2024. I did a few computer games.
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Saturday Aug. 24 2024
Up early again and get ready for another day. Breakfast was cold cereal with raisins and I always take my daily medication with my breakfast. I had a cup of coffee, I went to my room for a short while in my recliner to wait for McKenna to come to help with my shower. Checked my computer for updates. Lunch was pasta and grapes. Afternoon was a nap and then going to church with Alan, Alden and Gina, this time they brought a pillow for me to sit on and that was good as I did not have pain and I enjoyed the service.
Friday, August 23, 2024
Friday Aug. 23 2024
Breakfast was a Maple Bar donut, just something I don't need. We were going to go for lunch but Alan was working with Abby so I just had some leftovers, then we went to Walmart to get groceries and I had to use one of those things that you sit on and drive with a basket in front, I was not a very good driver, I think Alan could get the groceries in half time without me, but he didn't seem to mind. We were going to purchase black & color ink for my printer, but my printer is so ancient they don't carry ink for it anymore so Alan will see if he can order the ink by mail. This evening we played (hand and foot) Alden and Gina were the winners and Alan and I were the losers.
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Thursday Aug. 22 2024
Up early and to the kitchen for breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins. To my recliner in my room, then check computer for new things. Lunch was scrambled eggs. I am trying to put some snap shots on my computer and in My Pictures and it has been a long time since I did that, now I don't remember how to do that. Maybe I will have Alan help me. I guess my brain is not working right now. They went to the Padres game tonight and Alan will be here also.
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Wednesday Aug. 21 2024
Breakfast was cold cereal and coffee. Alden and I played Rummy-Q and he won 2 games I won 1 game. We had a discussion on things to do when Alan comes, so we will check these things out then. The family will be going to the Padres game tomorrow evening. Depending on when Alan gets here, he and I can go somewhere for dinner. I am looking forward to seeing Alan and here about his trip to Brazel. I know he and Abby had a great time. I received some things of Ethel's from Ida, some things I am giving to Good Will, some I will keep.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Tuesday Aug. 20 2024
My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana and a cup of coffee. Gina put my socks on, then I went to my recliner for a short while. Gina and I played "Hand and Foot" I was a BIG winner as I had 2,000 in every level and I would go out before Gina would get in her foot. There must be a mouse in our frig. as my other half of Chick fa la was missing so I had scrambles eggs for lunch. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was peanutbutter and jelly sandwich and two slices of cheese.
Monday, August 19, 2024
Monday Aug. 19 2024
Breakfast was cold cereal with banana. Went to my recliner to relax, then I checked my computer for messages and computer games and puzzles. Gina came to put my socks on and we waited for the girls to come with our lunch which was Chic-fa-la and I ate one half of mine to finish for lunch tomorrow. I had a afternoon nap, then check for more computer things. Emma is now walking about five or more steps by herself. She always goes to my walker for a ride when she sees me. Evening meal was another of McKenna's great dinners, I had three dates for desert.
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Sunday Aug. 18 2024
My breakfast was two eggs over easy on toast. I went to my room and had time in my recliner then I checked my computer for remarks on my blog. My lunch was chicken soup with crackers and grapes. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles. Evening was one half hamberger on bun with vegies and pickles, then there was some chocolate ice cream. Alden and I played "Hand and Foot" and Alden was the winner. I still like to play the games with whoever is available.
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Saturday Aug. 17 2024
When I went to the kitchen for breakfast this morning Alden was making scrambled eggs which I like with no additions and that was how he made it for me. I went to my room to wait for McKenna to come to help me with my shower. Lunch was a sandwich with grapes. Afternoon was computer things and a nap. Alden and I played the Rummy-Q game and he was the winner. Alden asked me if I would like to go to church with them, I told him I did not want to go to church as I have too much pain when sitting that long. They made soup and crackers for me before they left for church. Then I did my Bible reading while they were gone.
Friday, August 16, 2024
Friday Aug. 16 2024
My breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and a cup of coffee, Gina put my socks on. I went to my room to finish getting the things for Goodwill. I checked my computer for messages on my blog. Lunch was scrambled eggs and strawberries. I wish you could see Emma when she sees me she heads for my walker to get a ride, so today Andrew gave her a long FAST ride and she was so happy. She walks a few steps with no help. It is great to see how she progresses, she is ten months old now.
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Thursday Aug. 15 2024
Breakfast was cold cereal and banana and a cup of coffee. Gina put my socks on and she had a business meeting today. I checked for my computer things, and I did computer games and puzzles. McKenna prepared my lunch which was some leftovers. The afternoon was time spent getting things to take to the GOOD WILL. I had a nap and evening meal was a sausage, strawberries and grapes.
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Wednesday Aug. 14 2024
This morning for breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Gina put my socks on, then we played (Hand and Foot), Gina was ahead for the first four rounds then the fifth round I overtook her and I won with five hundred points ahead of her. You never know what will happen in this game. Lunch was a grilled cheese sandwich with strawberries. Afternoon was to check my computer things and have a nap. Evening meal was chicken, dressing and potato.
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Tuesday Aug. 13 2024
Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. I went to my recliner then check computer but it was updating for most of the morning. I did my bible reading and lunch was left over pasta with chicken and strawberries. Afternoon I did my computer things such as emails, blog messages and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was pasta with chicken and 1/2 banana. I took Tylenol for pain of my left leg.
Monday, August 12, 2024
Monday Aug. 12 2024
This is another hot day in the low 90's. My breakfast was cold cereal. I went to my room for a short time in my recliner. Next I checked my computer things, then it was my bible reading time which I am starting again time to read the New Testament. Lunch was egg salad sandwich with grapes. Alden will be teaching every day this week. Paige is getting ready for her cruise to Mexico with her friends. I like to see Emma as when she sees me she heads for my walker as she wants a ride on it, she is so happy to have a ride on my walker. Evening meal was made by McKenna and it was pasta and chicken with white sauce, then there was watermelon for dessert.
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Sunday Aug. 11 2024
Breakfast time was a waffle with blueberries and whipped cream. Alden and I played the brain game and I won one game and he won two games. I checked for computer things and then I did games and puzzles. Lunch was a green salad and pickled beets. Afternoon was a nap and computer things. Evening meal was spaghetti, pickled beet and cottage cheese. Emma likes the pickled beets too.
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Saturday Aug. 10 2024
This has been a warm day, my breakfast was scrambled eggs with cheese and vegies mad by Alden. Later on McKenna came to help me with my shower. I had a afternoon nap and computer things. Alden asked me if I want to go to church tonight with him and Gina and I told him I would rather stay at home as I have too much pain sitting in church so long, so they made a egg salad sandwich and cantaloupe for my evening meal. Paige is with me tonight.
Friday, August 9, 2024
Friday Aug. 9 2024
The same as usual, up early and at 9:30am I went to the kitchen for breakfast which was oatmeal with raisins and a cup of coffee. I went to my room for a short time in my recliner then time to check my computer and do a few games and puzzles. I outlined a folder for Alan to take to Taiwan, then I gave the folder to Gina for her and Alden to check and read before Alan takes it to Taiwan. The weather was in the 90's today, I am so glad that we have AC. Lunch was egg salad sandwich with grapes. Evening meal was chicken, rice and broccoli.
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Thursday Aug. 8 2024
Breakfast was cold cereal with banana. I went to my recliner and did some reading. Gina came and put my socks on. I checked my blog for remarks, I made a message to send with Alan to take to Taiwan. My lunch was scrambled eggs and grapes. Afternoon was a nap and computer games and puzzles.
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Wednesday Aug. 7,2024
Last night I had heartburn from eating Mexican burrito for Paige's Birthday. I must eat something light for evening meal. Today my breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Later on Gina came and put my socks on, then I sat in my recliner to read the Decision and I am sending two Decisions to Taiwan with Alan. My lunch was two scrambled eggs and grapes. Afternoon was nap time and computer things. Evening meal was a small taco, cottage cheese and beets.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Tuesday Aug 6 2024
Up at 7:00am and changed my bedding. Rested for a while then I went to get my breakfast which was cold cereal and banana then Gina gave be a cup of coffee and she put my socks on. Gina picked up my things to be washed and later when they were returned I folded and put away. Now when Emma sees my walker she wants a ride on it so I will show you a picture. She heads right for my walker when she sees it, she is walking a few steps by herself. Today is Paige's Birthday, we all had Mexican food for her Birthday.
Monday, August 5, 2024
Monday Aug. 5 2024
At about 9:00am I went to the kitchen to get my breakfast which was cold cereal and 1/2 banana. I went to my recliner to wait for Gina to come and put my socks on. Then we gathered the trash and put it in a trash bag. I checked the computer for messages on my blog. Lunch was a tuna sandwich and grapes. McKenna gave Emma a ride on my walker and now she goes to my walker to have a ride, she remembers that and she really liked that ride. Afternoon was bible reading. Evening meal was a special chicken which McKenna made and a green salad and a small piece of chocolate pie.
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Sunday Aug. 4 2024
This was a hot day, breakfast was cold cereal with banana. I put four weeks of medication in containers. I did bible reading and time in my recliner. We played "Hand and Foot", Gina and I were the winners against Alden and Paige. I received my washing and folded and put away.

Saturday, August 3, 2024
Saturday Aug. 3 2024
Alden, Gina and I just returned home from church, also McKenna and Emma were at church. The sermon was on the Holy Spirit. Today Alden trimmed my toenails and McKenna helped me with my shower.
Friday, August 2, 2024
Friday Aug. 2
I don't have much to report today but it has been a hot day at 96 degrees here in El cajon. I have been in my cool room most of the time, doing computer things, such as games and puzzles and I will say I am so glad I have a computer to keep me busy.
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Thursday Aug. 1
Weather looks like we might get some rain. After getting dressed and making my bed I checked for answers posted on my blog. Then it was time for me to go to the kitchen to see what was there for breakfast and I found oatmeal in a bowl for me to add water and put in the microwave to cook for my breakfast, I also had a banana with it. After breakfast I went to my room and latter on Gina came to put my socks on. My lunch was scrambled eggs and grapes then afternoon was doing more organizing in my room and a short nap. Evening meal was spaghetti and chocolate ice cream and a couple dates. I will take some pictures of Emma as she is crawling and waking a lot now. Well we did not get any rain.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Wednesday July 31
My usual was up early and get dressed and make my bed, time in my recliner. Turn the computer on to check notes of my blog, I love to read the notes. I am taking cranberry pill to keep me from getting the bladder infection. I think I will sleep better tonight after taking the cranberry pill. Today Alden and I played "Hand and Foot" and I was the winner so I guess I remember how to play the game. Evening meal was left overs and a few dates which Alden and Gina gave me from the short vacation.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
This is Tuesday
Up early as usual and get dressed and make bed, relax for a short time in my recliner. Went for my breakfast which was cold cereal. Gina put my socks on and got the napkins for me to fold to put in the drawer for easy use. My lunch was left overs with grapes. Afternoon was nap time and computer games and puzzles. Evening meal was green salad, spaghetti and chocolate ice cream and a couple dates. Alden and I played the Brain Game and he won all three games. My brain does not work very well for this game.

Monday, July 29, 2024
This is Monday
Up early getting dressed, make bed and relax in my recliner. I went to the kitchen and prepared my oatmeal and banana. Then I went to my room and checked my computer for updates. Alan sent a message that he arrived at Annie's safely. I cleaned my desk as it was getting so dusty, I don't know why everything gets so dusty.
Sunday, July 28, 2024
This is Sunday
Up early and get dressed and make bed then go to the kitchen for breakfast which was cold cereal and banana. I went to my recliner for a short time then I checked my computer to see if I received any remarks on my blog. Yes I got answers so it seems like I must be doing my blogs ok, hurray!!!. I am glad that I am doing that ok. For lunch Alan, Alden, Gina and I went to Jimmys which was great food with leftovers which I had some for my evening meal and also a small slice of pie. Alan has left for his trip to Brazel. I will miss him but he will be back in a couple weeks.
Saturday, July 27, 2024
This is Saturday
I was up early as usual and get dressed and make my bed and get things ready for my shower with McKenna's help. After the shower I relaxed in my recliner for a few minutes, then I went to my computer to check what was new. Lunch was a tuna sandwich and some dates which Alden and Gina gave me from their short vacation, they are so good. Afternoon was nap time and computer games and puzzles. A about 6:00pm Alan and I went to Foot Hills church for the evening service. We came home and had a snack and time talking with Alden.
Friday, July 26, 2024
This is Friday evening
Today has been a good day, Alan and I went to the Pancake House for lunch, then we went to CostCo for gas. Afternoon was a nap and evening was dinner with the family. We were going to play "Hand and Foot" but Alden was very tired so we cancelled that. It was a very warm day.
This is Friday morning
It is hard for me to blog at night as it is late at night until Alan is done with the computer space so by that time I am sound asleep, so here goes for a morning blog. I hope I am doing my blogs correctly now since Alan showed me how to do the blogs right. The weather here has been much warmer but great in the house. I keep busy doing my computer games and puzzles and bible reading. Alan has been doing great to make sure I get my meals.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
I was out too late to blog
I did not blog yesterday as I was tired. We met with Albert for evening meal at a buffet. I guess I am getting too old for this night life. Well here is a couple pictures.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Sorry I was not posting everything.
I did not understand about posting after making a blog for each day. Sometimes I hit the publish button and sometimes I did not. Alan helped me to understand how to do it. So my birthday july 23 you will see various posts from different days. I know it is a little confusing, but from today I should be able to do it correctly. Please forgive me I am 95 years old today.
This is Tuesday
Up early this morning and had a sponge bath to get ready to go to Tom Hams for my 95th birthday, which was spent with Alan driving me there. We left here about 11:30am to go to "Tom Hams Lighthouse". I had fish with chips and Alan had a turkey sandwich, we also had a appetizer. We were seated outside and watched Navy ship #65 being docked. We also viewed the hangers where Grampa Al. worked and the last place where I worked above the North Island Credit Union. Then we traveled down the Strand to Imperial Beach and Chula Vista, finally we headed back home. Latter on we finished our lunch for our dinner and now I am tired, it was a big day.